Chapter 0006

Aaron went outside without finishing his work in the backyard to relieve his anger. The humiliation he had received from his in-laws had made him the most despicable and lowly man on earth. His pride had been trampled on like a doormat, and he vowed to get even with them one day.

Aaron walked away from the Goldmeyer family home and stopped 500 meters from the mansion. Under a tree on the sidewalk by the roadside, he sat down, took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pants pocket, and lit the cigarette.

Aaron took a deep drag on the cigarette and exhaled the smoke into the air as he let out the anger he had been holding back. He looked around with his mind full; luckily, it was quiet, so he felt calmer to calm himself down.

After almost finishing a cigarette, Aaron left to go home. He felt tired and angry if he returned to his in-laws’ house. Aaron was surprised by the luxury car waiting in front of his house. Someone wearing a black suit got out of the vehicle as he approached. He was well-built and looked agile with his well-defined muscles underneath the suit. That man was the leader of the Reinhard family’s guards.

After searching for days, they finally got information about their young master and the condition he was currently in.

“Were you looking for me?” Aaron asked in a flat tone but was quite disturbed by the presence of the man who seemed to be waiting for him. He was only guessing.

“Right, Young Master. I just want to take you somewhere to talk about something. Can you spare some time?” The guard leader looked at Aaron with a severe gaze, his gesture alert and always on guard.

“What do you want to talk to me about? Maybe you’re wrong to deal with someone like me.” Aaron needed to figure out this man, but he remembered that some people had met him then and asked him to return to the group.

“I will offer you a favour.” The guard leader was trying to persuade Aaron to come with him; he had to use persuasion. The information he wanted to get about the young master Reinhard was obvious. The man needed help to remember who he was.

“Help? What kind of help?” Aaron wanted to know if he would go with the man depending on how important the help offered to him was.

“I will help you to regain your identity.” The guard leader stared at Aaron without blinking as he said the help he wanted to offer, his mind hoping that this negotiation would be successful.

Aaron was silent momentarily, looking down; he threw away his already short cigarette and stomped on it until its remaining flame was extinguished. He considered accepting the offer. All this time, one side of him felt empty, perhaps because he felt he had lost something.

“Really? How can I trust you?” Aaron looked doubtful as he stared at the guard leader with curiosity. The man smiled politely and opened the passenger-side car door for Aaron.

“Your family has been searching for several years and finally found you in this state.” The guards’ leader informed Aaron’s family of their efforts in searching for the man over the years. When they learned that their young master had been lost in the accident, it was like a breath of fresh air for his family, especially for his grandmother.

“My family? Who are they?” Aaron wanted to know, at least a little, about the things he needed to remember. It could trigger some of his lost memories.

“You are a member of the Reinhard family. In fact, the Goldmeyer family is not comparable to yours, Young Master.” The guard leader looked at Aaron with a compassionate gaze. Knowing the situation of the Reinhard family’s young master being degraded by a family that wasn’t even comparable to his family was an insult.

Aaron was willing to go with the guards’ leader to take him somewhere.

When Aaron exited the car, he was amazed at the building standing firmly and majestically before him. It was a mansion with luxurious decorations in the city’s most elegant neighborhood.

Two servants were standing at the main door to greet him.

“Who owns this luxurious mansion? And why was I brought here?” Aaron couldn’t hide his curiosity and asked the guards’ leader.

“This is one of the many properties you own, Young Master and you will spend the night here tonight before tomorrow, I will escort you to see a doctor to assist you in recovering your memory.” The lead guard’s reply took Aaron by surprise for a moment. Hearing that this large and luxurious house belonged to him made him even more curious about his true identity, and he didn’t believe it.

Two servants greeted Aaron politely and kindly and escorted him to a room that had been well prepared for him.

“Please rest, Young Master. Tomorrow is an important day, and you need a friendly atmosphere to start your examination with the expert doctor tomorrow.” The guard’s leader took his leave after saying his polite farewells.

“Young Master, I am the butler of this mansion; I will attend to your needs while you are here. Please let me know if you need anything. Everything you need is already prepared in your room.” The butler, who was almost half a century old but was well-built and looked dexterous, greeted Aaron respectfully before leaving.

Aaron was again amazed by the luxurious and comfortable room he would be resting in tonight. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment and gently ruffled his hair with both hands. He bent over and propped his elbows on his thighs. Feeling tired, she lay down and got comfortable with her back, feeling the high-quality mattress on his back.

He was thinking about tomorrow when he would go to an expert doctor to recover his memory. Aaron went to take a shower as his body felt sticky from the drying sweat. He also felt tired and immediately needed to rest in a comfortable place.

That night, Aaron felt like he had been doubly lucky. He had been able to experience the best bedroom and service he had ever had while married to the Goldmeyer family’s granddaughter. He married the older man’s favorite grandson but was treated like a loser and humiliated and even insulted.

However, the reason he agreed to go with the guard leader was because he wanted to get rid of the emptiness he had felt for the past three years of his life. Aaron felt like an empty shell following the flow of life. He had high hopes for the life he had lost so that he could reverse his current fate and circumstances.


After breakfast, Aaron got ready to go to the specialist. He also looked different from usual because of the clothes he found in the wardrobe in his bedroom. With those clothes, Aaron looked different; the leader of the guards and the butler were so happy to see Aaron’s changes in terms of his appearance.

“I’m glad to see you here and back, Young Master. After seeing the Expert doctor, you will truly return to your true self.” The guard leader assured Aaron before the man got into the car in the passenger seat.

When arriving at the city’s oldest hospital, Aaron was accompanied by the guards’ leader to walk in and head to one of the neurologist’s rooms for a physical examination. After getting a conclusion from the neurologist, the doctor also advised Aaron to see a psychiatrist to be able to do therapy.

“Welcome, Young Master. May I introduce Doctor Richard, who will assist you in overcoming the amnesia problem you are currently experiencing?” Doctor Richard greeted Aaron in a friendly manner and shook hands with him with a smile. He then invited Aaron to sit opposite him on one of the long sofas.

“Will I really get better after this hypnosis therapy session?” Aaron asked, feeling unsure. Doctor Richard smiled and nodded.

“Most likely so, Young Master, your memory needs a trigger to be restored immediately, let’s start the therapy session.” Doctor Richard, followed by Aaron, moved from the sofa to a comfortable lounge chair not far from the couch they were sitting on earlier.

Aaron began his hypnosis therapy session guided by Doctor Richard. After a few moments in trance mode, the memories that had disappeared from Aaron’s memory range returned one by one: his identity and the accident. Everything came like a group of bees that formed a neat and buzzing formation.

A few minutes later, after all of Aaron’s lost memories returned intact like puzzle pieces that found their mates, Aaron opened his eyes slowly and stared at the room ceiling where he was currently for a long time while blinking occasionally.

The look in his eyes began to change as Aaron slowly rose from his current half-lying position. Doctor Richard also observed him for a moment to confirm the changes that had occurred to him.

“Welcome back, Young Master Blake.” Doctor Richard tried to use Aaron’s real name, and sure enough, it got the response he wanted—the return of Young Master Blake Reinhard.

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