Chapter 0007

His memories of his natural life were regained, and he realized that he had been the missing family member after the accident. He is the heir to a multi-billion dollar family – the Reinhard family, whose influence spanned the entire country.

Blake was still where he was sitting at the moment, replaying all of his newly acquired lost memories. The accident in front of the mansion bothered him the most.

"Mr. Blake, are you alright?” Doctor Richard asked again when he saw that Blake was silent and his gaze was glued to the ceiling of his room.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for helping me regain my lost memories.” Blake said that without turning to Doctor Richard. The doctor smiled, and Blake took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He also tried to calm his mind, which had been shocked by the impact of his memories of the accident, which came like a wave.

After calming down, Blake opened his eyes, slowly moved from his current position, and sat with both feet on the side of the lounge chair.

“If you feel that you need further treatment, please contact the general practitioner to confirm your condition, Young Master.” Doctor Richard suggested as he sat back in his chair and looked at Blake seriously. Blake nodded, stood up, and thanked Doctor Richard as he shook hands with the doctor before heading out.

“Young Master Blake, how is it going? Is everything okay?” The head guard got up from his chair when he saw Blake coming out of Doctor Richard’s room. Blake lifted his face, looked at the man, and nodded.

“Everything is fine. I’d like to go to the general practitioner for a final check-up. No need to worry; it’s just a procedure before I’m declared completely well.” Blake exhaled loudly. The head guard agreed to Blake’s wish and would accompany him for the final check-up.

After being declared stable by the doctor, Blake was allowed to go home.

“Young Master wants to return to the mansion?” The security guard asked as they were on their way home.

“Yeah, I want to go to the mansion before I go to the bar in the afternoon to take care of some things there.” Blake replied as his gaze stared at the highway. His mind was thinking about his accident. He was angry with the cause of the accident and knew that his enemies must now feel victorious for having gotten rid of him over the past few years.

Blake folded his elbows and propped them on the car door handle. He clenched his hand tightly before his lips, vowing to avenge all his enemies who had pushed him away.

“Do you know who masterminded my accident?” Blake turned to the guard leader, who was driving.

“Your half-brother is strongly suspected of being the mastermind of the accident that happened to you a few years ago, Young Master, but your enemies who collaborated with your half-brother were able to protect him from being caught.” The guards’ leader recounted the suspicions that the Reinhard family had discovered about the accident to the wealthy family’s primary heir.

“Jason? Huh, I didn’t expect him to stab me in the back in such a despicable manner.” Blake looked so angry and vengeful with his half-brother – Jason Sanders. His position as the primary heir became the main target and caused conflict with his half-brother.

“So, where is the evidence?” Blake wanted to know, and he would later examine it.

“All the evidence has been handed over to your grandmother, Young Master. Please see your grandmother if you would like to know more about the accident and the evidence we have collected so far.” The guards’ leader glanced at Blake through the glass above the car’s suspended dashboard. He could see the anger that his young master was harboring.

“I’ll see them later and promise to make them taste my vengeance.” Blake said with pent-up anger.

“Was I the only victim of the accident?” Blake asked again; he knew nothing about what had happened to him.

“When the accident happened, you lost a family member, your brother was victimized by being eliminated. Your enemies held him back so that the position of the main heir was forever vacant and it was only a matter of time before Jason Sanders took over.” Walter explained the strong assumption of the cause of Blake’s accident a few years ago.

Blake could only remain silent and was still trying to gather the pieces of his memories that had not yet returned. However, he would try to recover his memory completely. It would help him understand what had happened and what he was facing in the future.


After clearing up a few things at the bar, Blake left. It was the last time he would set foot in this place again because his real life awaited him, and he had to plan his revenge. He was going to Maple Garden to meet a business client and secure a multi-million dollar contract.

Blake’s cell phone rang when he was near the bar’s exit. He had to pull over to avoid blocking the way of the bar patrons. When he saw Marylin’s name on the screen, Blake frowned.

“What is she calling me for?” Blake asked himself and answered the call.

“Hello, why you call me?” Blake turned his back on the customer’s table as he answered the call from his wife. Unbeknownst to Blake, a woman half a century old but still exuded the charisma of a woman of power and ingenuity walked into the bar and saw Blake talking to someone on the phone.

“Have you forgotten your duties in the kitchen? How dare you let those dirty dishes pile up in the dishwasher! Wherever you are right now, hurry home and wash those dirty dishes, because I’m about to vomit with the stench that spreads in the kitchen like perfume.” Marylin yelled at Blake on the cell phone until the middle-aged woman heard her. Blake moved the phone slightly away from his ear due to Marylin’s shrill, angry voice.

“I have important business. Marylin, you can call one of the services at your grandfather’s house to wash those dishes.” Blake was getting annoyed. He felt his wife’s attitude was getting too much.

“Aren’t you the servant in my family? So why would I call another servant? Go home right now before I tell my mom about this.” Marylin said that and then disconnected the call.

Blake exhaled loudly through his nose and swore in a small voice, but it could still be heard by the middle-aged woman standing behind him.

“Who is that woman? How dare she talk like that to the heiress of the Reinhard family.” Madam Elena’s voice looked at her grandson with eyes that radiated anger. She heard the words of the woman who called her favorite grandson, making her blood boil in her veins.

Blake turned to Madam Elena and was momentarily stunned to see a figure he hadn’t seen in a long time. His memory that had just returned a few hours ago immediately revealed the woman’s identity in his mind.

“Grandma? What are you doing here?” Blake couldn’t believe that his grandmother was in this place. He planned to meet the woman tomorrow morning after she managed to get the business contract.

“Of course to see you, Son; I heard about your improved condition from the leader of the guards, Walter, who said that he took you to see Doctor Richard this morning. You’re going to Maple Garden, aren’t you?!” Madam Elena explained the reason and chronology for coming to this bar and guessed her grandson’s plan.

Blake nodded with his lips pursed as he looked down at the cell phone.

“Then who was that sassy woman who dared to talk to you like that? Son, I could have gotten rid of her family in less than 24 hours.” Madam Elena looked serious, her jaw tightened. Blake looked at her with a severe gaze and smiled. It was the first time he had heard someone boldly say they would eliminate the Goldmeyer family.

“That woman is my wife, Grandma, the granddaughter of the Goldmeyer elder,” Blake told her Marylin’s identity. Madam Elena snorted scornfully.

“Goldmeyer? You married a woman from a family that can’t even compare to anything our family has, Son. Did someone from that family set you up first so that you would marry such a classless woman?!” Madam Elena could not hide her anger. Blake smiled at his grandmother’s contempt for Marylin’s family, but as he dug deeper into his memories, he saw that what she had said was true. His family was far more potent than the Goldmeyer family.

“I don’t know about that, it was Mr. Goldmeyer Meyer who asked me to do it and as you have heard, that woman never thought of me as her husband.” Blake felt that nagging again as he recalled all that Marylin and his in-laws had done to him. His pride had been trampled on for years.

“You take it easy, Son, I can avenge everything that woman has done to you. You just need to set a time and tell Walter what your plans are for the family. How dare she put you down like that.” Madam Elena seemed unable to tolerate Marylin’s treatment of her grandson.

“I’ll do it, Grandma, after all, I’m already planning to divorce her, so I don’t mind if our family can teach Marylin’s family a valuable lesson.” Blake fully turned to face his grandmother and pocketed his cell phone.

“Good, go ahead and do that and get back at them for what they did to you, Son.” Madam Elena felt somewhat reassured by her grandson’s decision. They quickly left the bar and proceeded to Maple Garden Virtuous Court.

Upon arrival, Blake was immediately greeted by the main waitress of the luxurious restaurant in a friendly manner.

“Welcome Mr. And Mrs. Reinhard, you are expected by some of your clients in the VVIP room.” The waiter provided the information and escorted Blake and Madam Elena to the VVIP room.

Madam Elena entered the room first while Blake paused to check his cell phone, which had been ringing since earlier due to Marylin’s call. However, just as he was about to leave, someone reprimanded him.

“Aaron?! Why is a lowly and classless man like you in this place? You shouldn’t be here, this place doesn’t suit you, not even an inch of this place can suit you.” Cousin Marylin-Calista reprimanded Blake with her sentence, which was like a slap to the man’s face.

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