The Lost Heir

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The Lost Heir

By: Denny OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 38

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From humble beginnings to unimaginable wealth, Kevin's life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers he's the long-lost son of a wealthy industrialist. But with great power comes great challenge, as he faces opposition from his new family and confronts the secrets of his past. Along the way, he finds love and redemption with Eden, the one person who truly stood by him. Will Kevin rise above his hardships and claim his rightful place, or will the ghosts of his past define him?

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9 chapters
Chapter 1
The streets of Newark was glowing with the blazing midday sun that shone relentlessly on the passers by and the cars that travelled along the roads.The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun and the sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky.In the college nearby, the students were all together, throwing jabs at each other.Kevin was standing in the midst of others holding on to an edgy Maya who wishes she could push his hand away.“Can we go out on a short dinner babe?” Maya was not particularly happy to hear that request. But she had to say yes, to be the good girl.“Okay. Where are we going to?”“We could do the Macdonald's at the campus hallway. Is that okay”“Such a cheap place?” She mused but nodded to him with a feigned smile.“Can I come with Layla? I just need to have a friend around.”“Hmm, okay. I have absolutely no problems with that. You can bring Layla along.”He did have problem with that but he was too worried to do anything that she would find annoying.De
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Chapter 2
When the young man had gotten bored of mocking Kevin, they all left him and walked away. The fading sun seemed to scorch. He was so depressed.He pulled himself up from the wet field grasses and sauntered out of the field with his head bent in shame and his body wet with the water some of them had emptied on him from their cans.“I guess I deserve all this,” he muttered to himself, “my punishment for daring to dream of a life with Maya.”His life was full of thorns and thistles, characterised by being raised in several foster homes and never having real parents.He was suffering and had a pitiable condition. He ordinarily should not have been able to afford college tuition or any tuition for that matter but he was just lucky that he was usually acing all his papers and hence, was always winning several scholarships.But, the scholarships could not cater to all of his needs hence, he still had to work hard and also not look so great.He was not fashionable and not appealing. His cloth
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Chapter 3
Her fists were clenched and the whole students were shocked to see her staring at Henry with a blazing gaze.“What you did now was clearly stupid. Why would you do that? What did he do to you?”An almost embarrassed Henry wanted to show how pissed he was and tried to make a move on her.“You would not even dare that, silly!” She grunted at him. “I will break your bones apart. Why don't you bullies ever pick on men your size?”“Oh, she has got a very sharp tongue,” one of the students watching commented. “She is quite brave,” another added.They were all stunned by her fierce defence of Kevin.“Is she dating him? I thought he was with Maya?”“Maya isn't his class, Eden is closer.”The scene was causing a lot of uproar and Henry knew there was nothing he could do.Kevin too was embarrassed that she was making the whole students talk about him.“Please stop, Eden. I appreciate what you're doing, standing up for me. But just let him go.”“He is a fool and he deserves to be told right in
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Chapter 4
“Woow, such a lovely couple,” everyone yelped with excitement, clapping even harder.Kevin walked closer to the crowd and began to push his way through, wanting so badly to be a part of whatever they were doing at the party.“Wait a minute, did Liam just give her a ring?” One of the students asked and Kevin stopped in his track.He was shocked and panic slowly started to build within him.“Could that be Maya?” He thought. “No, Maya would never receive a ring from Liam. She is with me.”Different thoughts were racing through his mind as he pushed himself through the crowd of students and finally got the the very center, under the chandelier in the dining area.The lights glittered over the couple standing and there, he saw his girlfriend sharing a highly intimate kiss with Liam.It felt like a large blow had been sent to Kevin's chest.“Maya?” Her name escaped his shaky lips. “What are you doing with Liam?”Maya and Liam slowly detangled from each other, their kiss still lingering for
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Chapter 5
Kingston's hospital was busy with emergencies because it was the closest to the Newark city college.Patients kept trooping in and out of it, cases wer being handled even into the night.Just in that same vein, the bloodied body of Kevin Smith was wheeled in and the entire emergency room was thrown into a frenzy.“He is bleeding profusely!” One patient yelled out. “I hope he makes it alive.”“Cause of injury?” the doctor on duty asked the Paramedic as she took over wheeling him to the emergency room.“Ghastly car accident, was knocked down and run over by a car.”“Blood type?” She asked again, approaching the emergency room which was already prepared for her by the nurses on duty who were hasty enough, seeing the state of the Patient.“His blood type is kind rare. The test we run in the van shows he is Rhnull. We don't see such blood types everyday.”The doctor paused for a second. “As in, he is Rh-?” She seemed to have shock etched on her face.“Yes doc. Rh negative.”“Hmmm,” muttere
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Chapter 6
Eden had tried for weeks upon weeks to reach out to her Friend Kevin before their final examinations but he seemed to be avoiding her.Everything she called him, it would bounce back and when he picks, he would sound edgy over the phone.“Are you okay?” She had asked one of the times and he insisted that he was fine that all he needed was to focus and study for the final exams.“But we study together, Kevin!” She retorted, staring at him with a surprise stricken face.“I would just like to be left alone for this particular exams,” he insisted, walking away from her as fast as he could.“I have a feeling that this isn't your wish, but it is okay.”Eden knew. Her hunch told her it was definitely Maya's influence over him but she did not want to press that idea so deep into him. She gave him the space he craved and stopped trying to reach him.After their graduation, she travelled back to stay with her parents, unwilling to.stay longer on campus to avoid getting into any kind of trouble.
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Chapter 7
The snow flakes fell beautifully from the clouds, creating an intriguing scene outside the hospital windows.Boredom was overtaking Kevin and he had no one to talk with.Eden had gone back to her house because her mother was not feeling too strong.He was lonely.The thoughts of Maya, the very same thoughts he has tried so hard to suppress kept manifesting in the silence of his heart.So, he was caught up on gazing out of the windows, admiring the beautiful snow flakes that seemed to light up in resonance with the hospital's lights.The door pushed open and doctor Taylor walked in with her tab and a diary.“Hi Kevin,” she had her usual smile and demeanour.“Hello…” Kevin replied with a smirk. He was grumpy and could not wait to get discharged.“I see someone isn't in his element today. What could be wrong?”Kevin let out a sigh of exasperation.“I guess I am bored as hell for lying on my back all day and all night. I just need to step out for a bit.”Doctor Taylor nodded with a gentle
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Chapter 8
Jack Smith was getting out of his office when his phone rang off over and over. He was trying to rush out of the office to get home to his pregnant wife but the way the phone was buzzing with calls, he knew he had to take it.He pulled out his phone and saw Pete's name on his screen.“I hope it is a lead to the Kevin case,” he murmured and took the call.“Hello Pete. What have you got for me?”“I told you someone was on our trail. Now, I am not guessing, I am certain.”Jack felt a pang in his chest. What was he about to say.“What happened?” He asked with curiosity cutting through him.“I got to the first home that took Kevin, the woman who Elizabeth handed the missing Son to and I found two men leaving. I didn't want to risk being seen by them and after they left I went in and found the woman dead.”“What?” Jack was dumbstruck. “Who do you think these men work for?”“I have their pictures on my camera but I cannot find nor trace them to anyone.”At this point, Jack was becoming convi
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Chapter 9
“By home you mean?” the young lady asked with confusion clearly etched on her face.“This man says I am probably related to someone and we are about to find out if I truly am,” Kevin wanted to keep the information he was letting out minimal. This was not because he did not trust Eden. But because he needed to be sure where the whole situation was headed.“So, how did he find you?” She asked, simply worried.“Hmm…the truth is Eden, this entire thing confuses me too but I guess I would have to unravel it before I can describe it.”Eden was still looking lost and thoughtful.“Well, if you are convinced about your safety with this man, please go ahead. I am just worried that I have never seen this man before.”Her face showed that she truly was worried because her burrows were creased with tension.“I truly appreciate all that you have done for me, Eden. I will never forget it.”She nodded gently and gave his palm a gentle, friendly squeeze.“We gotta run now,” Jack insisted, “we have go
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