Chapter 4

“Woow, such a lovely couple,” everyone yelped with excitement, clapping even harder.

Kevin walked closer to the crowd and began to push his way through, wanting so badly to be a part of whatever they were doing at the party.

“Wait a minute, did Liam just give her a ring?” One of the students asked and Kevin stopped in his track.

He was shocked and panic slowly started to build within him.

“Could that be Maya?” He thought. “No, Maya would never receive a ring from Liam. She is with me.”

Different thoughts were racing through his mind as he pushed himself through the crowd of students and finally got the the very center, under the chandelier in the dining area.

The lights glittered over the couple standing and there, he saw his girlfriend sharing a highly intimate kiss with Liam.

It felt like a large blow had been sent to Kevin's chest.

“Maya?” Her name escaped his shaky lips. “What are you doing with Liam?”

Maya and Liam slowly detangled from each other, their kiss still lingering for a while longer.

Maya was nit ashamed or worried that she was caught by Kevin.

“Oh, finally. He has come to know that he has been a pun in our game, Babe,” Liam scorned him and other students started laughing out so loud.

“Well, since you found out, I think it is best I let you know. I and Liam have been together for over three years.”

She snorted the words without even chewing on them first. She was heavily un bothered by how he felt listening to her.

“But you and I have been together for a year and half and you say that you love me,” Kevin cried out, looking around to see the scornful faces of the students who could not stop laughing at him.

“I and Liam basically used you for your intelligence because dating you meant I could do better in my school work and I could in turn help him too.”

Hearing those words slammed Kevin on his chest. It felt like life was being snuffed from him.

“You cannot possibly mean that!” he blurted, “I loved you and I was there for you and you even made me stop talking to Eden because you were jealous. Do you get jealous of people you don't have feelings for?”

Maya laughed scornfully at him, causing bitterness to rise within him.

“Get over yourself, Kevin. Eden was just getting in my way of being the best and most admired lady. And she could be because of her attachment to you.”

“So you caused us to part ways? So, all this was clearly manipulations?”

“Exactly! Now I see that you are indeed smart,” she burst into laughter and others joined in, including Liam.

“Look mate, you gotta leave this gathering now, your broke self will soon spread out on us all like wild fire.”

“And we will be as broke and poor and dirty as he is. Oh no!”

The students were taking their roll on Kevin, cursing him out heavily till his eyes glistened with tears. It was indeed the worst day of his life.

“Maya! This is cruelty. I don't deserve this!” He broke down, shaking like a child, whilst struggling to hold back the flood of tears that was coming to his eyes.

“Cruelty is you thinking you can confine a lady like me with so much class to you poverty-stricken life! What would you have offered me?”

“Rags and hunger!” Someone mentioned. “He would have offered you rags and hunger.”

Once again, they were laughing at him and making berating remarks about him.

“Whatever I have done to you Maya, please forgive me. But you cannot spend the rest of your life with this man. He is a bully. He bullied me a lot of times and you saw that happen.”

“He bullied you because you were not even man enough to defend yourself. What man gets bullied in this age and time?”

“Oh, and guess what, I would still bully you wherever I meet you for even thinking you could take my lady away from me.”

Liam's voice was stern and he had now pushed Maya aside and was standing before Kevin.

“You want a woman you do not deserve?”

“But how would you have taken care of her anyway?” Some random student asked.

“The guy is such a dreamer…” the mocked him, laughing as well. “How does one imagine something like that? Look, I am really interested in knowing.”

They were roasting him and it was heating him up.

He just stood there gazing blankly, not sure what to say.

He could see the contempt clearly etched on their faces and like never before, his place in the society, in their lives was well defined.

He could never be them. They would never accept who he is . They will always look down on him and to them, he will always be the commoner.

His head was spinning with heavy wmojtinsyas he watched Maya and Liam grip each other And continue twirling and dancing to the blues that was turned on.

“I love you so much,” Maya cooed into Liam's ear and Liam took her lips in the most sensual kiss once again, grabbing her buttocks playfully and she squealed, “do that again baby.”

They were intentionally trying to get Kevin heavily aggravated and angry and it worked.

He was having fierce rage burn through him.

The students made it worse by chanting;

“Loser Kevin! Loser Kevin! Loser Kevin!”

Maya and Liam joined in and he felt as though his world was turning in circles. He could not take it anymore.

He threw the gift and roses he got for her down to the floor and turned around and stormed out of the mansion, his eyes closed in anger. He was heavily furious and was nit thinking straight.

He was so blinded by his fury that he did not notice a car driving straight at him, flashing heavy headlights into his shut eyes and by the time he opened them up, he was on the floor, covered in a pool of his blood and the entire party invitees were emptied outside as they all gathered to see him lying in his blood, including Maya.

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