Chapter 6

Eden had tried for weeks upon weeks to reach out to her Friend Kevin before their final examinations but he seemed to be avoiding her.

Everything she called him, it would bounce back and when he picks, he would sound edgy over the phone.

“Are you okay?” She had asked one of the times and he insisted that he was fine that all he needed was to focus and study for the final exams.

“But we study together, Kevin!” She retorted, staring at him with a surprise stricken face.

“I would just like to be left alone for this particular exams,” he insisted, walking away from her as fast as he could.

“I have a feeling that this isn't your wish, but it is okay.”

Eden knew. Her hunch told her it was definitely Maya's influence over him but she did not want to press that idea so deep into him. She gave him the space he craved and stopped trying to reach him.

After their graduation, she travelled back to stay with her parents, unwilling to.stay longer on campus to avoid getting into any kind of trouble.

She also did not bother seeing Kevin, as he had wished.

But when she gets a call from the Kingston hospital about Kevin's condition, she hurriedly gets to hospital.

At the sight of him and the battered feature he now has, Eden cried out.

“What the hell happened to you?”

She was nit concerned about the distance that he had fostered between them, she was more concerned about his life.

“I was in a ghastly motor accident.”

“My God!” She was astonished and shaking with fear that he could have died and she would never have known.

“This is beyond an accident, Kevin. This is assassination. I mean, how does a driver knock someone down in that manner?”

Kevin toom a deep breath.

“It actually was not just him who was at  fault, I was also wrong because I was not paying attention to the road.”

Eden's eyes widened with shock at those words. “Whatever happened, Kevin? I feel you aren't even telling me the entire story.”

Kevin knew he had to let her know how he ended up in that ghastly accident.

“I was at thet party Liam hosted with the intention of gifting Maya a graduation gift and hanging out with her but I saw a shocking scene.”

“Her and Liam?” Eden scoffed.

Kevin was shocked to hear that. “Wait a minute, you knew and you never told me?”

“I found out after you stopped talking with me. I tried to reach out to you but you would not take care my calls. What was I supposed to do?”

“But you could have tried texted me or told me directly…”

“And risk being tagged a relationship destroyer?” Eden asked looking at him astonishment.

“You were deeply into her and I had already tried to warn you.”

Kevin knew that she was right.

He shut his mouth and stopped trying to speak about Maya. Even the thoughts of her and the betrayal she meted out on him tore his heart apart.

“Where will you go to after you get discharged from here?”

Kevin shook his head.

“I haven't figured that out yet. I was going to beg one of the warehouses I used to work for to take me in and let me work for more time so that I can afford my little crib.”

Eden was silent. The only sound was the sound of her heart panting and her heavy breathing. She felt pity for him.

“You could come and stay with me till you get much better.”

She said it with so much emotions and Kevin felt joy and guilt thugging at his heart, tirelessly.

Joy that he had a friend in and guilt that he almost pushed her away.

“I would totally appreciate this,” he squealed, looking away from her.

It was almost like he could not accept how good her heart was.

“Thank you so much, Eden.”

“It isn't that much, Kevin. It is the least I can do.”

“But are you sure your family would feel good about having me around?”

“They will not have issues with that. My mother understands care.”

Just like that, Kevin earned himself a spot in the Walker's heart and in their lives.

Eden cared for him while he was at the hospital. She would make sure he ate and had everything he needed all from her pocket.

Even the doctor Taylor and the other nurses were amazed at how much she cared for him yet they were not a couple.

Meanwhile, Jack Smith who was smitten by that uncommon occurrence between Kevin and Charles Montgomery did not relent in figuring out who Kevin really was and why his blood coincidentally matched Charles's rare blood type.

He contacted a private investigator and paid him handsomely to run background checks in Kelvin and his origin.

Before Charles died, Charles made Jack promise him that he would find his son and that his son would take over his empire.

He was worried that his wife, Elizabeth would run down the business.

“I am sure my son will be smart like me and he must have my brains too. He will run this empire and make it my dream business.”

Jack remembered it like it was yesterday, the vivid memories cutting through him.

He could not believe that time had passed that much.

He was seated in his car, almost a week after meeting the young, wounded man, Kevin and he was waiting for his investigator whomhad called him with a demand to see him.

Jack Smith was occasionally checking his phone . The investigator was taking a bit of time.

After what seemed like forever, he saw Pete walking up to his car.

“Finally!” Jack exclaimed, feeling slightly anxious about the possible results of the investigations.

Pete slid into the car and shut the door.

“You took so much time,” Jack Smith mentioned, looking at him intently.

“I am sorry but uncovering facts about that Charles missing Son was quite a dangerous feat. It seems as though someone wants these facts buried forever.”

Jack felt a pang of anxiety in his heart.

“What does this mean?” He asked

“It means I would need more time and I will need my tracks covered.”

Jack's heart sank.

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