Rise Of The Hidden Student Billionaire

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Rise Of The Hidden Student Billionaire

By: Divi Chris OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 43

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As a student with an uncompleted tuition fee, the situation was already worse, But it got critical when Alex's only sister needed an urgent surgery for her heart disease, and a million dollar was needed for the operation. Talk less of the fact that he caught his girlfriend cheating together with his best friend on campus, Alex was Unable to get this money. He had to revisit his past. A past that he had tried so hard to hide from. But it didn't matter anymore. Because he was about to release a new era in Cornell University.

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8 chapters
Poor Students Always Get Heartbroken
Alex was running against time as he rushed towards the boys’s dormitory. The doctor made it clear that his lil sister's condition had gotten critical, and at least a million was needed to begin with the operation. Alex couldn't come up with such an amount of money, on such a notice. Even the salary from his part-time job couldn't pay that amount, even if he worked for two years. He believed that the only person that could assist him with some funds was his best friend, Blake,who was from a third class rich family. He had been trying to reach Blake through the phone, but Blake wasn't picking up his calls, nor replying to his messages, so Alex had no choice but to run as fast as he could, to school, and then to Blake's personal dorm apartment. He quickly passed by the first dorm building which was made up of large single rooms which contained at least two students with poor backgrounds, per room. Then he headed to the second building which was more fancier, and made up of several a
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Harsh Punishment For A Small Crime
The two followed Mr Ambrose to his office. As they entered nervously, Mr. Ambrose motioned for them to take a seat.Mr Ambrose stared at both of them for a while, “ Okay, Alexander and Blake. I've brought you here to listen to both sides of the story. Blake, would you like to start and explain what happened?" He said, Breaking the silence.Blake, with a look of determination, launched into his version of events, detailing how Alex had allegedly caused harm to him for a minor issue.After Blake was done, Mr. Ambrose, with a thoughtful expression, nodded and turned towards Alex. “ Alex, it's your turn now. Please share your side of the story."Alex, with a mixture of nervousness and sincerity, recounted the events from his perspective, emphasizing that it was a moment of misunderstanding and unintended consequences. "Mr. Ambrose, I deeply regret my actions and I am willing to accept any consequences." He said sincerely.“Hmm I see,” Mr Ambrose nodded thoughtfully, he noticed that Alex
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The Double Cross
Out of all the options, Alex could only think of one place to go, and that was his boss, Mr Rogers, who was the general manager of Emrand Enterprise. He couldn't go to the bank because he didn't possess any property that was valuable enough to serve as loan collateral. He had been working hard as a part time worker, under the supervision of Mr Rogers, so he was hoping that Mr Rogers would be kind enough to lend him the money.As he arrived at the enormous building of the Emrand Enterprise, he headed straight to Mr Roger's office.The closer he got to the office, the more nervous he became. He finally stopped in front of the closed door, and paused.He glanced at his watch, anxiety taking over his insides as he realized how every passing second was crucial. Finally mustering up the courage, Alex knocked on the door and entered as soon as he heard Mr. Rogers' commanding voice granting him permission.As soon as he got inside, he laid out his plea. "Mr. Rogers, I need to talk to you a
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Tough Decision To Make For Leah
If Alex wasn't mistaken, the face in the ID card was that of his boss’s assistant. Immediately, he was filled with rage when he realized the betrayal that his boss had organized. However, he couldn't go back to the Emrand Enterprise at the moment, because he was out of time. Instead he rushed to the hospital to plead with the doctors not to discharge his sister and give some more time. But when he arrived at the hospital, Leah was lying weakly on a bench outside of the hospital, her face pale. She had been discharged and abandoned there. Alex's heart ached at the sight of his beloved sister, abandoned and vulnerable. He knelt beside her, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up. "Leah, Leah, wake up," he whispered urgently. Leah stirred, opening her eyes slowly and looking up at her brother with a weak smile. "Alex, you're back," she mumbled. "Leah, why are you out here? You should be inside, resting," Alex asked. Leah looked down, her eyes filled with tears. "The doctors t
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Facing The Lawyer, Not The Law...
After Alex had signed the papers, he asked Peter to get the Chief Doctor of the hospital, and instruct him to start the operation on Leah immediately.“Excuse me! Where’s the Chief Doctor?” Pete called out to a passing nurse, who gave him a bewildered look before pointing him toward the doctor's office.Pete rushed to the Chief Doctor's office, one of his men following behind him with a suitcase filled with three million dollars for the operation, and Alex followed closely with Leah on his back.They stepped into the Chief doctor’s office, where the man himself was poring over charts with his assistant. He glanced up, his brow furrowing as he noticed the tension in the room.“Greetings Mr Chief Doctor. I understand that three million is needed to begin the operation for Leah here. We have the money here in cash. Pete said, nodding to his man to open the case filled with the money.“I will appreciate it if you commence with the operation immediately.” Pete added.The Chief doctor leane
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Doctor Vigo Loses His Hospital
“Is she okay?” Was the first question which Alex asked the moment his gaze fell upon the nurse. The nurse remained silent and kept a straight face as she kept walking towards Alex and Pete. When she was close enough, she halted and looked at the two men. “ Which one of you is closely related to the girl?” She asked. “Me!” Alex replied. “Please come with me.” She said as she turned to leave. “What's going on?” Pete asked trying to follow the duo. “Not you, him only!” The nurse said to Pete as she led Alex away into another room. “Well… at least tell me what's going on!” Pete shouted to deaf ears. When Alex was seated, the nurse stared at him with eyes that seemed as if she could see his soul. “Your sister…” she started, but paused. “Yes, what about my sister?” Alex anxiously asked. “ Well…Your sister is fine… she is now resting. You'll be able to meet her after 60 minutes.” The nurse disclosed. Alex breathe a sigh of relief, “ oh thank God.” He smiled with joy. “But you,
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The Boss Gets Fired
After a brief drive, Alex and Pete reached the Emrand Enterprise. Alex had explained everything that happened, and Pete was looking really pissed.As they entered the giant building, they stepped into the lobby, where the reception desk was empty apart from an anxious intern who glanced up nervously. “Where’s your manager?” Pete asked her.“Uh, he’s in his office… I think?” she stuttered.They both strode towards the office, where the manager, Mr Rogers, sat behind his desk, a smug smile plastered across his face.“Well, well. If it isn’t my little part-timer. What do you want, Alex? I’m a little busy.” “Oh, I’m sure you are. Busy plotting another heist, I assume?” Rogers couldn't help but laugh out loudly. “Plotting a heist? Have you lost your brain?” “Oh, don't play dumb with me, I know what you did. You gave me a loan, and collected My ring as collateral, then you went ahead to send your men to steal back the money despite the fact that I told you about my sister's condition.
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Alex's Grand Return To Cornell University
“I thought I was being paranoid when I noticed them flirting, but—” Alex shook his head in grief.“ Hmm… I can’t believe you got kicked out for such a reason, I sense foul play here.” Pete said, while adjusting his glasses.His brow furrowed. “So what about Blake? He’s the one who instigated everything!”“I know!” Alex sighed. “But his dad is a third class rich man. His family has money and connections. I believe all these aspects helped the dean to make such a biased decision.” “Well, that’s absurd!” Pete exclaimed. “You can’t let them get away with this. You are a Hawthorne, and you deserve some respect. I’ll take care of it.” he reassured Alex.Alex looked at him, appreciation in his eyes. “You don’t have to do anything too rash Pete. I am just tired of fighting. That is the reason I left Italy. All I've ever wanted was a simple and peaceful life for Leah and I.”“As you say, Young Master. I will try my best not to make any rash decision, but rest assured, you will be reinstated i
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