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By: Victor Amos Regannez Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 32 views: 165

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Marvin was living a fulfilled life being recognized as the rightful heir to his father's vast tech business empire and living happily with his beautiful wife and kids, not until he lost it all in an instant. His father had denounced him as heir to his business empire and later on, Marvin got to find out that he was not the actual father of his kids as his wife proudly revealed her infidelity to his face. This all happened because the Synapticore force which was a necessary element needed to run the family business was not discovered in his body and as such he was considered worthless and too mundane even when he had helped his father generate tens of millions of dollars. He was believed incapable of running the family business and competing with other business rivals that possessed other powerful and efficient mechanisms and supernatural elements that helped them to not only maintain the family pedigree but to keep up with the intense rivalry in the business sector. In all the rejection he faced for being too mundane, little did they know that he had a much greater and overwhelming supernatural force within him. It was nothing like they could have conceived or ever imagined. It was the Ultra Mega Synapticore Force.

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  • Victor Amos Regannez


    Cast aside as worthless, Marvin's hidden Ultra Mega Synapticore Force is about to awaken. His rise will shatter those who betrayed him. Are you ready for the reckoning? Are you all ready for Marvin's rise from the trenches to the ultimate throne of dominance?

    2024-09-09 15:08:08
Latest Chapter
32 chapters
Marvin had just stepped down from his Mitsubishi Mirage. He had just finished ensuring a successful auctioning of the tech goods that were manufactured by his father's tech company and as such, after successfully auctioning the tech goods and amassing a fortune of four million dollars, Marvin felt confident and accomplished. event that spanned for three days. "Father is certainly going to be proud of me." He thought to himself. He was elated due to his achievement and couldn't wait to break the news to his father. He believed that this act of his would strengthen his father's faith in him as the heir and the only child. He entered the Richmond mansion and upon reaching his room, he collapsed on his bed, just to have some respite, and rest his strained limbs. "Knock! knock!" "Who is there?" Marvin looked towards the door. An elderly woman in her early fifties walked in. She was his mother Mrs Richmond. "Hey, Marvin you are back." She moved over to Marvin who was now seated upr
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"For goodness sake dad, how could you betray me by depriving me of my right as rightful heir to your business empire?" "Well it is simple, you do not have this." He pointed at the glimmering synapticore mark on his forehead. "Oh, so it all boiled down to this?" Marvin looked frustrated. "After all I have done for your company, after the bridges I helped you to build? For goodness sake within three years, I alone helped this company of yours to generate more less than hundred million dollars." "Come on Marvin, that was never enough. From day one, you were never cut out to be part of my company." Mr Richmond said flatly. Marvin's ears twitched upon hearing that. More so he couldn't believe that it was his father that was saying this. Marvin had given his best for the company, pouring his heart into the business because he was passionate about tech. During those times, he believed that the Richmond tech group was going to be his someday, he always looked forward to being in ch
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Marvin parked his vehicle just outside Mayor's Bite restaurant and immediately alighted from the vehicle. He hurried to the back so he could open the car door for his children. "Come on Bryan, take it easy or you would injure yourself." He warned his son who suddenly jumped out of the vehicle."Hey sweetie, come here it's time to come out of the car." He said sweetly to his cute little daughter as he stretched his arms to carry her out."Dad, is your head still aching you?" Bryan asked as he saw the bandage wrapped around his father's head."It's not that bad. At least it's better than yesterday." "Are the floors there at your workplace that slippery?" Bryan was curious."A little bit, but I promise to be more careful next time eh." He tried to assure Bryan.Bryan nodded innocently."Papa!" Marvin's daughter muttered towards her father."Oh my baby girl." He began to kiss his daughter on the cheek while three of them entered the Mayor's Bite restaurant."Hey, hello Mr Fredrick." Mar
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Marvin was immediately prompted to stand from his seat. His breath became shallow as his heart raced. He looked like someone that needed explaination. "Honey welcome, how…""Hey my little angels!" Martha ignored Marvin as she moved to hug her two children."Mommy you are late." Said Bryan who seemed to miss his mother so much."Ugh, I know you miss me very much, but I am here."Marvin was shocked at the attitude of his wife because she had always been very affectionate and clingy towards him.What was happening now?She had never ever ignored him before so all this was new.However, Marvin decided to let his wife be because a bigger threat was infront of him, the person who was responsible for the searing pain in his head.He was the main threat to his family and he needed to confront him.Despite what Daniel had done to him, he was still mad and unafraid of Daniel. He wasn't even afraid of the dangerous effect of the Synapticore force he possessed.His hatred towards Daniel was fres
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Like a flash, he clenched his fists and lunged towards the unsuspecting Daniel.With Marvin's fists clenched so tightly that it turned white, his eyes were locked onto the Synapticore mark on Daniel's forehead, and without hesitation, he lunged forward as his body was fueled by pure rage and adrenaline.In a swift powerful motion, Marvin delivered a wicked blow directly into Daniels forehead. His fists crashed into the Synapticore mark with such force that it sent a shockwave through Daniel's body."You stole everything from me, Daniel!" Marvin snarled, his voice thick with anger. "And now, I'm going to destroy you!" He released the second punch.His instincts was to kill him at this point."Oh please, Marvin," Daniel sneered, with a voice that dripped with sarcasm as he quickly regained his footing. "You always were such a drama queen. You think fighting me changes anything?"Marvin’s rage intensified at Daniel’s dismissive tone, as his eyes were blazing with fury. "You bastard, I a
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Two days later, after Marvin was discharged from the hospital, he was driven back home. He was still sober because of the shocking revelation from his wife. It was a dreadful reality because not only did he spend much energy and resources loving the wrong person, his wives revelation meant that he didn't have kids.After treatment was administered on his injured head, he had to be placed on therapy for twenty four hours.But was that enough for a man that had just lost everything?For a man that had lost his reason to live and love?"Hey man, I understand that you are going through a whole lot in your mind." Said Mr Fredrick. "But try not to be hard on yourself okay?" He continued."Okay." Marvin replied before coming down from the vehicle."I will be going now, if you need anything, just call me eh."Marvin nodded. And as Mr Fredrick drove away, Marvin strode to his opulent two storey building which was inside the Richmond estate.While he opened the gate, he saw a black G-wagon veh
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Daniel's fingers brushed over the edges of the papers. His lips curled into a mocking smile as he skimmed through Marvin's meticulous calculations and notes."Marvin Marvin, you have really put a lot of effort into all this haven't you?" He mused, as his tone feigned admiration.His eyes darted back and forth over the equations, but the glint in his eyes betrayed his true intentions.He took one of the papers and held it in his two hands. "I wonder how it would be when it is torn into two." He said mockingly."Daniel, don't." Marvin warned with a voice that was firm but tinged with desperation. "Those are years of research, they are my life's work. You surely do not understand the magnitude of what you are doing."Daniel looked up from the papers, his expression shifted from fake curiosity to cold indifference. "Oh, I understand perfectly." He said with a smirk. "You see, Marvin, what you think is so important to you—these scribbles on paper—they are nothing but trash before my eyes."
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A few days later, Mr Richmond was seated in his office, watching a hologram that showed how his production staffs were developing a Quantum Computing Algorithm.These were algorithms that could harness the power of quantum computing to solve complex problems, such as optimizing supply chains, financial modeling, or advanced data encryption.In a few minutes, Mr Richmond leaned back in his leather chair, his eyes narrowed as he focused on the hologram infront of him. With a deep breath, he raised his his hand to his forehead, where the synapticore mark began to pulse.As his fingers made contact, the mark ignited a blue light, bathing the room it's glow.The energy from the mark surged through him, connecting his thoughts with the intricate workings of the Quantum Computing Algorithms his team was developing.As the connection solidified, the hologram began to shift, displaying complex data streams and projections.With the aid of the Synapticore force, his mind raced through the poss
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Marvin walked through the entrance of the company building to the reception. Upon reaching where the receptionist was and upon sighting him, her eyes were wide out of shock. "Good morning Master Marvin." She greeted. "Good morning Mrs Flora, how is everything?" "Everything is fine. How about you?" "I am good." Replied Romeo. "So sorry about what happened to you, I on you must be going through a lot right now." "I know Mrs Flora, but what would I do, my father has made his decision." Marvin shrugged his shoulders. "You know I really wish you had the synapticore force within you, you surely would have been a great leader." She was aware of how hardworking and passionate Marvin was during his time at the company. "Well, I don't have it." "About your wife…" "No Mrs Flora, don't go there, I don't wish to remember anything about Martha Arceneaux." Marvin interrupted. "I am sorry about that master Marvin, but what I really wanted to say, is that I have a niece that you c
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Marvin's words hung in the air, and the mood in the room shifted. David who had been so confident, now looked a bit nervous.Marvin's smile grew, but there was no kindness in it.Marvin calmly pulled out his phone and started making calls. David watched him, confused and nervous, not knowing what Marvin was about to do.Marvin dialled the first number, and he spoke confidently into the phone."Hello, Mr. Charles Williams?""Hello Master Marvin, how are you?""I am fine Mr. Charles.""So what is it?" Mr Charles asked."Um Mr. Charles Williams, I just wanted to let you know that I am no longer working at Richmond Tech group. I think you should take your investments out of the company right away.""Marvin, this is sudden. Why are you leaving Richmond Tech Group? Did something happen?" The voice at the background sounded surprise."Let's just say that there has been a shift in the company's direction that I can no longer align with. It is a strategic decision on my part, Mr. Williams. I b
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