Author: Victor Amos Regannez

Marvin had just stepped down from his Mitsubishi Mirage.

He had just finished ensuring a successful auctioning of the tech goods that were manufactured by his father's tech company and as such, after successfully auctioning the tech goods and amassing a fortune of four million dollars, Marvin felt confident and accomplished. event that spanned for three days.

"Father is certainly going to be proud of me." He thought to himself. He was elated due to his achievement and couldn't wait to break the news to his father.

He believed that this act of his would strengthen his father's faith in him as the heir and the only child.

He entered the Richmond mansion and upon reaching his room, he collapsed on his bed, just to have some respite, and rest his strained limbs.

"Knock! knock!"

"Who is there?" Marvin looked towards the door.

An elderly woman in her early fifties walked in. She was his mother Mrs Richmond.

"Hey, Marvin you are back." She moved over to Marvin who was now seated upright and hugged him.

"Yes mother." He replied.

"You look stressed." Mrs Richmond noticed how Marvin didn't look so good. "How was the event?"

Before Marvin could utter a response Manuel Jonas who was a personal assistant to Mr Richmond walked in.

"Good day Mrs Richmond, good day master Marvin, Senior Richmond requests both your presence, it is a very crucial meeting."

"A crucial meeting?" Mrs Richmond seemed surprised. "How would my husband decide to have a crucial meeting without letting me know about the details before hand?" She looked angry.

"I am sorry for how this impromptu message would be of some inconvenience to you, but this is an order from Mr Richmond and you are to comply accurately."

Without wasting any more time, Mr Manuel Jonas turned to leave, with the door closed behind him.

Mrs. Richmond's mind raced with questions.

The sudden meeting and her husband's unusual secrecy stirred a sense of unease and curiosity.

She had not properly welcomed her son after a tiring trip and now she is hearing of a crucial meeting.

On Marvin's part, his muscles were strained, but even though he was tired, he felt a surge of pride and readiness as he prepared to attend the crucial meeting."

"You heard Mr Manuel." Mrs Richmond said. "Prepare yourself and see you in the living room." Mrs Richmond said before rushing out of Marvin's room with a face that contorted with annoyance.

Marvin had a feeling that something was not right.

Suddenly, Marvin entered the living room and seated on the plush sofas, were members of his father's board of directors on crisp suits and serious faces.

He recognized them because he was a staff there at the company.

He waved a hand in greeting and took a seat beside his mother.

After about twelve minutes, his father Mr Richmond walked in with his personal assistant Manuel Jonas and immediately took a seat at the lead table.

A subtle, shimmering light reflected from Mr. Richmond's forehead, indicating the presence of a rare and powerful ability known as the Synapticore Mark."

The Synapticore Mark on Mr. Richmond's forehead was more than just a unique symbol; it showed that he had an amazing brainpower that had been passed down through his family for generations.

This special mark helped him come up with brilliant ideas and run the Richmond Tech Group successfully.

It wasn't just a cool-looking mark; it was a force that had upgraded Mr. Richmond's intelligence, allowing him to think ahead, invent new technology, and handle the company's business really well.

His father and grandfather had the same force which was used to build and grow the company during the different generations they led.

As Mr. Richmond sat at the head of the table, the mark seemed to glow with the weight of the family’s legacy and the big responsibilities ahead.

The Synapticore Mark wasn’t just a family tradition; it was a sign of the amazing abilities that helped lead the Richmond Tech Group to the multimillion dollar company it was today.

"Good day all." Mr Richmond greeted.

"Good day." Everyone in the room greeted back, looking eager to hear what Mr Richmond was about to say.

All of them looked eager except Mrs Richmond who was still annoyed at the fact that her husband did not reveal his intention to hold this meeting before now.

"Okay, I know that this is an impromptu meeting that has surely taken everyone here unawares but I am never going to apologize for that." He said with a dominant tone and his body movements displayed nonchalance.

"I am in my sixties and as such anything can happen to me because as you all must have noticed, I am not as sharp, strong, and effective as I used to be some years back."

No one nodded, but the look on their faces showed that Mr Richmond was saying the truth.

"And since I am of age, I have to introduce you all to my heir, my son who would be in charge of the Richmond tech group when I am gone."

Yeah right, was it necessary? Marvin thought.

"Honey was it necessary for you to call for this meeting just to introduce Marvin as your heir? Come on, they are very much aware that he is your only child."

Mrs Richmond said this because there were about two members of the board of directors that flew from a distant country just for this meeting because they were not based here.

Mr. Richmond’s voice was firm and unyielding as he said, "Keep quiet woman, let me finish what I have to say."

Marvin was shocked to his bone marrow.

He was stunned by the harshness in his father’s voice because that was something he had never witnessed before."

He had known his father to be this sweet caring husband towards his mom.

What had happened today?

He thought that maybe they had a quarrel but the look on his mother's face showed that this was new to her.

However, Mrs Richmond chose to relax since her son was going to be given a formal introduction to the board.

"Back to what I was saying. Members of the board, I wish to introduce to you, the heir to my multi million dollar tech company, Master Daniel Richmond."

Mr Richmond motioned for the ursher to bring in the person he called and in no time, a tall, handsome and muscular young man who was in his early twenties just like Marvin walked in with a woman in her late forties.

He looked elegant in a crisp suit, he was clean shaven, and he had this aura of dominance around him. Funny enough, he was a carbon copy of Mr Richmond.

How could this happen?

I thought that I was my father's only child? Marvin thought.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The scene was like a dream that he didn't want to be in.

After all this years of serving his father's company?

"Marvin’s voice was filled with confusion and anger as he demanded, "Dad, what is going on here? I don’t understand why this is happening."

"And who do you think you are to ask me such question?" Mr Richmond was angry and shocked due to the way his son spoke to him.

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