The Unexpected Ultimacy

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The Unexpected Ultimacy

By: Tyqun Nla Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 123

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Hannah Walmer broke up with Michael Quinn because he was poor. Hannah and her new lover further humiliated Michael publicly. This left Michael devastated and heartbroken. He then considered taking his own life. But just as Michael was about to end his life, something unexpected happened. He discovered he possessed incredible abilities beyond his wildest imagination.

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22 chapters
Chapter 1
It was 8:30 PM at Skyline Restaurant. Michael Quinn, a waiter, was seen before a simply decorated table in the regular dining area of the restaurant.He looked so stressed and tired, with his uniform drenched in sweat. This was because the day's shift had been so hectic for him.Despite how tired he was, he still took the time to decorate a table to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday.He made this warm arrangement as a surprise for his girlfriend, Hannah Walmer.Michael and Hannah had been dating since their last year at university. Since then, he had wished to celebrate her birthday elaborately. Unfortunately, his account balance had never allowed him to do so.However, Michael had worked hard to make today different.As one of the lowest-paid waiters at Skyline Restaurant, he was able to make this day exceptional by spending all his savings.Michael rose to his feet, gazing at his beautiful handiwork. A soft smile appeared on his tired face, yet he felt fulfilled.The table was cov
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Chapter 2
All attention fell on Michael, their faces contoured in surprise."What's going on here, Hannah?! What are you doing with this spoiled brat?!" Michael thundered, gritting his teeth. His hands were clenched into fists.Austin's face changed instantly, and he jumped to his feet in anger."How dare you, a poor thing, cause trouble here? Where has a pauper like you borrowed the courage?!""I have no business with you, spoiled brat. Allow my girlfriend to answer my question. Do not intimidate her!" Michael's eyes were very red with rage."Hahaha! Even the poor long for good things. What rubbish?!" Austin sneered and then turned to Hannah."Babe, do you know this low-life?"Hannah looked exposed as her eyes blinked twice. "I'm sorry, Honey. I never told you about him. He used to be my boyfriend, but I have broken up with him."Michael's heart sank in his stomach, and his voice cracked. "We have been dating for three years. We even had quality time together last night. So, what are you talki
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Chapter 3
The rain continued to pour heavily, beating down on Michael, yet he wasn't feeling it. The pain of rejection and humiliation engulfed him.He stared at the ground beneath him, and a sad smile appeared on his face."I've lived all my life in pain and poverty. I will find peace down here," Michael's voice cracked.He was heartbroken and wished his parents had been rich too. He could have lived off his inheritance.He snapped his left hand to his chest, grabbing the only inheritance his parents left for him: a jade pendant.He pulled at it, and the necklace broke off. He clutched the jade pendant tightly in his palm.He remembered what his mother had told him about the pendant: "With this pendant, your potential is limitless."Michael swallowed a forceful lump down his throat and felt his mother's remark about the pendant was just a fallacy.Michael opened his hand, gazing at the jade pendant. "Whether you're worthy or not, today will be the end of everything."The tears he had been hold
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Chapter 4
After a few hours, the day became brighter. Michael was very far asleep when his phone began to ring over and over. After several attempts, the caller stopped calling.The sun was already burning hot when he finally woke up. He stretched his body, yawning when his phone began to ring again.With half-sleepy eyes, he swiped the blinded screen of his phone and picked up the call."Where the fvck are you, loser? Why haven't you resumed work by this time of day?!" A very rough and angry voice wailed before ending the call.The sleep in Michael's eyes wiped away right away, realizing it was Jack Harris, the manager of Skyline Restaurant. He glanced at the wall clock and discovered it was already past twelve.He jumped out of bed, trying to prepare, and sprinted to Skyline.He hurriedly searched for his uniform before he found it soaked and stinking where he had kept it last night."Oh, shit!!" He cursed, running out of his room.In less than twenty minutes, Michael arrived at Skyline.As s
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Chapter 5
Vivian's face widened in panic. She was so afraid that Michael would be injured because he wanted to defend her.She would put a stop to the attack instantly if she had the capacity. Unfortunately, time can never be retrieved.Meanwhile, Michael's eyes closed shut, and he heard the robotic voice.[Make a wish and consider it granted in a millisecond.]Michael remembered everything that happened last night and whispered, "I wish to become the greatest martial artist in the world."Ding!In a flash, the hologram appeared, and he could see it in his mind.[Congratulations, Michael Quinn. You're now the greatest martial artist in the world.]Michael felt a surge of energy flow into his memory. Numerous fighting techniques were popping up in his mind.Then his eyes opened wide, grabbing Blade's fist with ease. "You made a wrong move." Michael spat on his face before breaking his wrist."Arghh!!" Blade groaned as his wrist made a cracking sound. "Bam!" Michael's punch landed hard on his che
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Chapter 6
"This kid is a clown! All his outfits aren't even worth ten dollars. Does he even know what ten million dollars is?" "I think you should go back to your sleep because this can only happen in your nightmares." The onlookers were making comments, including Michael's colleagues. Vivian was feeling a little awkward. She knew Michael's worth and even his background. There's no doubt that it might cost him his entire life before he could make just ten thousand dollars. Where would he find ten million dollars then? This time, she felt she had been carried away by Michael's confidence. "Michael, you do want to make the payment?" Vivian asked as she returned to reality. "Of course, yes. Take the card and proceed with the transaction." Michael's voice remained calm and relaxed. With doubt, Vivian collected the card. The machine for bigger transactions was provided. Vivian inputted the amount and swiped the card. Unfortunately, the machine signaled a red light, declining the transactio
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Chapter 7
A stare of admiration fell on Michael from every angle. They wondered why a billionaire like him chose to disguise himself by wearing cheap clothes. Jack's hoes moved away from him, finding him disgusting. They all wished they could lure Michael into their arms and make him theirs. Vivian's phone beeped, and she hurriedly checked it. The gorgeous woman nearly fainted when she discovered she had just received ten million dollars in her account. She only followed her instinct to stay behind Michael. She never thought that it would bring such a fortune into her life. This time, all the workers who had been mocking Michael fell to their knees, asking for forgiveness. The guards who had wanted to fight him earlier also joined. Jack Harris only used them for his foolishness; turning against him wouldn't be a bad idea. Moreover, Michael seemed like an oriented leader. He wasn't just a skillful fighter; he was also a secret billionaire. "Rise, I forgive you all. But none of you m
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Chapter 8
It was as if they had just hit a rock. They wondered how a young guy could be so strong. They all rushed to their feet, staring at Michael as though they had just seen a ghost. "Dude, hurry up and get out of here before things turn south for you," one of the gangsters threatened again. He hadn't finished his words before one of them threw an unexpected kick at Michael. The lad grabbed the gangster's leg midway and flung him at his team. "Argh!" they all groaned as their bodies hit the floor. As soon as they saw Michael walking toward them with a clenched fist, they all hurried to their feet and fled the warehouse. "Who is this beast?!" one of them shouted as they rushed into their vehicle and drove away. Michael moved closer to the young lady and helped her unconscious body up. He rested her back on his lap, gazing at her pale face. The effect of the drug made the lady's face look very pale and numb. Then Michael thought about how he could help her. He closed his eyes and whis
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Chapter 9
"How true is that?" the man asked in doubt, scrutinizing Michael from head to toe. The dude looked so young and lean. 'How was he able to rescue my daughter with such a slim body?' the man questioned inwardly."I'm very sure, Dad," the lady assured.Then, the man beckoned to the burly men to give him some space. He walked closer to Michael, staring into his eyes. Then he moved on to studying his body language.The billionaire had once studied criminology in school. It was easy for him to detect a criminal if he found one.Meanwhile, Michael wasn't afraid, nor was he fazed.After a while, the man stretched his hand forward for a handshake. "Thank you for saving my daughter."Michael took a few seconds pause before he locked hands with him and replied, "It wasn't a problem."After that, the man asked Michael, "The information that reached me indicated that the gangsters are up to four in number. How were you able to handle that?"With a bland facial expression, he responded, "Life matte
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Chapter 10
Michael walked into the customer support center calmly. The department looked so empty, with only one staff member remaining as the day's hours drew to a close.The staff member remaining in the department was a lady, and she had her attention on the computer screen before her."Good afternoon, Miss. I need assistance with my account," Michael explained as he approached her.The lady raised her head and scrutinized Michael with a cold glance. Her face contorted in disgust, and she returned her gaze to the computer screen.Judging Michael by his outfit, she felt he wasn't worth her time. She stayed behind because of the big names who visit the bank when it’s almost empty.After attending to them, she could stylishly ask for tips. Meanwhile, Michael looked so poor. He wasn't included among the group of people for whom she stayed behind."I only want you to check my account balance..." Michael was explaining when the lady snapped at him."Allow me to breathe, young man. The bank is close
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