Marvin was immediately prompted to stand from his seat.

His breath became shallow as his heart raced. He looked like someone that needed explaination. "Honey welcome, how…"

"Hey my little angels!" Martha ignored Marvin as she moved to hug her two children.

"Mommy you are late." Said Bryan who seemed to miss his mother so much.

"Ugh, I know you miss me very much, but I am here."

Marvin was shocked at the attitude of his wife because she had always been very affectionate and clingy towards him.

What was happening now?

She had never ever ignored him before so all this was new.

However, Marvin decided to let his wife be because a bigger threat was infront of him, the person who was responsible for the searing pain in his head.

He was the main threat to his family and he needed to confront him.

Despite what Daniel had done to him, he was still mad and unafraid of Daniel. He wasn't even afraid of the dangerous effect of the Synapticore force he possessed.

His hatred towards Daniel was fresh.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a malevolent look on his face. "Because if I can remember correctly, I didn't invite you for my wife's birthday celebration."

Daniel smiled, coupled with that, he didn't seem to be at all bothered by the rage and indignation that was written all over Marvin's face.

"Hey chill man." Daniel said calmly. "I came here to see the kids and celebrate with Martha. I don't mean any trouble. At least not yet, since it is very clear that you have not recovered from the pain I caused you a few days ago." That wicked smile was still on Marvin's face.

The jibe was working as Marvin's rage intensified.

He was seriously tempted to ask Martha how she was related to Daniel Richmond but a moments hesitation caused him not to do so.

"Get out of my sight!" Marvin ordered, I don't want to see you anywhere close to me and my family." He pointed towards the exit of the restaurant.

Suddenly, Martha sprang forward and shoved Marvin aside. "Hey, you watch who you are talking to, you hear me." She said with a sharp tone that was stern and daring.

"You cannot behave rudely to anyone just because you can do so!" She continued.

Marvin's eyes widened in shock as couldn't believe that it was his wife that spoke to him in such manner.

He struggled to believe if it was actually his wife that was speaking or another woman.

What had come over her?

Why the sudden change in character?

"Wait Martha, are you speaking to me in such manner?"

"Who else would I be speaking to if not you?" She retorted back. "You need to respect yourself or else you would see the other side of me." She warned.

"Hmmm, looks like we are in for some real good drama here." A man who was seated at the far right said.

"Surely that woman has some guts." Said another person.

"Come on baby, take it easy, you surely do not want to scare the children eh." Daniel said as he took hold of Martha's waist and held her to himself.

He wanted to caution Daniel against holding his wife in such manner but what Daniel did next made him speechless.

He kissed her.

Marvin had expected Martha to slap Daniel on the face but within that time frame, it looked like Martha was comfortable with Daniels kiss.

"Hey man that is my wife!" Marvin moved to shove Daniel away from his wife, but Martha maintained her stance close to Daniel and blocked Daniel from moving closer.

"Martha what are you doing?" Marvin was surprised. He just couldn't understand Martha's attitude and it was affecting him deep down. "Why would you let him kiss you in my presence?"

"Um Marvin. I know how this would sound but I think it is time to tell you the truth."

Marvin began to feel disturbed within him. He and Martha always communicated well with each other.

"What truth?" Marvin asked.

They spoke about almost everything that came to their minds, revealing everything including their strengths and flaws, what truth was she talking about now.

"You are not the father of those children." Martha said nonchalantly.

"Come on Martha stop all these joke." Marvin looked around to see if there was some Camara videoing them because he believed that this was a skit.

"I am not joking." She took out out a document from her handbag. "This are the results for the DNA tests." She held the documents out for Marvin to see.

Marvin was taken aback. He pinched himself to confirm if he was dreaming.

What had caused Martha who he had known as a sweet, loving and affectionate wife into a nonchalant, audacious and disrespectful woman.

How could she even say this to him.

"Take it!" She forced the document into his hand upon noticing his reluctance.

Marvin decided to open it and my God, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, this…this cannot be possible. How…when?"

Funny enough, instead of being afraid, Martha looked fulfilled. She was fulfilled that she finally told him the truth that she had been hiding for years.

"I knew your father would never choose you as his heir and thanks to my father, Daniel right here the real true heir of the the Richmond tech group was discovered and we kick-started our wonderful secret love story. Isn't that my love." She smiled proudly at Daniel.

"It is as you say." Daniel affirmed and both of them kissed each other.

The truth was Martha's father John Arceneaux who was the CEO of Arceneaux Enterprises predicted Daniels emergence as the true heir due to the Mindscape force he wielded, which provided key members of the Arceneaux family telepathic powers and the ability to predict the near clear future and read the mind.

Upon this notice, arrangements were made for an alliance with the Richmond's and Martha Arceneaux was secretly engaged to Daniel, three years before she had agreed to get married to Marvin.

With all this revelation, Marvin not only felt betrayed, but he also felt humiliated.

His rage increased and suddenly, he let go of the fact that he still had a searing pain his head.

Like a flash, he clenched his fists and lunged towards the unsuspecting Daniel.

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