Like a flash, he clenched his fists and lunged towards the unsuspecting Daniel.

With Marvin's fists clenched so tightly that it turned white, his eyes were locked onto the Synapticore mark on Daniel's forehead, and without hesitation, he lunged forward as his body was fueled by pure rage and adrenaline.

In a swift powerful motion, Marvin delivered a wicked blow directly into Daniels forehead.

His fists crashed into the Synapticore mark with such force that it sent a shockwave through Daniel's body.

"You stole everything from me, Daniel!" Marvin snarled, his voice thick with anger. "And now, I'm going to destroy you!" He released the second punch.

His instincts was to kill him at this point.

"Oh please, Marvin," Daniel sneered, with a voice that dripped with sarcasm as he quickly regained his footing. "You always were such a drama queen. You think fighting me changes anything?"

Marvin’s rage intensified at Daniel’s dismissive tone, as his eyes were blazing with fury. "You bastard, I am not just going to beat you, Daniel—I’m going to make you suffer, right here, right now!" he shouted, his voice was raw with emotion as he struck again, landing another vicious punch on the mark.

Daniel smirked, barely flinching as he wiped a trickle of blood from his lip. "You think you can make me suffer? I’ve had worse from people who actually mattered," he mocked, as his tone was infuriatingly calm.

Marvin's fury reached a boiling point, and his voice trembled with rage. "Shut up! You’ve taken everything from me—my inheritance, my family, my reason to live and love! I won’t let you get away with it!" His fists were a blur as he rained down punch after punch, each one was fueled by his burning desire for vengeance.

"Blah, blah, blah," Daniel drawled, rolling his eyes even as he staggered under the force of Marvin’s blows. "You really need to get over yourself, Marvin. All this rage—it’s pathetic."

Marvin’s face twisted with anger, as his fists slammed into Daniel with renewed force. "Pathetic? I’ll show you pathetic!" he roared. "I’m going to break you, Daniel! I’ll tear that smug grin right off your face!"

Daniel winced as another punch connected with his forehead, but he forced himself to laugh, the sound sharp and mocking. "Is that the best you’ve got? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of powerhouse. You’re just... sad."

Marvin’s fists trembled with fury, his voice shaking as he shouted, "You think this is a game? You think I’m playing around? I’m going to finish you, Daniel, and no one will even remember your name!"

"Oh, I’m shaking," Daniel shot back, with a voice that was laced with sarcasm. "Come on, Marvin, give it your best shot! Maybe you’ll actually land a hit that matters!"

The glow of the Synapticore mark began to intensify as Daniel, despite the onslaught, attempted to activate it. Marvin noticed and his rage flared even more.

"Not a chance!" Marvin growled, his fist connecting with the mark in a brutal punch that sent Daniel reeling. "You’re not using that on me—not now, not ever!"

Daniel staggered but managed to stay on his feet, as the smirk never left his face. "You’re just delaying the inevitable, Marvin," he taunted, his voice was mocking as he wiped more blood from his mouth. "Sooner or later, you’re going to fall—and I’ll be right there to laugh at you."

Marvin’s fists were relentless, every punch was a manifestation of the pain and betrayal he had suffered with the past few days. "I’m not falling, Daniel!" he shouted, as his voice was filled with determination. "I’m standing here!"

With one final, thunderous punch to Daniel’s forehead, Marvin sent him crashing to the floor. The Synapticore mark was now a faint, dying ember on Daniel's brow.

Breathing heavily, Marvin stood over him, with his chest heaving with the exertion of his rage. "You were always full of hot air," Marvin muttered, his voice was now laced with contempt. "Now look at you—nothing but a broken shell."

Now that Daniel was on the floor, a couple of patrons rushed to intervene and quell the already heated altercation.

"Hey man, please calm down." Said on of the men that held Marvin back.

A few others moved to where Daniel was and attended to him.

Funny enough, that smug grin never left his face. "You can be angry all you want, I know that I am not very physical and strong as you are, but I tell you, this would always be the difference." He pointed at the Synapticore mark on his now bloodied forehead.

"I have taken everything from you, and there is nothing you can do about it. Ha ha."

Marvin's face turned red, and despite being restrained by three men, he tried to force his way towards Daniel. "Let me go, let me destroy this snake." He grunted.


Marvin felt a searing, crashing pain on his bandaged head. "Ahhh!" He grunted out of pain.

Martha struck Marvin with the bottle of beer that was on his table.

Immediately, Marvin fell to the floor, his vision blurred as the pain sent shockwaves throughout his body.

While Marvin was on the floor, Martha stood over him. "How dare you touch the father of my children?" Her face was contorted in anger.

She raised the bottle in an attempt to strike his head once more but she was restrained by Mr Fredrick.

Meanwhile, her children just sat there, glancing innocently and the whole drama.

"Hey madam, don't do that." He collected the bottle from her. "Do not commit murder in my restaurant."

"Then warn this incompetent wimp to learn to control his anger or else I will kill him myself." She warned.

Did she just call Marvin a wimp?

This was a man that held her in high regard.

"Just calm down madam and move the other way please." Mr Fredrick directed.

"You know, I am fed up with this place, take your stupid membership card, I don't value people that are friends with this insecure loser right here." She threw her membership card at Mr Frederick.

She was aware of their friendship, however she left Mr Fredrick and moved to her husband.

Upon noticing the injuries on his face, she called the bodyguards outside and when they arrived they helped Daniel to his feet.

"Darling come let's leave this godforsaken restaurant." She said to Bryan.

She carried her little daughter and held Bryan by the hand.

"What about dad?" Bryan asked innocently. "He doesn't look so good."

"That is not your father." Martha said as she glanced at Marvin who was in excruciating pain one last time before she followed Daniel and his bodyguards out of the restaurant.

Mr Fredrick who had observed the confrontation all this while looked at Marvin with pity.

"Marvin was such a good man, he didn't deserve all this." He thought.

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