Two days later, after Marvin was discharged from the hospital, he was driven back home. He was still sober because of the shocking revelation from his wife.

It was a dreadful reality because not only did he spend much energy and resources loving the wrong person, his wives revelation meant that he didn't have kids.

After treatment was administered on his injured head, he had to be placed on therapy for twenty four hours.

But was that enough for a man that had just lost everything?

For a man that had lost his reason to live and love?

"Hey man, I understand that you are going through a whole lot in your mind." Said Mr Fredrick. "But try not to be hard on yourself okay?" He continued.

"Okay." Marvin replied before coming down from the vehicle.

"I will be going now, if you need anything, just call me eh."

Marvin nodded. And as Mr Fredrick drove away, Marvin strode to his opulent two storey building which was inside the Richmond estate.

While he opened the gate, he saw a black G-wagon vehicle parked outside.

That was strange because the vehicle didn't belong to him.

Without much further thought, he hurried to the entrance and opened the house. To his greatest surprise it was empty.

His furniture, his television, his home theater, winery, the decorations were no where to be found.

"What the hell is this?" He exclaimed. "What on earth is happening here?" He knew something was not right.

Was he robbed?

That couldn't be the case because the Richmond estate was heavily secured and by the way, the environment still looked serene and undisturbed as always.

However he was least concerned about the furnitures, TV's and stuff, and despite the pain at the back of his head, he rushed to his private room where all his research work, thesis and theories were.

While he hurried towards his room, he prayed that those paper works of his were not tampered with because that was his life's work. It contained tech related research.

In no time, he arrived the second floor where his private room was located, and what he saw was not what he wanted to see…his private room door which had been locked was open.

Marvin entered inside the room at once and he got to discover that not only was it opened, it was also empty, save for the desk that contained his paperwork, and a hunky figure that was glancing at the white board that contained theories and advanced calculations.

It was his father Mr Richmond.

Marvin's heart skipped a beat and not only that, he jerked out of fear because he never expected his father in his house after what his father did to him.

In fact, he expected to be welcomed by a lion than to be welcomed by the stern gaze of his father.

"Dad?" Said Marvin.

"You are really good with math." Mr Richmond began with a false calm.

"Dad where are all my stuff?" Marvin looked serious.

"What stuff?"

"Come on dad, don't pretend like you don't know anything. Where are my stuff?" Mr Richmond let out a deep sigh and walked towards Marvin.

"You say your stuff?." Mr Richmond furrowed his brows to the center.

"When did you ever own anything in your life?"

Marvin looked surprised because he found that question unnecessary, I mean even though the property was built by Mr Richmond, Marvin used his own money to refurbish the property and make it comfortable for himself and his family.

"What are you trying to say dad?" Marvin looked confused.

"You think that because you make some mediocre contributions to my company, generating chicken change that meant nothing at all and because you of that, you think you deserve to be regarded as somebody?"

"You think that things you did or these scrap you call research is going to mean anything for my company?" Mr Richmond fury began to surmount.

"Dad, please where are my stuff?" He decided to be calm just for the fact he wanted to respect his father.

"I do not know about anything in this house belonging to you, because the money used in getting these things were generated from my company, my establishment not yours. By the way I had all of them burnt to ashes."

Marvin gasped in shock.

Did Mr Richmond mean what he was saying?

Marvin couldn't believe his ears. "And by the way, you no longer own this house. Suddenly about three hefty men walked into the room with Daniel Richmond in their midst.

Marvin was indignant upon seeing Daniel Richmond, but he was mad with rage upon seeing Martha and the two kids.

"I wanted all your stupid stuff out so I could tear down this house and build a better and bigger house for me and my family." Daniel said proudly. "They deserve better, especially after waiting for me for all these years."

"You surely have a good heart darling." Martha said and kissed Daniel on the lips.

Marvin shook his head, disbelieving the fact that this was actually his reality.

"Yes, we would be tearing down and we would build a mansion." Said Mr Richmond.

"Dad, all these is insane." Marvin muttered. "Besides the fact that this wizzle here has synapticore force, he doesn't have the technical know how to run the company. He doesn't know anything about tech." Marvin said angrily.

Mr Richmond's face was contorted into a frown. He moved towards Marvin and almost instantly his hand shot out like a flash.


Marvin's ear began to ring because the impact of the slap was great.

"How dare you call my genuine son and heir to my company a wizzle?" Mr Richmond said with a stern tone.

"You could never have been able to do what Daniel did for me."

"It was because of him, the Bowen group ended their long lasted rivalry with us and agreed to partner with us, awarding us a contract of hundred million dollars." Mr Richmond said proudly.

"Did you hear that? A hundred million dollars in just one day. Could you ever think of doing that? Could you have ever been able to fathom that?"

Marvin was tempted to feel inferior due to the surmounting figures Daniel had generated for his father's company.

But he knew his worth, he believed that no matter what they said about him, or what they felt about him, that never made him less than any of them.

Since this was an unfavorable atmosphere with all the insults and belittlement from his father, he didn't see the need to remain in the building.

"Dad, since you don't want me to be in this building, at least allow me to take my research work with me."

"What research work do you even speak about?" Daniel asked.

"Those paperworks on the table." Martha replied, pointing at the papers on the table. "And the write-up on the board."

"Hmmm, interesting." Daniel strode towards the desk where Marvin's research was.

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