Marvin parked his vehicle just outside Mayor's Bite restaurant and immediately alighted from the vehicle.

He hurried to the back so he could open the car door for his children. "Come on Bryan, take it easy or you would injure yourself." He warned his son who suddenly jumped out of the vehicle.

"Hey sweetie, come here it's time to come out of the car." He said sweetly to his cute little daughter as he stretched his arms to carry her out.

"Dad, is your head still aching you?" Bryan asked as he saw the bandage wrapped around his father's head.

"It's not that bad. At least it's better than yesterday."

"Are the floors there at your workplace that slippery?" Bryan was curious.

"A little bit, but I promise to be more careful next time eh." He tried to assure Bryan.

Bryan nodded innocently.

"Papa!" Marvin's daughter muttered towards her father.

"Oh my baby girl." He began to kiss his daughter on the cheek while three of them entered the Mayor's Bite restaurant.

"Hey, hello Mr Fredrick." Marvin greeted a middle aged man with a perfectly groomed moustache. He was the owner of the place even though he wore an apron and his hands were white with flour.

"Hello Mr Marvin, how is your day?"

"Oh my day is good." Marvin replied.

"Why do you have a bandage on your head?" Mr Fredrick asked upon noticing Marvin's bandaged head.

"Oh, I fell terribly at my workplace."

"Oh, sorry about that." Mr Fredrick looked sympathetic towards Marvin. "Anyways I see you and your children are all set for momma's birthday celebration." Mr Fredrick put up a courteous smile as he glanced at the children.

"Yes Mr Fredrick." Marvin replied on behalf of the children. "So Mr Fredrick, how about the cake." Marvin asked.

"Oh, you mean the cake for your wife?"

"Yes." Marvin replied.

"I am done with it, and I assure you, you would love it." Mr Fredrick assured Marvin. "By the way, were is she?" He looked curious after seeing that Martha, Marvin's wife was not with them.

"Oh, she said she wanted to sign some papers at her workplace. She would be with us shortly." Marvin replied with confidence.

Suddenly, Mr Fredrick leaned towards Marvin. "Now Marvin, I am not supposed to say this but as your friend, I must tell you the truth."

"What is it?" Marvin's look turned into that of someone that was confused.

"To be honest, I believe that spending a whooping twenty five thousand dollars on just a cake is too expensive for a birthday celebration that involves just you, your wife and your little kids. Are you sure Martha is worth all of this?" Mr Fredrick appeared to be cautious as he spoke.

"Mr Fredrick, Martha means the world to me, she is very supportive, she makes me happy everytime and more importantly, just take a look at the beautiful children she bore for me." Marvin said proudly.

"Okay, if you say so, I am fine with it. It was just a suggestion, because you know the country's economy is not to favourable since the commercial gladiator's are growing aggressive each day due to their intense rivalry. Many a time I wish these people were just normal business men without any force, supernatural abilities and special element that influences their decisions."

"Mr Fredrick, even though the world, reaches a state of apocalypse, I will go out of my way to make Martha happy." Marvin said proudly.

Mr Fredrick stared at him for a while. He wondered what kind of love Marvin had for his wife because it was too intense and seemingly perfect.

"By the way we would be waiting at that table over there." Marvin pointed at the table he and his children intended to sit on before moving there.

While Marvin and his two children were sitted around the table, he ordered for a drink for himself and cookies for his children.

After sometime, he grew worried due to the absence of his wife.

It was past twenty minutes and yet she had not arrived at the restaurant. He picked up his phone and dialled her number, but unfortunately, there was no reply.

What could have gone wrong?

What was keeping her?

Marvin couldn't deny the eagerness on the faces of the children to see their mother.

While Marvin was still in deep thoughts, Martha walked into the restaurant. She was impeccably dressed, revealing her curvy shape and endearing features.

She was a very beautiful lady and how Martha was still able to maintain her natural beauty even after giving birth to two children was a mystery.

Once Marvin caught sight of his wife, he was elated. A broad smile appeared on his face as he looked proud of the woman he called his wife.

However Marvin's face suddenly changed from that of pride to that of confusion and horror as his wife held out the door for someone familiar.

"It was Daniel Richmond, his step brother."

Marvin couldn't believe his eyes.

How was Martha his wife related to the man he hated the most?

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