Almighty Lord Adam

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Almighty Lord Adam

By: Anakin Detour Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 268

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"I'm done with this farce of a relationship, and I'm exhausted from the constant drama. If you're so eager to get rid of me and divorce, then be prepared to uphold your end of the bargain. I demand the $10 million, as agreed upon. But that's not all - I want my kidney back..." Adam lost his memories and was seen as a useless son-in-law and treated unfairly by everyone. After regaining his memories he became the lost Supreme General, Lord Adam of Coastal Flair. He'll break every single person's bone that disrespect him.

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  • Anakin Detour


    Warning: this book may cause excessive eye-rolling, jaw-dropping, and spontaneous yelling at fictional characters. Prolonged reading may lead to sleep deprivation, social isolation, and a strong urge to slap some sense into the characters (don't worry, they can take it).

    2024-09-05 04:42:26
  • Anakin Detour


    Abandon all hope, ye who enter here... just kidding, but seriously, this book will ruin your life. It'll keep you up at night, make you question your sanity, and leave you wondering if the characters are more messed up than you are. So, if you enjoy a good trainwreck, buckle up and enjoy the chaos!

    2024-09-05 04:41:03
Latest Chapter
22 chapters
Chapter 1
"Push me against the wall and tell me I drive you crazy." This was the kind of relationship Adam was hoping to have with his beautiful wife that made him sacrificed his kidney to cure her sickness. But instead... *** “I'm sick of your constant excuses about your mother! It's time to choose between me and her.” Rachael's words dripped with exasperation, her patience worn thin by her husband's repeated dodging of responsibility." Adam had just arrived at the Odia mansion, still drenched in sweat from his day shift job, only to be met with his angry wife, Rachael. “Don't say that Racheal, I need this money for my mother's treatment, you have to understand” Adam tried to explain walking closer to her. “Please don't come closer, your sweat stinks so bad, you'll ruin my dress!” Rachael scorned. Adam couldn't believe the same sweat that he had to endure to make sure she's happy is the same thing she called stink. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't be hustling this way. With a sn
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Chapter 2
“Stop Rhea, that's not true, it was an honest mistake!” Adam tried to keep her calm.Suddenly the entire family woke up, rushing to the scene. “What's going on Rhea?” Monica asked with concern.Immediately Rhea saw her family and she faked a cry making the whole scenario look real. “Mother” she cried and hugged Monica. “What's wrong Rhea, did someone hurt you?” Monica pet her on the head.“It's Adam's mother…” she pointed at Adam.The whole family gazed at Adam, meanwhile his heart skipped and he swallowed hard. “I swear to God it was a mistake”“You a*s hole! What did you do to my sister?!” Robin, the youngest son, grabbed Adam by the shirt.“Tell me sweetie what did Adam do to you? And why's your dress ruined?” “Mother-Adam tried to rape me, I just came in to drink some water and he suddenly grabbed me and started…” she cried harder. “He started harassing me, mother, I tried to escape and he ended up forcing himself on me and ruining my dress” she cooked up a story to cover up the
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Chapter 3
“Father would never allow me to divorce that bastard, in the name of honoring grandfather's deal with Adam. I wish I could but I can't”“Yes you can Racheal” Rhea said. “And I'm going to help you with it”“But how?” Racheal asked.“I have a plan that will actually work” a smirk escaped her lips.***Racheal and Rhea then walked out of the room and went back to the sitting room where Adam and the rest of the family members were.Everyone was in suspense on what Racheal was about to say.“I'll forgive you Adam only on one condition” Racheal started making Adam more curious.“What condition Racheal?” His eyes were begging for answers.“Today's my birthday and the decorations will soon start, and I'll want you to serve as one of the waiters at the party tonight” she replied with a smirk on her face.“What?” Adam's jaw dropped.Monica and her sister Theresa smiled in satisfaction of Rachael's request. This will be a perfect punishment for this loser.“How can I serve as a waiter Racheal?
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Chapter 4
"Oh my God Drake, I didn't know you would actually make it." Racheal said excitedly."Anything for you babe." Drake replied"Babe?" Adam was puzzled, why was he calling her babe didn't he know she was married? Adam then looked at her finger and noticed she wasn't putting on their wedding ring."Why didn't Racheal wear her ring?"Suddenly Monica went to greet Drake."Oh my goodness, Racheal you didn't tell us you were close friends with the Penthouses, please bring him to come greet your father." She said happily.Drake nodded and was taken to Mr Luther."Good evening Mr Luther, I'm excited to finally meet you in person." Drake shook hands with Mr. Luther."It is also an honor to have you as our guest, I didn't realize you were this close with my daughter. I believe this will be beneficial to both parties." Mr. Luther replied."Yes of course.""You can go enjoy the party with Rachael, we'll discuss properly after the party.""Alright Mr. Luther. Come on Rachel." He wrapped his hands ar
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Chapter 5
"what are you doing..." Adam's question was swallowed by Rachael's hungry lips as she devoured his mouth in a passionate kiss. He couldn't resist the temptation to surrender to her desire, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. As they kissed, Adam's hands roamed, caressing her curves and trying to undress her, but just as they were lost in the moment, the lights flickered on, illuminating the room and teasing them with reality.Adam was startled and turned back to look who it was and saw his wife standing at the door in shock with the entire family and Drake. "What the F..." Adam's confusion was at the peak. If Racheal was standing at the door who the hell was he kissing? He slowly turned to look at the person he almost made out with a second ago.The teary face of Rhea welcomed him. She unleashed a heavy slap as she started crying and ran towards her sister Racheal. "Racheal, he did it again. Adam tried to sleep with me forcefully." "What?!" Adam knew he was goi
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Chapter 6
"You're crazy and unbelievable Adam, how can you ask for such a thing?" Racheal was in outrage."Yes I am crazy! I want it back, you don't deserve it. I regretted risking my life to save yours!"Monica's face turned beet red with rage, her eyes bulging in disbelief. "How dare you, Adam! You are ungrateful, manipulative...!" She spluttered, her words trailing off as she struggled to contain her fury."Your daughter is the manipulative one here, I want my kidney back, I want it back! And I also want the 10 million dollars and I'll leave your family for good."As the celebrant and her family weren't present in the party, most of the guests had already gathered around witnessing the whole scenario and their whispers filled the air."Well Rachael didn't beg you to donate your kidney for her, you did that out of your own free will. Father say something. This scum needs to rot in jail." Robin said in fury.Mr. Luther glared wickedly at Adam, but Adam didn't even flinch, he was done being the
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Chapter 7
The van drove off with Adam, his eyes were red, thinking about his mother, without bringing the money on time, as the doctor had said she'll be dead."You have to release me officer, I'm innocent!""Shut up!" The officer exclaimed fiercely."At least let me help my mother, I really need to pay up her bills!" Adam begged but they turned deaf ears.Suddenly the Van stopped at an unknown destination and the chief officer came with a paper in his hand and a pen."Here sign this if you want to stay alive." He said coldly.The other policemen removed the handcuffs so he'll be able to use the pen. Adam flapped the papers and realized it was a divorce papers."Divorce papers? Why are you giving me divorce papers? This wasn't the deal.""You're in no place to tell us what the deal is, sign it if you want to get out of here, didn't you say your mother needs immediate care?" The officer pressured. After weighing his options Adam took the pen from the officer, if he was taken to the police statio
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Chapter 8
Adam sat back on the chair, his eyes focused on Stacey after noticing what she was capable of doing."Doctor Bryan you can proceed." She said to the old man. "Thank you Stacey." He smiled."Why'd you bring a doctor?""Doctor Bryan here is not just any doctor but also a Neurologist and a cognitive rehabilitation therapist. The best the entire world can afford, and as a matter of fact you too used to be very close. Right Bryan." Stacey stated."That's right Lord Adam, you used to be like a son to me.""But I don't know you." Adam, still in confusion, said."You will in an hour. Adam Manchester, you are a soldier, not just any soldier you are Coastal Flair most powerful ally, the country's greatest force. The supreme general among all four generals." Doctor Bryan stated as he moved around Adam."You have a beautiful wife named Sandra who is still waiting for you to come back, you are not a useless son-in-law as your new family presents you as. You are a billionaire general, a force to b
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Chapter 9
Adam changed his clothes, he was now donned in a black suit, his hair neatly combed, he dipped his hands in his pockets, standing at the highest floor of the building enjoying the view. The view of his city. Suddenly Stacey walked in."Everything has changed, right?" she asked, walking towards him.Adam didn't turn around, his gaze fixed on some point in the distance. "Not really. I can't believe I've been gone for so long."Stacey's smile faltered for a moment before she continued, "I know, it's surreal. When you went missing, the Special Forces made the difficult decision to keep it a secret. We had to maintain the illusion that you were still alive, or our enemies would have taken advantage of the situation. It was the only way to prevent another war." Her expression turned sincere, "We're incredibly relieved to have you back, Supreme General.”Adam's gaze drifted to Stacey, standing at his left. "What about Sandra? Did she know I was missing, or did she think I'd died? Has she...
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“What do you mean honey, you're my wife?” Adam also sat with her.“I know, and that's exactly what I want. But my family…after you were gone for years, my mother forced me to get married to another man. They all think you are dead. I rejected many Millionaires who seek my hand in marriage.“Until mom got really mad, she blocked all connections I have with my business, through the help of the Browns, Patrick family.”Adam clenched his fist, he couldn't believe his wife had been going through all of these in his absence. “How could your mother do such a thing!?”“Dad owes the Browns 100 million dollars, this was many years ago when I was young, his company was collapsing so he ran to Mr. Brown who was his childhood friend for help, he borrowed him the money, dad passed away leaving his business mum, and now instead of mum to pay she's selling me off in place of the dept. I don't know what to do Adam. The Browns are too powerful, we can't resist them.” Sandra said as tears ran down her
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