Chapter 6

"You're crazy and unbelievable Adam, how can you ask for such a thing?" Racheal was in outrage.

"Yes I am crazy! I want it back, you don't deserve it. I regretted risking my life to save yours!"

Monica's face turned beet red with rage, her eyes bulging in disbelief. "How dare you, Adam! You are ungrateful, manipulative...!" She spluttered, her words trailing off as she struggled to contain her fury.

"Your daughter is the manipulative one here, I want my kidney back, I want it back! And I also want the 10 million dollars and I'll leave your family for good."

As the celebrant and her family weren't present in the party, most of the guests had already gathered around witnessing the whole scenario and their whispers filled the air.

"Well Rachael didn't beg you to donate your kidney for her, you did that out of your own free will. Father say something. This scum needs to rot in jail." Robin said in fury.

Mr. Luther glared wickedly at Adam, but Adam didn't even flinch, he was done being the scared and respectful son in-law, he had had enough.

"Fine! I'll give you everything you request tomorrow and you'll be divorce instantly." Luther accepted the terms.

"What?" The whole family exclaimed in shock.

Monica walked to her husband. "Luther, how can you accept such a thing? You know your daughter will die from this." She whispered into his ears.

"I know what I'm doing Monica." He replied firmly.

"Then my work here is done, I'm leaving to see my mom and I'll return tomorrow, make sure you keep to your words!" Adam said immediately walking away.

"Alright everyone should return to the party, tomorrow the real drama will begin." Mr. Luther said. And everyone obeyed his order.

'You're going to regret your decision Adam. I've tolerated you enough and you dare try to harm my daughters, you'll regret it ten fold' Mr. Luther's expression darkened.

Adam went to his room and packed his belongings and changed his clothes. He immediately left the mansion as all the guests were staring at him leaving. Racheal watched him exit the door, she couldn't tell but she felt sad and bad seeing him leaving. She didn't know the reason why, she was certain she didn't have any feelings or whatsoever for Adam but she still felt sad.

Adam walked on the lonely streets with his bag, he didn't have a dime on him to pay for his transportation to the hospital his mother was admitted to. She had been there for three years, and good money was what she needed to get fully better. But unfortunately he was too broke to even afford $750, what's the essence to marry into a rich family.

More than that, he regretted not going to work today in order to please his ungrateful wife at her birthday party. Adam started realizing he had been a fool for three years trying to impress a woman. She wasn't worth it.

Few hours of walking he arrived at the hospital. He hastened to his mother's ward, his heart racing with anticipation. As he entered, he was met with a sight that made his blood run cold.

His mother lay motionless on the bed, her body swollen and distorted, a far cry from the vibrant woman he had last seen. Adam's initial thought was that she was sleeping, but as he drew closer, he realized something was terribly wrong.

"M-mother? What's happening? Mum!" he stuttered, his voice trembling as he rushed to her side. He gently tapped her cheek, hoping for a response, but her stillness was unsettling. Just then, the doctor entered the room, his expression somber.

"She's in a deep coma, Mr. Adam. I'm glad you're here. I was about to call you," the doctor said, his words dripping with empathy.

"Coma? What's happening? And why is her body swollen?" Adam asked, his voice laced with fear, as beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

The doctor's expression turned grave, his words cutting deep. "You're responsible for this, Mr. Adam. I explicitly told you to bring $750 for an immediate operation to stabilize her condition, but you failed to act. Now, her situation has deteriorated drastically. The disease is ravaging her organs, and time is running out."

Adam's mind reeled as the doctor's words hung in the air. "What do you mean? Are you saying she won't survive?"

The doctor's nod was almost imperceptible. "She can still be saved, but the surgery will now cost $2.5 million. And even then, her chances of survival are only 50%."

Adam's head spun as the staggering amount echoed in his mind. "$2.5 million? How can I possibly come up with that kind of money?" His heart raced with desperation.

"It's your fault, if you had obeyed and brought the money earlier we would have prevented this from happening."

Adem fell to the ground as tears ran down his eyes, he covered his face with his hands. "I swear I did have the money, but I gave it to my wife for her birthday. I'm such a fool! I was so blind…so stupid!" Adam cried bitterly.

"You had the money and you gave it to your wife? For a birthday? Is that more important than your mother's health? This is absolutely foolishness of the highest order, you're a simp Mr. Adam and now your mother has to suffer from your actions. Mind you we need to begin this surgery in the next 24 hours or else there won't be anything else to save. Excuse me." The doctor said before leaving.

Adam remained on the floor and regretted his actions. He chose to follow his heart instead of his brain, if anything happened to his mother he would never forgive himself.

A glimpse of hope came to Adam when he remembered the Odias are going to offer him $10 million tomorrow morning, at least he could still meet up to save his mother's life. He now has more reasons to be happy that he divorced Racheal.

The next morning Adam rushed his way down to the Odia mansion, he didn't bother taking his bath or brushing his teeth. All his thoughts were about saving his mother.

Adam arrived at the mansion and he saw the entire Odia family outside, it was like they were waiting for him. And not just them, the police was also present.

"That's him officer, the man who tried to rape my daughter and also threatened to kill her." Mr. Luther pointed at Adam.

"What are you saying?" Adam, who was lost on the accusations, gestured.

The officer signaled the other police officers and they went towards Adam and held his arms. "You're under arrest!" They said,

"What? But I didn't do anything, Mr. Luther, how could you do such a thing? Please my mother needs my help, she'll die if I delay any longer. You betrayed me!" Adam exclaimed.

"This is what you get for disobeying my orders, take him away officer!" Mr. Luther said without remorse.

Rhea and her mother Monica were overjoyed, they all mocked Adam as the cops forcefully handcuffed him. Racheal remained silent, her eyes met with Adam and she could see the anger in him.

Here's an improved version:

"You and your mother are nothing but dead weight to society," Monica sneered. "You're useless, and it's better if you both just disappear!"

Adam's eyes widened in shock and hurt as he turned to Mr. Luther, his voice trembling with betrayal. "I trusted you, respected you... how could you sink so low? You disgust me. All of you, I swear I'll never forgive you. I'll make you pay for this, I'll have my revenge! You'll regret the day you crossed me, Odias!"

Adam's voice rose to a deafening roar, but his words were cut short as the police pinned him down, their batons striking him with brutal force. He struggled in vain, but they eventually dragged him away, tossing him into the back of their van like a rag doll.

The chief officer then walked up to Mr. Luther.

"You know what to do, officer, make him sign the divorce papers and get rid of him." Mr. Luther ordered with a whispering voice.

"Consider it done Mr. Luther.”

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