Chapter 7

The van drove off with Adam, his eyes were red, thinking about his mother, without bringing the money on time, as the doctor had said she'll be dead.

"You have to release me officer, I'm innocent!"

"Shut up!" The officer exclaimed fiercely.

"At least let me help my mother, I really need to pay up her bills!" Adam begged but they turned deaf ears.

Suddenly the Van stopped at an unknown destination and the chief officer came with a paper in his hand and a pen.

"Here sign this if you want to stay alive." He said coldly.

The other policemen removed the handcuffs so he'll be able to use the pen. Adam flapped the papers and realized it was a divorce papers.

"Divorce papers? Why are you giving me divorce papers? This wasn't the deal."

"You're in no place to tell us what the deal is, sign it if you want to get out of here, didn't you say your mother needs immediate care?" The officer pressured. After weighing his options Adam took the pen from the officer, if he was taken to the police station he wouldn't have enough time to save his mother. But now even if he doesn't have the money he might sort it out.

He tightened his grip on the pen after reading the papers and there was no saying if he would receive the $10 million dollars he had been tricked. He signed the papers and his strong grip accidentally broke the pen.

"There, I'm done, can you let me go now?"

The officer smirked, "Not after we make you lie down lifeless like your mother!"

Before Adam could digest the words the officer smacked his gun on his face, resulting in instant bleeding.

Adam groaned in pain, the men took him out of the Van, it was then he realized they had stopped next to a forest. They handcuffed his hands again to make sure he wouldn't be able to fight back and covered his face with a black sack blinding his vision. The cruel officers hit all over his body with their guns and Barton, Adam wailed in pain, none of his body was spared, he bled badly.

The men didn't stop there, they continued their assault, Adam screamed until he could scream no more.

"That's enough, let's throw him in the forest and leave before someone sees us." The officer said.

Adam was lifeless in the pool of his own blood, the sky rumbled and it started raining immediately. The officer tossed him deep in the forest and buried him with leaves and tree branches so no one would see him. They dusted their hands when they were done, they were sure they had no trace, witness or whatsoever he's going to die there even if was still alive.

Immediately they left with their van, three black Lamborghini stopped at that same spot. The left part of the first car was opened as a lady brought out her legs on the wet floor. She then came out with a small umbrella above her head. She was a slender lady with an hourglass shape, dressed in a tight black outfit that showed her cleavages and a black heels. Glass was also on her face.

Immediately she stepped out and the other cars also opened and hefty men came out all dressed in impeccable black suits.

"You see those vans? Get them and bring them alive, make sure no one escapes!" She said with authority and immediately the men entered their car back and chased after the police Van. She was left with just two men.

She gestured and they followed her into the forest to the exact spot Adam was buried. She immediately removed all the leaves and branches and pulled Adam out of there with the help of the other two men.

Tears ran down her eyes when she saw how battered he was looking. She fell on her knees and touched his cheek, she noticed he was still alive."Supreme general. Please forgive me for coming late!" She said and signaled the men to carry him away.

As they left with his body she brought out her phone. "Hello General Ramon. Yes, he's alive, it's truly Adam Manchester, the supreme general of Coastal Flair. We are on our way."

She hung up and followed the men.

"Madam Stacey, where are we heading now?" One of the men asked.

"We're going back to Ray City. Ready the helicopter."

"Supreme General, wake up."

"Lord Adam."

"Wake up"

"Wake up"

The continual hearing of his voice brought him back to reality. Adam woke up and found himself on a chair, the room was pure white from the floor to the ceiling, the illumination got to his eyes, he had to blink multiple times to adjust to the light.

He looked around and found Stacey, the lady that saved him and a very old man.

"Who are you people?" Adam got up from his seat quickly and ready his stance for any fight.

"Relax Lord Adam, we're not your enemy." Stacey gestured with a calm and respectful voice.

"How do you know my name? And why do you add lord to it? Where the fuck am I?" Adam asked, trying to make sense of his environment but nothing came through.

"You're safe, you're in your City. This is Ray City." The other old man responded.

"Ray City?" Adam was confused, how did he land in another city? Ray City was the closest city to Almond City and it would take approximately 8-10 hours to travel by road. So how on earth did he appear here, wasn't he ambushed by the police officers a while ago?

Adam touched his body if he was dreaming, he then ran to check himself in the mirror on the wall, his wounds on his face were stitched and his clothes were changed.

"What's happening, someone talk to me!" Adam exclaimed, getting furious this time.

"That's why you are here, we're going to tell you everything you have to take a seat first." Stacey pleaded.

"I'm not taking any seats, I need to get back home. My mom needs an immediate surgery treatment. She'll die if I delay." Adam said.

"You don't need to worry I'll message some of our men in Almond City to take care of that, and you need to know she's not your biological mother, you belong here." Stacey said.

"What do you mean by that? Who are you to tell me that?"

"I'm Stacey Gold, your assistant. I went to many battles with your Lord Adam. You need to calm down and let us help you."

The name was sounding familiar to Adam, but his brain still couldn't recall anything.

"You're saying nonsense, were you sent by the Odias to kill me? And where's the policeman who almost got me killed?" Adam accused.

"Oh, we made sure they didn't escape and they are going to serve their punishment right this instant." Stacey assured. She gestured at the CCTV camera in the room, the engineers knew the assignment.

Not less than ten seconds later the door opened in a computerized manner and her men brought in the four policemen who tried to kill Adam.

Adam's eyes widened, the policemen were already beating to a pulp what kind of punishment was she talking about again.

"These are the men who dare lay their hands on you, we've tried to make them talk but they keep on proving stubborn, so I'll just assume they are the final boss." Stacey walked majestically with her extremely attractive shape and took a shot gun on a table.

Adam didn't know what she was gonna do with the gun, but he was certain there was no way she would know how to use it.

The men mumbled hard as they saw her with the gun, they were trying to plead but their jaws were already too damaged to speak.

"Did your men do this to them?" Adam asked.

"No, I personally beat them to this State. No one has the right to hit the person who hurts my master except me." She said coldly.

Although she sounded honest, Adam wasn't going to believe a lady would take down four trained officers.

"And now, they'll pay the ultimate price. The punishment for anyone who tries to harm Lord Adam, supreme general of Coastal Flair. Is death!" With these words she released three shots each on the forehead of the policemen. She pointed at the last one as he spoke. “Please, I'll speak. We were sent by Mr. Luther of the Odia family” he said hastily after seeing his comrade dead.

“Thanks for the info, but it is already too late,” Stacey said Coldly as she blew off his head.

Immediately she killed them, the men who brought them dragged them away like ragdolls. Their blood stained the white luxurious floor, but not too long some workers came in and wiped the floor keeping it bright and shining again.

Adam was frozen in a permanent gaze of disbelief. 'She looks so beautiful and innocent, yet she's this cold' he thought as he swallowed hard.

"With this I believe you can see we are not your enemies but your allies?"

Adam nodded.

"Thank you Lord Adam, now let's get your memories back “

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