Chapter 8

Adam sat back on the chair, his eyes focused on Stacey after noticing what she was capable of doing.

"Doctor Bryan you can proceed." She said to the old man. 

"Thank you Stacey." He smiled.

"Why'd you bring a doctor?"

"Doctor Bryan here is not just any doctor but also a Neurologist and a cognitive rehabilitation therapist. The best the entire world can afford, and as a matter of fact you too used to be very close. Right Bryan." Stacey stated.

"That's right Lord Adam, you used to be like a son to me."

"But I don't know you." Adam, still in confusion, said.

"You will in an hour. Adam Manchester, you are a soldier, not just any soldier you are Coastal Flair most powerful ally, the country's greatest force. The supreme general among all four generals." Doctor Bryan stated as he moved around Adam.

"You have a beautiful wife named Sandra who is still waiting for you to come back, you are not a useless son-in-law as your new family presents you as. You are a billionaire general, a force to be reckoned with."

"A wife?" Adam was puzzled. "Look I think you guys have the wrong guy."

"Coastal Flair needs you back Adam, the Dead skulls and Eastern Veil is about to launch an attack on Coastal Flair, the country needs its general. It needs you Adam Manchester."

"After the great war three years ago, the helicopter you were traveling with was attacked and you crash landed in another city, unconscious and somehow lost your memory. The Special force has been searching for you ever since. You need to remember."

"You need to remember for us! For your wife Sandra, the person you love more than. Anything in this world."

"Stop! Stop! I can't remember anything, I'm telling you I'm not the guy you mistook me for. And I'm Adam forest not Manchester." Adam's eyes flashed with indignation.

"Relax Lord Adam, he's only trying to help you." Stacey said.

"Help? The only help I need is getting back to my city."

Stacey and doctor Bryan exchanged glances and Bryan nodded. "Forgive me supreme general but I'll have to do it the hard way then"

"What are you talking about..."

Before he could complete his sentence Stacey smacked him back to his seat and belted his arms and legs so he wouldn't be able to move up. "What are you doing!" Adam clenched his jaw, the belts were too strong he couldn't even feel his arms and legs moving an inch.

Bryan then went to his table and opened a briefcase, he brought out a device that looked like a helmet and placed it on Adam's head, even if Adam tried to move away it was impossible. The lights soon went off as the room was engulfed in darkness.

Suddenly like a realistic animation the walls, ceiling and floor started displaying pictures of Adam's previous life, with scenes of him in the battle field and also happy moments with his wife including their wedding. Meanwhile the helmet was playing familiar sounds of everyone he has known and made friends with. A light electricity was also released to his brain.

Adam screamed in agony as his memories were coming in with force. Doctor Bryan was focused on his computer, it was loading and was currently at 11%

Adam screamed louder as the pain increased, according to the doctor the higher the percentage of the memory boot, the more of his memories he'll recover.

"Please stay calm, it'll soon be over. It's for your own good." Stacey yelled, she knew the feeling of the memory boot, an average person would die at 50% of the boot, but Adam was still alive at 60%.

Adam's memories were coming back with the speed of light, he could remember his wedding with his wife, their first night, his legendary battle that elevated his rank to a general and then a supreme general. Everything was coming back.

But when it reached 90% it looked like he couldn't take the pain anymore. He screamed so loud that Stacey was scared. 

"Turn it off doctor, turnt it off or he'll die!" She commanded.

The doctor out of fear was about to turn it off but then Adam's thunderous voice was heard. "No! Don't turn it off, I want my memories, I want it all!!" He yelled as forceful tears escaped from his eyes and his veins bulged out.

As the boot reached 100% Adam broke the belt with his bear strength and then everything came back to normal. Stacey smiled emotionally, this was the Adam she knew, incredibly strong.

"Are you okay Lord Adam?" She asked but he kept silent, breathing heavily, he fell on the floor but supported himself with his arms, Stacey ran to help him up but he gestured her to stop.

"I remember now. I remember who I am. I am Lord Adam Manchester, the supreme general of Coastal Flair and the Warlord of this nation." Adam roared so loudly that it felt like the room couldn't contain the pressure, Stacey and Bryan had to cover their ears with their hands


"Yes. He's back." An emotional tear ran down her cheek.

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