Chapter 9

Adam changed his clothes, he was now donned in a black suit, his hair neatly combed, he dipped his hands in his pockets, standing at the highest floor of the building enjoying the view. The view of his city. Suddenly Stacey walked in.

"Everything has changed, right?" she asked, walking towards him.

Adam didn't turn around, his gaze fixed on some point in the distance. "Not really. I can't believe I've been gone for so long."

Stacey's smile faltered for a moment before she continued, "I know, it's surreal. When you went missing, the Special Forces made the difficult decision to keep it a secret. We had to maintain the illusion that you were still alive, or our enemies would have taken advantage of the situation. It was the only way to prevent another war." Her expression turned sincere, "We're incredibly relieved to have you back, Supreme General.”

Adam's gaze drifted to Stacey, standing at his left. "What about Sandra? Did she know I was missing, or did she think I'd died? Has she... moved on?"

Stacey hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "I visited her once, told her you were on a classified mission. She was upset, but I believed it was for the best. As for whether she's moved on... I honestly don't know, Lord Adam.”

Adam sighed, staring at the sky. He had been gone for three whole years, anything is possible. His wife Sandra might have moved on…she might be with someone else now.

“By the way, the other Generals wanted to have a meeting with you. I think it's time to reveal the identity of the Supreme General to the world.” Stacey reported, her tone formal.

Adam's expression turned stern, “Tell them to postpone that plan.” Adam said authoritatively.

Stacey's brow furrowed. . "But, Lord Adam, I don't understand. You've been gone for three years, and the people are eager to know their leader. Revealing your identity would—”

Adam's interruption was swift and decisive. "My identity shall remain anonymous, even now. I will reveal myself to the world when the time is right, not a moment sooner. My duty as the Supreme General is clear: to lead our forces to victory and crush our enemies. But my identity will remain unknown, a secret that only a select few will ever know.”

“Yes Lord Adam. I will convey your message to the other Generals.” Stacey nodded, her expression a mix of understanding and curiosity.

“What about my mother? Any news?” Adam asked.

“Well about that, we still haven't gotten anything from our men in the other city, but I'm certain they got there on time.”

“Alright, report to me as soon as you get any news. I'll be off now.” Adam said as he turned to leave.

“Where are you headed, Lord Adam? Do you need an escort, I can come with you.”

Adam stopped then slightly turned his head halfway backwards, “That won't be needed. I'm going to see my wife. I'm going home.” With that he walked away.

Stacey couldn't stop smiling, she had missed the presence of her boss, his strong Aura, unwavering confidence and cold statement. Just as how a Supreme General should act.


Adam arrived at his house in a taxi. He now has billions of dollars in his account, he could decide to buy any car of his choice, but instead he chose to remain simple. He's not ready to tell his wife who he has become, before the previous war, he was just a regular soldier. But after his great feat and performance in the battlefield he was instantly promoted to a Supreme General.

Adam knocked on the door, at first there was no response and then he decided to open it and go inside. Adam looked everywhere, the house was just as the way he left it, but only with small changes. He saw a wedding frame of him and his wife on the TV set and he picked it up staring at it with flooding memories.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. “Who's it?” The voice asked. Adam turned as he saw her…Sandra, his beloved wife. She was as beautiful as ever, her hourglass shape, brunette hair and 5’2ft height. She was wearing a transparent silky dress that almost revealed her body.

“A—adam??” Sandra stammered.

“Sandra, it's me. I'm home.”

Without hesitation she sprinted towards him and leaped into his arms. Adam held her firmly also.

“I miss you so much!” Sandra cried out, she wouldn't want to let go. “I hope I'm not dreaming, Adam where have you been?”

“No you're not. It's me, and I'm not leaving ever again.” Adam assured, she disengaged from the hug. Adam held her cheek and stared directly at her eyes, with those short moments they both locked lips together.

Sandra was going wild on Adam, she kissed him like her existence depended on it. Adam's hands moved gently around her body, caressing every part, every angle and curves he could reach. He grasped her hips, and she wrapped her legs around him. The urge was so strong and irresistible. Without a word, Adam swept Sandra in his arms, taking her to the bedroom, he laid her on the bed, his eyes burning with desires, and then—

Thirty minutes later they both lay on the bed tired, sweating. They were covered with a blanket, chatting, sharing their lives in the past years when Adam was gone.

Adam couldn't tell her what happened to him, so he had to follow up with the lie Stacey had already cooked, he was sent on another mission. Adam touched Sandra's finger and noticed that she was still wearing their wedding ring.

“You didn't think I was dead? You waited.” Adam said with a low raspy voice.

“At times I did, but something inside of me keeps telling me that you're still alive. But there's a problem Adam.” Sandra said as she sat on the bed.

“What's the matter honey!”

“My engagement is next week. I'm getting engaged to Patrick.”

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