Dominance Commander Son-in-law

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Dominance Commander Son-in-law

By: Debbie chocolate Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 469

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Kevin Di Lorenzo and Mia Perry have been married for a year. Kevin is nothing but a useless home-husband and was always subjected to ill treatment. Unknowingly, he was the god of war. He is Lord Phoenix, the god of the world.

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29 chapters
Chapter 1: Downgrading!
“Kneel down and apologize to Sunny, now!”Several servants were surrounding Kevin. Opposite him was a fierce dog, which was Morris's Sunny.Morris thundered. His voice attracted some of the maids and they sneaked into the large lobby of the Perry family's villa.Morris saw them but didn't say anything. His mission was to embarrass Kelvin like he used to anyway. With the maids around, it would make everything sweeter for him.“Do you even know how high and important this dog is?” Morris began with a flex of his muscle. “This dog is more expensive than the whole of your family combined. I will not stand still and watch you disregard it!”Kevin felt so humiliated, and he struggled hard, and said angrily, "It was your dog that bit me first! I’m just trying to protect myself!”Morris scoffed. “Does it look like I'm concerned a bit about you? Aren't you the useless house husband of the Perry family?”He said mockingly.The maids laughed lowly and exchanged words quietly.Something built ins
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Chapter 2: Unexpected Action
Morris groaned in pain and held onto his waist. He didn't expect Kevin to make such a move.He had never made such an intelligent move. How was he able to do it? Kevin has always been the dumb husband of Mia and he has enjoyed treating him badly for a year now.The men rushed closer to him and assisted him up. But he pushed them away angrily and turned to look at the maids who had been watching the whole drama unfold. He felt embarrassed."What are you still doing there!" He thundered. "Get lost!"The maids scampered away.Morris yelled several times before he turned to Kevin again. He was very upset. How could Kevin have made such a move and the men couldn't even stop it?"You are making a big mistake!" he yelled. "I'm telling you! You are!"Kevin didn't respond. A dark frown was on his face as he stood up slowly. More images flashed across his eyes. The dizziness increased but the headache was gone now. The images became clearer now but it seemed like his heart was racing as he wen
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Chapter 3: Embarrassing Husband
Mia frowned. She didn't expect that from Kevin at all. Within a year that she had known him, he was always timid but she didn't know where the courage suddenly came from.When Mia first met him, Kevin was not only timid but dense. This was even one of the reasons why she decided that he was fit to be her husband.But it was strictly a deal, Kevin wasn't supposed to act like a real husband. This was why they never slept together. They have never even shared a kiss since they have been married.But then how dared he demand to get involved in a business negotiation? Who has he started seeing himself as?Morris was shocked at Kevin's utterance too. Kevin has been acting really strange since a few minutes ago. Firstly, it was the skill he displayed. Now, he was being too bold.But before he could say something, Mendy cut in quickly."Well, you shouldn't be worried, Kevin. It's not like it's a new thing to us. Just last night, we were together in the same room in the hotel for a whole night
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Chapter 4: Regained memories
Kevin's words stunned everyone, but only Kevin himself knew the truth.Yes, he was the legendary "Lord Phoenix."Years ago, Kevin was ambushed by his enemies and met with an accident.He suffered head injuries and lost his memory. Fortunately, he was rescued by Mia, who happened to pass by.The Perry family was in turmoil at that time, and Mia, as the heir of the family, was on the verge of being stripped of her inheritance rights because she was unmarried.According to the Perry family's rules, only married individuals could take the helm of the family!Thus, Mia set her sights on Kevin, who had lost his memory and was somewhat timid. To her, Kevin was merely a tool to enable her to smoothly take over the family.Over the past few years, she had shown no concern for Kevin. Who would care about the feelings of a mere tool?But obviously, no one would believe his words.Mendy regarded Kevin for a few minutes and suddenly burst into laughter. "This your husband is a really humorous guy,
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Chapter 5: Phoenix's Underlying
Kevin has really missed her. He had known Alessia for a very long time now. So, it was normal for him to miss her.“It's ok, little cat. I'm here now,” Kevin comforted.Alessia dragged her breath. “Where have you been? I've searched everywhere for you. I just had to hope you would return to me unscathed. I'm so happy to hear your voice today,” she said excitedly.Kevin could easily note the happiness in her voice. He was so caught up with what Alessa was saying that he didn't notice Morris creeping inside.Morris walked back inside to look for a way to make Kevin do something wrong again by the time Mia came out so that Kevin would eventually leave the house. He couldn't wait for that to happen. Mia must marry Mendy at all costs.He watched him for a moment, with curiosity. He wondered who he was talking to. Kevin looked happy which was strange. This means that the person he was talking to was somewhat special to him.“It's ok, little cat. I'm back now,” he said softly, with a wide sm
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Chapter 6: Meeting Phoenix
Kevin nodded once and took the card from Mia.Mia moved towards the front door. She actually thought Kevin was going to refuse her order.But then he could be dumb but not that dumb. He was supposed to know that she was very busy which was why she had to ask him to do it.Besides, Kevin doesn't do anything else in the house. And she pays his bills, provides shelter and even feeds him. This was the least he could do for her.Kevin pocketed the card and walked out of the villa as well without any word.He flagged down a taxi. “Phoenix Plaza!”The driver nodded once and Kevin got inside the car. He couldn't wait to see Alessia again. A smile was on his face as the car pulled off in front of the plaza. He got down and handed over some wads of notes to the driver.He hesitated briefly before he walked inside. He stopped almost immediately, in the lobby when he saw Alessia standing with some men and women in expensive suits.He didn't expect to see Alessia amidst many people. He thought he
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Chapter 7: The traitor
Kevin moved closer to her slowly.“I deserve to die, boss!” Alessia muttered, with her head bowed.Kevin ignored her words and gently pulled her up. “If I kill you, where do I get a new general Tiger, Little cat?” He teased.Alessia smiled softly and Kevin could remember the last time he had seen her smile. That was a year ago, just before the accident happened.He was on his way to Penia City in his private ship when he was ambushed. Kevin was asleep when he heard noises. When he walked out of his room, corpses were lying on the floor. Kevin was caught off guard. He rushed inside to grab his gun but even with that, he was suddenly feeling dizzy and his head hurt so much.Before he could say more, some men in black rushed out with guns in their hands.One of them fired a shot almost immediately but the ship moved to a side suddenly, making them miss their target.Kevin used the opportunity to shoot one of them and rush over to the ship’s Bridge. The helmsman was dead!He doesn't even
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Chapter 8: Finding a present for Mrs Perry
Alessia thought for a moment and a smile evaded her face. “I think I might have a good gift.”“Really?”Alessia nodded slightly and moved away. She moved to her bar and retrieved a bottle of wine.“This is the best gift,” she announced with a wide smile.Kevin moved closer and took the bottle of wine from her.“This is Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tache. It's one of the most expensive wines in the world. It costs over 200k dollars. If you give this as a gift to anyone, they will surely be happy and grateful about it.”Kevin nodded several times “This is the best gift. Thank you so much, Alessia.”Alessia reciprocated his smile. “Anytime, boss. Though, I think we still have a lot to catch up to.”Kevin nodded in agreement. “Sure, and there is plenty of time to do that. But I better leave now.”“Alright.”Alessia watched him until he was out of the office. She was more than happy and she would like if not anything, to show Lionel that he was wrong and Phoenix was alive but they were g
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Chapter 9: The party
Mia’s face turned pale, she didn’t expect Kevin would screw up. She saw the look on Mrs Perry's face and knew instantly that she was enraged. That was the last thing she wanted.She got up and hurried to stand in front of Mrs Perry. “Grandmother, please. Don't be offended!” She apologized with a trembling voice.It looked like everyone was against her already. If her grandmother get disappointed at her, it would be disastrous. Mendy laughed. At first, he thought it was true. He recognized Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tache immediately. His eyes went wide with shock when Kevin revealed it. It was the most expensive wine in the world but there was no way someone like Kevin would have it. It's just not possible unless it's truly fake like Mrs Perry has said.No, he was certain. Kevin was poor! Mrs Perry has a dark frown on her face. She was still fuming. “How dare you! How could you think so low of me!” She growled. She couldn't believe that her son-in-law would disgrace her like tha
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Chapter 10: Surprise gifts
The response got Mrs Perry super furious. She couldn't quite contain the anger building up inside her. She looked at Kevin with hatred emanating from her eyes. “You are so shameless! How dare you make the whole Perry family awkward! How dare you as the son-in-law of this family!”Mia was so awkward. She couldn't confidently look at her cousins. She felt embarrassed. Yet, she turned to Kevin, brimming fire.“What do you think you are doing, Kevin?” She yelled at him instead. “When will you stop making trouble here? What is wrong with you!” She scolded him.Mendy laughed, feeling pleased with himself. He was so happy that Kevin was helping him with his plan.He decided to further make use of the opportunity.“In fact,” Mendy said suddenly, turning attention back to him. “I know the senior manager of Phoenix Group and well, he can also help the Perry family to cooperate with them. But then, that wouldn't work if they knew the son-in-law of the Perry family had offended the owner of the P
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