Chapter 3: Embarrassing Husband

Mia frowned. She didn't expect that from Kevin at all. Within a year that she had known him, he was always timid but she didn't know where the courage suddenly came from.

When Mia first met him, Kevin was not only timid but dense. This was even one of the reasons why she decided that he was fit to be her husband.

But it was strictly a deal, Kevin wasn't supposed to act like a real husband. This was why they never slept together. They have never even shared a kiss since they have been married.

But then how dared he demand to get involved in a business negotiation? Who has he started seeing himself as?

Morris was shocked at Kevin's utterance too. Kevin has been acting really strange since a few minutes ago. Firstly, it was the skill he displayed. Now, he was being too bold.

But before he could say something, Mendy cut in quickly.

"Well, you shouldn't be worried, Kevin. It's not like it's a new thing to us. Just last night, we were together in the same room in the hotel for a whole night."

He said with a smile.

Mia frowned.

"That was just business negotiation."

She said quickly. Then she hesitated and thought about it. She didn't owe Kevin any explanation actually. She could choose to do whatever she wanted. Kevin had no say.

Besides, Kevin wouldn't understand business strategy. He had no skill in it. In fact, he has no skill in anything.

Kevin sneered, he looked at Mendy's eyes and said, "You should be careful of what you say, Mr.Mendy."

He ignored Mia's words and continued, "As you know, Mia is a married woman. So, you shouldn't say something that may cause any misunderstandings. We wouldn't want people to think she's cheating on me with you."

Mendy felt a stab of annoyance at his word. He laughed out menacingly, trying his best to conceal his emotions because of Mia. He became sober almost immediately.

"Cheat on someone like you? Why will that happen? Are you starting to see yourself as the husband? Do you think you are even fit to bear Mia's husband? What makes you a husband? The name?"

Morris laughed. "He's so delusional to think Mia is his."

"Yes! You are not worthy of Mia at all. No one is going to cheat on you because you are that useless husband!"

Kevin's looked at him coldly, "Be careful of what you say."

He said indifferently, but there was a trace of authority in his words, as if he were a superior..

"Or what?" Mendy dared. "We both know you are very useless as the son-in-law. How dare you want to disrupt a business transaction? Do you even know what we wanted to discuss or do you have the knowledge or skill to discuss with us?"

Kevin sneered, "Mr. Mendy, don't be so hypocritical. Why do you have to discuss something in my wife's room?"

It was Mendy's turn to get angry. His face went red and he lurched forward to hit him.

Kevin saw his move and waited, with a soft smile plastered on his face. He was ready to combat him.

"Enough!" Mia yelled suddenly, putting an abrupt stop to Mendy's action. She looked at him. "Please, Mr Mendy. You have to stop this," she beseeched softly.

Mendy hesitated briefly before he eventually backed away but the anger was still vivid on his face.

Kevin relaxed. Mendy was no use getting angry for anyways. He was a nobody.

Mia took a step closer to Kevin with a dark frown on her face.

"What is wrong with you, Kevin? What do you think you are doing? Mr Mendy is not someone you should offend. Don't make any trouble here!"

She said in a cold tone and turned to Mendy again.

"I'm so sorry about everything that has happened here, Mr Mendy. Please, let's go and talk about business,"

She said in an apologetic voice.

Mendy smiled victoriously, He smiled provocatively at Kevin.

Kevin frowned and looked at Mia somewhat unhappily, saying, "Mia, are you sure you want to talk business' with him in your room?"

He emphasized the words "talk business", obviously not believing that the two of them would simply discuss business in the room.

Mia sighed in frustration and somewhat anger.

"Mr Mendy is here to help us on business. He knows Lord Phoenix."

Mendy smiled with confidence, feeling so proud of himself.

"At least if you don't know anything or have any skill in the business world, you should definitely know about the popular Lord Phoenix. You should know how powerful he is as well."

Kevin feigned ignorance. "I don't know. Tell me."

He said with a straight face.

Mendy laughed and turned to Mia. "Your dumb husband doesn't how powerful Lord Phoenix is?"

"Well, he doesn't know anything!" Morris joined in.

Mia felt embarrassed. She wondered why Kevin wasn't letting the sleeping dog lie. He was provoking Mendy and she knew that if Mendy refused to help her, it would be trouble for her.

How else was she supposed to explain to Kevin that this was very important? It looks like her husband was off to make everything go astray for her.

Kevin regarded Mendy for a moment, with a sly look. "You said you know Lord Phoenix?"

"Of course yes!" Mendy answered proudly.

Kevin smirked disdainfully and looked into Mendy's eyes, asking, "Then why don't I know you?"

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