The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man

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The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man

By: WIZ DOM OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 75 views: 2.4K

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Sebastian Stone, a final-year medical student of St Psalms Institute was ridiculed and trampled upon for being the laundry guy of the male presidential dorm. After mistakenly ruining the jacket of one of the most sought-after, rich, and notorious students on Campus, Sabestian scholarship was on the line when he was asked to face the panel of the institution. He was given two options. An immediate Expulsion or the Annulment of his Scholarship. Sebastian wandered far away from campus in regret till he aligned with an ailing man who turned his life around for good. How would the student feel when the broke Laundry guy, Sebastian Stone, picked the option of annulment of his scholarship over expulsion? Who gave him the funds and guts to sponsor himself in the most expensive school in Oakland? He transitioned from being just a broke laundry guy, to the heir of the reputable Adams Dynasty with a mouth-watering inheritance!

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  • Pen thinker


    A masterpiece I'm glued!

    2024-08-10 08:05:32
  • Blessed Agada


    Update more, wonderful story line

    2024-08-09 19:39:32
  • AGAD


    Stella is an ass, I love this story already. It triggers me as much as I’m glued.

    2024-08-08 20:41:10
Latest Chapter
75 chapters
Chapter 001
It was six o'clock on a cold Saturday morning in the presidential dormitory, where the elites and VIP students lived in the St Psalm Institute of Alternative Medicines, the most prestigious university in Oakland. Despite being the early hours of the day, the dorm was rather too loud as the students carried over the groove from last night. Some were hanging on the bonnets of their expensive cars with their lovers, while some just got back from the club, still drenched in smoke and hard liquor. However, some serious-minded students were already set to hit the gym and prepare for the day. And there was Sebastian Stone, a handsome and tall brunette, very muscular with a stern look. He was a guy of little words, the only time you could catch him smile was when he was around his girlfriend, Marilyn, or his roommate, Steve. He was an embodiment of charisma, even though he was just the Dorm’s laundry guy.Sebastian was a final-year medical student at the institute and the only student who
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Chapter 002
Sebastian exhaled deeply, and his palms suddenly became sweaty as tension built up. He clenched hard to his cell phone, staring at the caller ID before picking up the call. Donald usually calls him during the day to send him on minor errands, so he wasn’t shocked to see his call, but the circumstances he found himself in made him very tense and scared the hell out of him.“H… Hello.” His voice dripped with anxiety but he managed to remain calm, even though he was still very heartbroken from the sight he caught earlier.“Hey, Laundryman, it’s past noon already. Send my items to my room at once! but bring my Alexandra Weng jacket to me at the basketball court immediately, you know where to find me.” Donald stated from the other end of the line, his command making Sebastian anxious.How would he convey the heart-trenching news about his Jacket?“Hold on a minute, Donald. I have to tell…” The abrupt beep from Sebastian’s cell phone indicated that the call had been disconnected. He punch
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Chapter 003
After that heavy kick, Sebastian pounced heavily on Donald, he punched his guts so hard and gave him a hard nod on his lips. He had never unleashed so much anger on someone in his entire life, and for some weird reason, it was oddly satisfying he was unleashing it on Donald Rowland! “Get off me, you bastard!” Donald growled from the floor, unable to even throw back a single punch. His heart raced fast as he tried pushing Sebastian from his body, but Sebastian's body mass and strength overpowered him.“You…. will pay so dearly….. I promise!” Donald stated under his breath, while he used his hands to block and dodge punches thrown at him.Sebastian snarled and tightened his knuckle till it turned white, before unleashing it on his jaw this time,“How dare you spread lies about me with your girlfriend?!!!” Sebastian’s voice thundered, glaring deep into his eyes as he pulled him by his collar.For all the time he tossed his dirty clothes on his face, for all the time he made him play tag
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Chapter 004
“Quit acting like a kid, Steve. How bad is it?” Sebastian asked, his eyes laced with worry and uncertainty. His stomach grumbled from anxiety causing sweat to suddenly escape from his pores. “You shouldn’t have fought Donald, you shouldn’t have fought that bully!” Steve punched the air in anger, scratching his scalp in frustration. His demeanor made Seb even more concerned.Steve had always been a lily-livered guy, Sebastian looked after him like an elder brother and loved him wholeheartedly. For Steve to shed tears like a baby, that means the situation on the ground must be very crucial, due to the amount of chaos that occurred on campus the previous day.“A notice was pasted on the dean of student affairs notice board…. And,” Steve paused momentarily.“And what, Steve? What is the notice about?” Sabestian’s eyes widened, his heart beating faster than usual, he knew he was going to get into trouble, but he didn’t expect it to happen so fast. Well, that could be the influence of the
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Chapter 005
“My heavens! Grandmaster… forgive me, Grandmaster!” A husky sobbing voice yelled out.That was Benjamin, the man’s butler. He was about fifty years old and he appeared quite professional. Benjamin rushed to the scene, panting and looking very scared. He wasted no time in gliding to the floor not minding the very expensive gray suit he had on. His masculine scent was flavourful and immediately filled the air.“Oh! Do you know him?” Seb asked with furrowed brows, just to be sure and security conscious.“Of course!” Benjamin replied in a cold tone.He quickly grabbed the elderly man from Sabestian’s grip without sparing Sebastian a single glance or even uttering a word of appreciation to him, I guess he was too overwhelmed and shocked. “Grandmaster, I just left your sight for a moment…. This is the reason I humbly objected to you visiting Oakland, it doesn’t ever go well.” Benjamin stated, his eyes laced with fear even though he was glad he met the Grandmaster still alive.Despite indu
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Chapter 006
"Wait a minute! W.. what's going on here?" Sebastian's eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed in confusion. He turned to face the old man who stood right behind him, "Is... that me?" he stuttered, his gaze shifting back to the golden wall frame of his doppelganger. For a moment, he felt his mind reeling as if the room was spinning around him.Benjamin then stepped forward, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "No, young master," he clarified, his voice low and soothing. "That's Master Alex, your father."“My father?” Sebastian scoffed in total disbelief. “There is no fact backing that claim,” Sebastian replied, his heart brimming with uncertainty as he kept ogling at the picture.“I understand your dismay, but everything would be related to you, sir.” Benjamin continued.“There is a high tendency you may have the wrong person, you know?” He asked, sharing equal glances with the duo. “Yes! The resemblance is mind-blowing but we can’t conclude by that alone.”The more Sebastian spoke, the mo
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Chapter 007
“I don’t think I have so much time left, son. I have been Favored greatly by the universe. I only had one wish and that was to find you, grandson, the one and only heir to the Adams Dynasty.”“Heir?” Sebastian asked, still trying to figure out what his grandfather was on about, his heart still reeling with shock from the wholesome revelation and now he is talking about him being an heir to the Adams Dynasty.“Yes! You, son, are the only surviving heir of the Adams, hence, it’s your duty to commit to this task and take over this dynasty.” The grandmaster replied.“Such great responsibility for a college student, I have zero experience, sir,” Sebastian said.“Adams are usually known for their bravery and leadership skills. And I’m sure you have that in you too.” The grandfather answered, a warm smile playing across his lips.Taking charge of a whole dynasty wasn’t a joke, it required years of experience and proper guidance. It takes more than just a leadership skill to rule and maintain
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Chapter 008
“St Psalm Adams?” The grandfather breathed as his softened gaze pierced deep into Sebastian’s eye. “That is your real name, son, your father named you after a saint due to the joy you brought into his life.”Sebastian’s eyes widened profusely,“So you mean I’m the owner of St Psalms Institute of…” Sebastian was too stunned to speak, he brushed his hands through his hair in astonishment, unable to contain all that had been poured on him.“The Institute was your father's least investment. You shouldn’t be thinking about that son. You have the whole dynasty in your name, I’m old and unhealthy, the Adams Dynasty needs a young blood to continue with her legacy.” His grandfather lamented, patting his hands on Sebastian’s shoulder.“I have been working for almost fifty years, and my brain isn’t working so smart anymore.” He continued.“You have absolutely nothing to worry about, son. A meeting with the managers and some stakeholders in all our companies will be held soon. Where you would be
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Chapter 009
“Call out your account details to Benjamin, son. It is my honor to hand over the token your dad had kept in place for you. You’re an Adam and your aura should speak splendor and sophistication at all costs.” The grandfather stated with pride gleaming in his eyes.“Another gift? But I have the unlimited black card.” Sebastian questioned, the endless flow of fortune blowing his mind away. Sebastian stuttered a bit while calling his account number, he felt a sharp rod settle in his stomach and his heart rate doubled. He was anxious and heavily confused about what to do with his fortune.A few moments after calling out his details, Sebastian let out an involuntary gasp, his hands flying up to his mouth as he stood with force, his eyes squinting to read the figures his eyes had just caught.“Holy hell! What?” He exclaimed in total disbelief, shock brimming from every angle of his face while his grandfather glanced at his reaction.“G… grandfather! Of what use is this income? This is exube
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Chapter 010
Sebastian held his backpack filled with the designer's clothes Benjamin had picked out for him.He was dressed in his simple but sophisticated two-piece attire, staring at the chopper as it took off after dropping him at the cathedral where he met his grandfather.He gave a warm smile, his hands buried deep in his pockets as he looked through the surroundings, reminiscing on how that pre-destined evening unfolded.After soaking in all he needed to, he began strolling back to his Campus and, in no time, he was in front of his dorm.When he got to his room, it was a bit quiet, he pushed the door open and he met Steve in a dilapidated mood, staring at the ceiling with all seriousness, he was lost and didn’t even realise when Sebastian walked into the room.“Hey, buddy!” Sebastian called out in an icy voice as he tossed a throw pillow at him.The familiar voice almost made Steve break his arm as he jolted up with force and landed on Sebastian’s body. As the crybaby that he was, it didn’t
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