The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man
The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man
Author: WIZ DOM
Chapter 001

It was six o'clock on a cold Saturday morning in the presidential dormitory, where the elites and VIP students lived in the St Psalm Institute of Alternative Medicines, the most prestigious university in Oakland. 

Despite being the early hours of the day, the dorm was rather too loud as the students carried over the groove from last night. Some were hanging on the bonnets of their expensive cars with their lovers, while some just got back from the club, still drenched in smoke and hard liquor. However, some serious-minded students were already set to hit the gym and prepare for the day. 

And there was Sebastian Stone, a handsome and tall brunette, very muscular with a stern look. He was a guy of little words, the only time you could catch him smile was when he was around his girlfriend, Marilyn, or his roommate, Steve. He was an embodiment of charisma, even though he was just the Dorm’s laundry guy.

Sebastian was a final-year medical student at the institute and the only student who passed the Trust fund scholarship in his set. Despite his tuition fees being catered for by the institution, he still had to work very hard to cover his nonacademic expenses. So he opted for being a laundry guy after he carried out a survey and noticed how lazy and carefree some rich students were.

Sebastian had been up since five am, picking up dirty laundry from his clients in the VIP dorm. The pains in his eyes and gritted teeth were a hint of how much his back hurt from excessive clothing that filled his voluminous backpack.

“Knock knock! It's Sebastian the Laundry guy…” Sebastian’s Voice rang off on his last client's door, while he patiently waited for a response. 

“Hold the fuck on!” A husky and cranky male voice thundered, his tone piercing through the loud vibrational R&B music playing out of his expensive boom box speaker. 

The bass wave trembled on the ground and almost blew out the roof. After all, it was the Presidential Dorm, they never got queried or disciplined for misbehaving or breaking the rules, because their parents were highly involved financially in the school's activities.

Sebastian in no time was mesmerized by the rhythm of the song as he nodded his head and muttered the lyrics, while he waited for his client to open up the door or rather toss the clothes from the window as usual.

After five minutes of standing without a response, Sebastian began feeling agitated, his eyes narrowed in annoyance as the music slowly turned into noise pollution. He raised his hand in anger with a tightened fist yet he still gave a gentle knock, so he didn't portray rudeness.

“Hello??? I'm still here!!!” His voice echoed calmly even though his irritation was burning through his gray eyes. The weight of the bag hanging on his shoulder was making him feel a sharp below his chest whenever he breathed due to his asthmatic history. 

“Get the hell out of you can’t wait!” Donald’s voice emanated sharply again, irritation palpable in his tone. 

Donald Rowland was fond of being an asshole and never regarded anyone’s time irrespective of your person. He was a final-year student of the Institute, a respecter of none! 

He could pass as the top two richest students and the most sought-after male in St Psalms Institute. Donald drove the most exotic cars in school, making girls and even some lecturers dance to his tunes for favoritism and gifts.

Solely because his father, John Rowland was among the richest in the region and also had the highest awards by the institution due to his contributions. Donald felt it was okay to trample on people's feelings and rights without being questioned. Well, he never got questioned after all.

“You have been standing there for some minutes now, I'm sure Donald is busy screwing his whore! You should go back and check on him later, Laudary guy!” Another student stated with mockery in his tone, making Sebastian’s anger boil even more. 

Annoyingly, fifteen minutes had gone by already, Sebastian exhaled deeply, anger palpable in his countenance as he turned to take his leave, but the unlock sound from the door made him halt momentarily.

A sigh of relief escaped from his lips as he turned to face the door, but the sight he caught when he settled his gaze shattered his world completely.

“Here you go, Laundryman…” A feminine voice uttered, tossing the dirty clothes on his face. She was almost half naked with scattered hair, her droopy eyes and her alcohol-laced breath could tell she was high as hell. Her white towel almost left her chest, begging to be freed as it clung to her nipple alone. 

She gave Sebastian a sultry look, before brushing her dark tattered hair behind her ears. Sebastian blinked continuously and cleaned his eyes to ensure that wasn't Marilyn, his girlfriend. Or could it be her look-alike? No.

“Marilyn????” Sebastian’s eyes hooded as he called out in shock, but before he could say Jack, Marilyn glared at him from head to toe, a mighty sigh escaped her lips before she slammed the door on his face causing him to jerk abruptly to reality, his heart beating faster than usual as he felt emptiness in his soul.

Marilyn Cooper was part of his strength, they had been in a secret relationship for the past two years and he had planned on taking their relationship to the next level immediately after they left college. 

Even though Marilyn was gorgeous and petite, she still caught the eyes of many elite students on campus. Although Marilyn always reassured him and urged him to trust her whenever he felt insecure due to their class difference.

However, in the past months, she became very demanding and compared him to other elite students despite knowing his struggles. Sebastian tripled his hustle and took extra shifts at the cafeteria after lectures so he could at least see to her needs and also help himself, but it never seemed to be enough for the lady.

“She hated Donald Rowland, she always told me she hated his guts!…. Why on earth…? ” Sabestians uttered openly, his heart dripping with undiluted pain, one he had never felt in his existence. 

Sabestian’s job was primary and he had a target to meet up with his clients. As a man, he tried to brush the feelings aside and continued with his duties, despite dying in silence. He strolled down to the laundry room to continue his job even though his whole body system had changed and he was unable to concentrate on his menial job.


“Holy shitttt!!!” Sebastian exclaimed, jolting back to reality when he perceived the smoke emanating out of Donald’s designer's jacket. 

“Not again!!!.” He mumbled while trying to see if he could fix the burn and ruffle on the Jacket, but the more he tried, the more the Jacket got torn. 

The last time Sebastian ruined Donald’s shirt was two years back, Donald influenced the school into giving him an extra year, He locked him up in the basement and made him play tag with his dogs all weekend.

Sebastian had never forgiven Donald ever since, he was nothing but a rich bully and Sebastian never stood up to him because of the fear of losing his scholarship. Donald had the whole school in his control and dictated who stayed or left.

Sebastian quickly browsed the price of the Jacket online to see if it was something he could refund, but the cost he saw almost paralyzed him and sucked the air out of his lungs.

A whopping 80,000 dollars for an Alexander Weng Jacket! He had never seen five percent of that Income at once in his entire life, how would he now pay for this mess?


“Donald is calling? Does he have a sixth sense?” Sebastian uttered with utmost frustration as he clung to his cell phone.

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