Chapter 007

“I don’t think I have so much time left, son. I have been Favored greatly by the universe. I only had one wish and that was to find you, grandson, the one and only heir to the Adams Dynasty.”

“Heir?” Sebastian asked, still trying to figure out what his grandfather was on about, his heart still reeling with shock from the wholesome revelation and now he is talking about him being an heir to the Adams Dynasty.

“Yes! You, son, are the only surviving heir of the Adams, hence, it’s your duty to commit to this task and take over this dynasty.” The grandmaster replied.

“Such great responsibility for a college student, I have zero experience, sir,” Sebastian said.

“Adams are usually known for their bravery and leadership skills. And I’m sure you have that in you too.” The grandfather answered, a warm smile playing across his lips.

Taking charge of a whole dynasty wasn’t a joke, it required years of experience and proper guidance. It takes more than just a leadership skill to rule and maintain an inheritance that has been passed down from generation to generation. 

Sebastian had only looked after himself his whole life, well except for Steve, but being promptly elevated to the position of an heir to a dynasty was something he had never dreamt of in his whole life.

Sebastian stood still, his both arms crossed over his chest as he listened quietly to what his grandfather was saying. Though his voice was shaky and inaudible, due to his current health conditions, he pained keen attention knowing fully well the Adam Dynasty was now in his hands.

“Benjamin…the box.” The grandfather shifted his gaze to Benjamin as he commanded. Benjamin bowed slightly and rushed out of the lobby.

In no time, Sebastian’s mouth dropped when he saw a big box gliding through the hallway down to the lobby on its own. He had never seen such technology in real life, but his face softened as he sighed when he saw Benjamin with an electronic remote, controlling it.

The box was so heavy it could never be lifted by a mortal man, except by mechanized tools. No one could even break into it easily except you have the key, which was a fingerprint or a code, not even Benjamin had access to the code. 

The box was made of real gold with silver lining, the surface was so shiny it reflected images. It was the most luxurious item he had ever seen in his entire life after the Grand Villa.

The grandfather managed to sit upright, of course, Sebastian supported him. He pressed his thumb against a fingerprint detector and the box beeped, a green light flashing at every sharp corner of the box. After some seconds there was an unlock sound and the box opened up automatically.

“What is this box?” Sebastian asked, his eyes hooded as he checked it out from his standing position.

His grandfather smiled softly seeing how fascinated Sebastian looked, he had no idea what the Adams Dynasty was and how much they possessed in their name, he was sure he would be blown away completely.

Inside the box was even more fascinating, built precisely with compartments, each section filled with various files and documents that were finely arranged and segmented. The grandfather scanned through the box and carefully reached out to some documents. 

The Adams Dynasty was known worldwide for its vast shares in real estate and pharmaceutical industries scattered around the world. That alone brought in revenue that ran into trillions annually.

Sebastian was perplexed, his field was medicine he was shocked to see Adams Pharma Limited amongst the numerous documents his grandfather was surfing through.

“You own Adams Pharma Limited?” Sebastian asked, his mind completely blown away as he stared into the documents.

“Your father, Adams had so much interest in Alternative medicines. So he opened up Adams Pharmaceuticals where they produce drugs from pure nature and not chemicals. Although he did it as a hobby.” The grandfather stated.

“My father was a doctor?”

“He was more of a businessman, medicine was only his passion or let me say his hobby. I know it runs in your blood too.” The grandfather said, still shuffling through the documents.

Sebastian was flabbergasted, he never imagined his father owned Adams Pharma Limited. That was his dream company and he had always wished to get a job there immediately after his degree. Hence he burnt the midnight candle and took his studies very seriously because they only employed the best.

Adams Pharma Limited was ranked 22nd position in the world, with an estimated yearly revenue of 700 billion dollars.

“Why are you thrilled over one company? Adams Pharma is only thirty years old. It’s a new possession of the Dynasty but I can’t lie, it is doing well for itself.” The grandfather stated, pride gleaming over his face.

“Here, take a look, son. Here are some of the ancestral prosperities passed down from generation to generation.” He handed over some documents over to Sebastian while he rested his back on his executive chair.

“What!” Sebastian’s mouth widened at every company’s document his eyes caught, they were familiar names and known worldwide. 

It ranges from the almighty, A-Ranch Resort, a ten-star resort in Asia, a top certified cocoa plantation, oil wells in Africa and Asia, and gold mining industries scattered around the world. Each was top-class and ranked at least 10th position in the world.

However, while Sebastian kept shuffling the documents, one particular file grabbed his attention, it was an Adams document but the first name bore Psalm. Sebastian hooded his eyes to have a clearer view of the name written boldly on the front of the file, his mind reeling with different thoughts.

“Psalm Adams, who is that? Did you have a second son?” Sebastian asked his grandfather with curiosity as he read through the file.

The grandfather inhaled deeply, “The Psalms Adam investment, comprised of The St psalms Institute of Alternative Medicine, The St psalm Kids Hospital, and other properties as you can see in the file.” 

“The St psalm institute too? That is the university where I schooled in Oakland.” Sebastian’s eyes widened.

“My son, Alexander Adams transferred those properties as a gift to his son, St Psalms Adams, as a birth gift the day he was born.” He stated, giving Sebastian a warm smile.

“Who is Psalms Adams?” Sebastian asked with furrowed brows.

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