Chapter 006

"Wait a minute! W.. what's going on here?" Sebastian's eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed in confusion. He turned to face the old man who stood right behind him, 

"Is... that me?" he stuttered, his gaze shifting back to the golden wall frame of his doppelganger. For a moment, he felt his mind reeling as if the room was spinning around him.

Benjamin then stepped forward, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "No, young master," he clarified, his voice low and soothing. "That's Master Alex, your father."

“My father?” Sebastian scoffed in total disbelief. “There is no fact backing that claim,” Sebastian replied, his heart brimming with uncertainty as he kept ogling at the picture.

“I understand your dismay, but everything would be related to you, sir.” Benjamin continued.

“There is a high tendency you may have the wrong person, you know?” He asked, sharing equal glances with the duo. “Yes! The resemblance is mind-blowing but we can’t conclude by that alone.”

The more Sebastian spoke, the more they glanced at him with astonishment. He was indeed Alex’s replica, from his gray eyes to his well-structured face, his hand placement, and down to how he talked. Everything depicts the late Alexander Adams.

“Okay, let’s say I’m truly the son of this family, how did I end up in an orphanage?” His eyes narrowed, laced with urgency as he anticipated a well-detailed answer.

“First have a seat, young master.” Benjamin calmly led Sebastian to a fancy silver-coated chair very close to the fascinating golden royal chair where the grand master was already seated. 

Benjamin turned his sharp gaze slightly to the Grandmaster, waiting for a hint before he continued with the great revelation. Whereas, Sebastian looked quite lost as he watched the duo speak softly with their gaze.

After some seconds, the butler nodded sharply in coherence as he turned to face Sebastian. “I’m not worthy of this privilege to be the first to address you, but I’m glad the universe made me witness this timeless salvation, young master.” He stated, bowing deeply in joy, a soft smile playing across his lips as if he had been waiting for that moment all his life.

“Young master? Can you stop calling me that?” Sebastian spat with an impatient tone.

He wanted answers and not any pleasantries or salutations, he was getting very impatient and his furrowed brows and pouted mouth could tell how paranoid he was. 

There was an awkward moment of silence before the butler's voice broke through the tension and tight air. He readjusted his tie and cleared his throat. That singular act made Sabestian’s stomach churn, he gulped loudly as he raised his gaze to meet the butler’s.

“It’s been twenty years of tireless search after we inherited the search from your late father, Alexander Adams of blessed memory, who died in a ghastly car accident while searching for you.”

"Uhmm... I'm so sorry for your loss," Sebastian whispered, his gaze faltering as his voice cracked with emotion. "Okay, I know this is awkward, but I don't know what to say."

The butler's expression softened. "Yeah, I get it. But you don't have to say anything, just listen."

Sebastian's eyes lifted, and he nodded almost imperceptibly, granting the butler permission to proceed.

“Yes, young master. You were only three months old when you got involved in a ghastly motor accident with your mother. But when we got to the scene, we realized your body was missing, so your late father, Master Alex, took it upon himself to find you. However, he died in a ghastly motor crash during the search.” The butler stated, his eyes gleaming with hurt.

Sebastian turned his startled gaze to the grandmaster, it was as if he needed a second opinion. But his heart fell to his stomach when he noticed how heavy and teary his eyes were. He quickly looked away so he didn’t ignite it further.

The grandmaster wore a soft smile as he struggled to rise from his seat. Sebastian quickly grabbed his arm to support his balance as he noticed how his legs quivered. 

“Please sit, old man. You aren’t strong.” Sebastian stated with concern in his eyes, but the grandmaster held tightly to his both arms, his eyes were red and veiny, piercing deep into Sebastian’s gaze as tears rolled freely down his saggy cheeks.

Sebastian felt compassion as he glanced at everyone. Everything was a handful for him, he was finding it hard to assimilate the shocking revelation, so he just stood quietly and watched them unfold every important detail to him.

“I… I gave you a mark, the… same mark I gave to Alex the day he was born. It is a bull sign, boldly stamped behind your forearm, a little above your elbow.” 

The grandmaster revealed, more tears streaming down his cheeks as he pointed towards another picture frame of Alex, where he flexed that same ancestral mark fixed at the same position as Sebastian’s.

Sebastian's mouth dropped open, but words were far-fetched from it. That was the final straw, he had always had that special birthmark and some people even mistook it for a tattoo.

Sebastian began dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. They could be right after all. 

No wonder the nun in the orphanage told him he was adorned in gold and fine ornament the day he was brought in, and they knew he wasn’t an ordinary child.

“Son, When you were busy trying to revive me with the compressions my eyes were fixed on your birthmark and I knew I had found my lost heir, the only surviving heir to the Adams and Adams Dynasty.” He looked up to Sabestian and gave a smile of hope. 

“I begged the universe to give me another chance at life again, just so I could see and talk to you again.” The Grandmaster stated, his hands cupping Sabestian’s face and he dragged him into his embrace. He hugged him very tightly, squeezing air out of his lungs.

Sabestian’s eyes dropped, and he suddenly became sweaty even though the lobby was chilled from the split air con at every corner. He didn’t even know how to react to the news, it was overwhelming indeed! 

He gently pulled out of the embrace, even though his eyes were also dull and teary, he still managed to stay strong.

“There is something I need to tell you, son, something very important.” The grandmaster stated.

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