Chapter 009

“Call out your account details to Benjamin, son. It is my honor to hand over the token your dad had kept in place for you. You’re an Adam and your aura should speak splendor and sophistication at all costs.” The grandfather stated with pride gleaming in his eyes.

“Another gift? But I have the unlimited black card.” Sebastian questioned, the endless flow of fortune blowing his mind away.

Sebastian stuttered a bit while calling his account number, he felt a sharp rod settle in his stomach and his heart rate doubled. He was anxious and heavily confused about what to do with his fortune.

A few moments after calling out his details, Sebastian let out an involuntary gasp, his hands flying up to his mouth as he stood with force, his eyes squinting to read the figures his eyes had just caught.

“Holy hell! What?” He exclaimed in total disbelief, shock brimming from every angle of his face while his grandfather glanced at his reaction.

“G… grandfather! Of what use is this income? This is exuberant.” Sebastian’s eyes were almost popping out of its socket.

The grandmaster and Benjamin shared a glance and gave a little chuckle afterward.

“Maybe get an estate, buy a private jet, chill with Miss Universe. I don’t know, Son, it’s yours to spend.”

“Grandfather??! This is too much.” Sebastian was too stunned to speak.

“Too much?” The grandfather gave a little eye roll. “How can a token be too much for an Adams? It’s obvious you are yet to understand who you are and what forces you control, Son.”

The grandmaster shook his head and immediately started regretting how life took wealth out of his son’s mouth from an early age. If not he would have seen such a token as a mere allowance.

Seeing the weariness in the grandmaster’s countenance, Benjamin chipped in a consoling clause. “He would get used to it in no time, grandmaster,” Benjamin added reassuringly.

“10 billion dollars sitting on my phone is no token grandfather, it can pass as a net worth.”

Sebastian continued staring at his phone in disbelief, it was very difficult for him to digest all that had been happening. He immediately became sweaty and his emotions mixed with uncertainty and undiluted joy.

“I was just in jail some moments ago and now a billionaire?” He uttered loudly subconsciously, brushing his hands through his hair.

“What do you mean Jail?” The grandfather's countenance immediately darkened, anger brimming in his dim eyes as he sought for immediate clarification.

“I was framed by the woman I called mine,” Sebastian stated in a low tone, the shock in his eyes slowly transitioned into undiluted pain as he clenched his fist till his knuckles turned white.

“Donald, a bully in school leaked an intimate video of her, and when I tried to defend her. She slammed me brutally alongside the bully, well because he is rich.” He hushed for a while and clenched his teeth as unwanted memories began unfolding.

“I retaliated out of anger, and I think I went a little overboard with it so I got detained.” He stated, a trace of satisfaction glistening in his eyes.

The grandmaster's eyes fluttered with pride, hearing Sebastian give the bully a fair dose of his own medicine, brought joy to his soul.

“No one messes with an Adams. We don’t forgive!” He sneered. “How do you want his punishment, son?” The grandfather asked, his voice tinged with massacre.

Sebastian smirked, a newfound confidence gleaming in his heart. “That shouldn’t bother you, grandfather. I love my revenge slow and painful.”

“Exactly how I love mine!” He spat, his voice dripping venom.

“Take them out completely, no mercy! If at all you need my help in carrying out your revenge, do well to inform me. They are dust to me, with a little snap, they will go into extinction.” He gritted his teeth.

Sebastian had a grin on his face as the thought of his revenge flashed through his head. But he needed to feel the satisfaction of their doom, hence he would be slow and make sure they felt every atom of the grief he felt.

“As you already know, son, the black card in your possession is unlimited. Use it to your advantage, spend, and get the finest things in life. Only the finest! Such mediocre individuals are not worth causing an Adams pain!”

Sebastian was still astonished, caressing the black card with the Adams emblem finely crafted on it with a golden lining.

He pricked himself a little, but the wince that followed showed he wasn’t daydreaming. His breakthrough was here and he was soaking it in.

His grandfather noticed Sebastian’s abrupt silence and almost fell into tears. He gritted his teeth so hard trying hard to fight back his emotions.

The only surviving heir of the Adams Dynasty had existed as a pauper all his life, but he couldn’t deny the fact that the charisma, the Admas embodied was very obvious in his grandson, which was a plus to him.

“You seem lost, son. Don’t be! Everything around you and many more you can’t see is yours and at your command.”

Sebastian nodded continually, his gaze fixed on his father as he soaked in the affirmative words from his grandfather.

“It’s just overwhelming, I always had that conviction that I would be wealthy, but gaining such fortune in one night?” He scoffed in disbelief. “It happens only in the movies.”

“Get used to it, St Psalms Adams.”

Sebastian lifted his head with pride, it was as though the name was a wake-up call, and all of a sudden he was ready to conquer the world.


The tension in the air was broken by the sudden ring of Sebastian’s broken phone. The horrible condition of the phone made the ringtone a bit frightening.

“What kind of a disaster called a phone is my heir using.” The grandfather muttered to himself, trying hard not to break into laughter.

“Steve!” Sebastian answered after a little hesitation.

“Goodness, Sebastian, where are you?” Steve replied with urgency. “You know you have to face the panel and you still aren’t here,” Steve hissed with worry.

“Relax Steve, I will be with you shortly,” Sebastian replied casually.

“You should be here already, facing the Institute’s Panel is no joke, Seb. Have you given up already?”

“I would be damned if I do.” He ended the call suddenly, squeezing his almost lifeless phone in his palm.

“Benjamin arrange the chopper immediately, I have to be in school,” Sebastian stated, his voice laced with command.

“Yes, Master.” Benjamin bowed slightly and ran off.

“Now this is the blueprint of an Adam!” The grandfather’s cheeks widened from an undiluted smile, his demeanor laced with charismatic pride.

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