Chapter 010

Sebastian held his backpack filled with the designer's clothes Benjamin had picked out for him.

He was dressed in his simple but sophisticated two-piece attire, staring at the chopper as it took off after dropping him at the cathedral where he met his grandfather.

He gave a warm smile, his hands buried deep in his pockets as he looked through the surroundings, reminiscing on how that pre-destined evening unfolded.

After soaking in all he needed to, he began strolling back to his Campus and, in no time, he was in front of his dorm.

When he got to his room, it was a bit quiet, he pushed the door open and he met Steve in a dilapidated mood, staring at the ceiling with all seriousness, he was lost and didn’t even realise when Sebastian walked into the room.

“Hey, buddy!” Sebastian called out in an icy voice as he tossed a throw pillow at him.

The familiar voice almost made Steve break his arm as he jolted up with force and landed on Sebastian’s body. As the crybaby that he was, it didn’t take for tears to stream down his cheeks profusely.

Sebastian who hated hugs was moved by his genuine countenance, he reciprocated the hug quickly with a little tap on his back before pulling away after three seconds.

“Sebastian! My goodness! You don’t look like you’re in shit!” He moved backwards dramatically to check him out.

“Wait! What is that smell?” He went ahead to sniff Seb like a lost puppy who just found its owner.

“Dude!!! You smell damn good! You’re in a deep crisis and the only thing you could do is go shopping? Did you hit a jackpot? Dude you smell like wealth.”

Steve was too hasty and hyperactive as expected, he didn’t give room for Sebastian's response as he began his salutations.

“Get a hold of yourself, Steve. I didn’t go shopping.” Sebastian cleared him but he was adamant.

“You aren’t telling me the truth dude! You look sleek. Who gave you this two-piece, it’s so authentic. It looks exactly like the grade my father’s boss usually wears. I guess your orphanage had upgraded because…. this drip! Damn man, you went for a vacation and I was here worried to death.”

“Steve!!! Can you please breathe?” Sebastian purposefully dismissed his excitement so it didn’t sprout more questions.

“I’m starving let’s go grab dinner,” Sebastian stated in a composed manner.

“Your leftover tuna salad is still in the fridge, thank goodness you’re back else it would have gone bad if you had wasted any more time,” Steve stated, walking towards the fridge to bring out Sebastian’s usual dinner.

Sebastian smiled at his innocence and shook his head. “Close the fridge Steve, tonight we are having dinner at The Luxe Cafeteria.”

Steve halted momentarily and froze, he glanced at Sebastian with confusion brimming in his eyes.

“What do you mean dinner at The Luxe? The same Cafe where you worked? Aren’t you even worried you would be offered a sack letter for absconding for days without prior notice? Have you forgotten you were arrested for beating Donald? They wouldn’t want to see your face Seb, plus the meal there is ridiculously expensive….”

“Enough of the sermon buddy, are you joining me or nah?” Sebastian asked with a stern voice, obviously burnt out from Steve’s continuous lectures even though he meant well.

“I’m just concerned, Seb. I don’t want those folks throwing jabs at you.” He stated, secretly slipping his debit card into his pocket to salvage the situation in case there was any outburst.

While they strolled down to the Cafe, Steve kept filling Sebastian in on all that had been happening in school while he was away. He felt Sebastian visited his orphanage because there wasn’t any other home he had.

Sebastian kept quiet nodding to all of Steve’s gists and complaints as they both walked down the bustling streets of St Psalms Institute.

“Here goes Mike Tyson!” Jerry, the security personnel echoed loudly at the site of Sebastian but Sebastian ignored him.

“After beating up one of The Luxe's finest customers, you feel you stand a chance of still working here?” Jerry continued with mockery in his tone.

“We can still go back, Seb. There are other in-camp restaurants we can have dinner from. The Luxe is quite expensive and as you can see from the gate, the management has some inherited scores with you.” Steve complained, his eyes twinkling with worry.

Sebastian had worked in the Cafeteria for over two years, and never had he tasted the foreign cuisines prepared by the foreign chefs. He was either offered the leftovers or nothing at all. So he saw today as a good opportunity to satisfy his long-time cravings.

“Look who we have here? This opportunist who doesn’t know where he belongs.” Stella, the Sales manager strutted in throwing direct jabs at Sebastian unprovoked.

Stella was a pretty Sales manager, she was on the thicker side, her curves highly accentuated in the corporate short gown she wore, Her hair was finely packed in a bun to suit her black corporate attire. She swayed her voluptuous hips, mischief laced in her sultry gaze as he walked closer to Seb.

“I need a table, Stella,” Sebastian stated cordially, disregarding her taunts.

“To do what? Wash the dishes?” She mocked.

“I’m here to get a meal not to banter words with you,” Sebastian replied, his calmness questionable and his composure intact.

“Hey Seb, wipe off that tiny stain close to your mouth,” Stella stated with concern as she pointed at an imaginary stain at the corner of Seb's mouth.

Sebastian furrowed his brows and moved backwards to avoid her hand coming in contact with his mouth. He dusted off the supposed stain softly and the grin on Stella’s face immediately turned to mockery.

“Exactly! Scrub it off, wipe off that mouth you used in saying that crap!” She stated callously accompanied by a snort and mocking laughter.

“I don’t know who cracked a joke, but I demand to have a table as I intend to have dinner here like everyone else.” Sebastian retorted.

Stella’s annoying laughter was beginning to draw attention to Sebastian as heads were beginning to turn and murmur.

Seeing that the attention she was craving was beginning to come to light, she increased her tempo and added more rhythm to the agonizing beat.

She wiggled her shoulder with pride, her side eye scanning to check if she had the attention of everyone before she started.

“Stop pleading, Sebastian, we can’t take you back. If we do, the lives of customers are at risk due to your violent behaviour.” She stated coldly, her voice loud and inviting, tinged with mischief.

“Huh!? I ain’t begging, Miss!”

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