Chapter 011

A group of elite students who were having dinner at the restaurant seemed to recognize Sebastian and It happened to be Stanley and Josh, Sebastian’s roommates, alongside their girlfriends.

“Isn’t he the Laundryman who fought Donald after ruining his flamboyant jacket?” Natasha, Stanley’s girlfriend questioned with disgust in her eyes.

“What is he doing here? I thought he had been dismissed already.” She sneered at Sebastian as she glared at him with hate.

“Ohh! I see him now, the lizard who Marilyn confessed was wack in bed in that viral video? I guess all he knows how to do is just laundry.” Jane, Josh’s girlfriend uttered loudly to Sebastian’s hearing but his demeanor remained impenetrable.

“Unfortunately babe, he is our roommate too.” Stanley sighed heavily, an embarrassed look palpable in his gaze.

“Wait what???!!! Do you share a room with this lowlife? Grose!” Natasha yelled, disgust plastered all over her squinted eyes as she glared at Sebastian.

“Come of it girl, it’s a plus. I guess he will do their laundry for free!” Jane’s unleavened joke broke the tension and they all burst into uncontrollable laughter,

“We had met with the Dean of Students Affairs for a new hostel allocation, I can’t be in a room with a truant. I plan on upgrading to the Presidential Dorm, where I can have some privacy.“ Josh replied and Stanley seconded.

“That would be great, babe,” Jane replied, caressing Josh's hairless chest with a breath of relief.

After they had exhausted their energy on Sebastian’s matter, they all stood up to understand what the fuss was about and if possible ridicule him even more.

“Stella, is this good for nothing troubling you?” Stanley asked the Sales Manager, his intentions obvious from his mocking tone.

“Is there any time he is trouble-free?” Stella scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“I wonder what the management saw in him before they employed him! He is a handful” She stamped her foot and hissed, before reaching out for the drawer below her desk.

Stella had always had eyes for Sebastian, She had tried every move within her feminine power to lure Sebastian into her bed, but he always declined.

Apart from her not being his spec, she was also old enough to be his mother and married with kids his age. Her husband was his professor and he saw it as a taboo to lay with a married woman. It goes against his ethics and everything he stood for.

“Here is your sack letter, rascal!” She pressed a white envelope on his chest, her gaze sultry and defeating as she poked his nipple a bit while at it.

Sebastian winced inwardly while clenching his fist, trying to still cover up her adulterous act even though he was greatly pushed to the walls.

“Mrs. Stella Roberts! I ain't here for no job or sack letter, I came here to get a meal and I will have it!” Sebastian stated loudly, his boldness coursing through her veins as she quivered and bit her lips unconsciously.

“Woooof! That roar is all I need, this little boy has been starving me for quite a long time now, I’m so drawn to his masculinity, one I have never seen my husband possess.” She muttered to herself, blinking hard and trying to camouflage the burning desire she still had for Sebastian that was written all over her.

A little advice young man, she gave a fake smile, walked a few centimetres towards Seb, and stood on her toes to meet his ears as she mumbled under her breath.

“I can still get you your job Papa, if only you would give me one night, One night is all I ask.” She withdrew herself shamelessly, her sharp gaze focused on Sebastian like she wasn’t just begging a few moments ago.

Some other students around were murmuring, and getting irritated about how Sebastian was being treated, but Lily a freshman student was the only one bold enough to air her view.

“He is a student, ma’am. And every student in St Psalm has an equal right. As long as he hasn’t been rusticated yet, he still possesses every right to eat in any restaurant in as much as he can finance it!” Lily stated boldly, her voice firm and lacking compromise.

“Look sweetheart, you don’t know this young man, he doesn’t have a penny with him to pay for any meal, he works here so I know him better,” Stella stated, giggling with a disgusting snort as she brushed off the girl's intervention.

Lily had opened the floor of boldness for Steve to step in, “I… I agree with Lily. If Sebastian desires to eat in this Cafe, that shouldn’t bother you, ma’am, as long as he is paying for it.”

Stanley and Josh alongside their girlfriends chuckled sarcastically. “Come of it puppet!” Josh said as his gaze shifted to Steve.

“We all know it’s your parent's money you use in fending for this broke ass dude. Gain wisdom and be careful else you will be his next target.” Josh added with a recognizable grin playing across his lips.

“That’s not true, Sebastian works hard for his money….”

“Oh shut up Daddy's boy, we all know you paid the 80k dollars on his behalf when he ruined Donald’s Alexander Wengs Jacket! This nigga is in to loot you and he won’t stop till you’re drained completely.” Stanley stated, bearing fake concern for Steve.

Sebastian was immediately taken aback as he felt his heart tug painfully, he had it in mind to clear all the funds Steve had lent him in the past, he was innocent and he didn’t deserve such taunts.

Although, Stanley and Josh's presence was enough to trigger his suppressing rage. He could never forget their ill treatment towards him and how they tried to make his life miserable. But never again!

“Sebastian is like my big bro, what I chose to do for him is none of y’all business. He does even more for me.”

“More?” Josh rolled his eyes with a little giggle. “Like doing your laundry? Making your bed? What does he do for you, Steve? You’re so foolish and blind, you can’t see through people!” Said, Josh.

Steve was about to leash out on Josh when Sebastian held him back.

“Let’s leave here at once Seb, I have lost the will to eat,” Steve told Sebastian as he turned to leave.

“Be still mate!” Sebastian commanded and Steve halted immediately.

“You’re such a dummy, Steve! Have you lost the will to eat or you’ve finally seen reason with us and decided to save your money for the night?” Stanley stated callously caressing his temples with a grin.

“Attention! Attention! everyone!” Stella's voice rang off.

“I will drop my badge and resign with immediate effect if Sebastian can pay for his meal, of course, without the help of his ATM, Steve,” Stella uttered loudly, her voice dragging the attention of more students as they brought out their phones to cover the scene.

“But if you fail to do so and waste my time, you will dispose al the garbage for the whole week without a penny. At least you’ll add that to your CV just beside your expertise in laundry!” She sneered and Sebastian smiled.

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