Chapter 003

After that heavy kick, Sebastian pounced heavily on Donald, he punched his guts so hard and gave him a hard nod on his lips. He had never unleashed so much anger on someone in his entire life, and for some weird reason, it was oddly satisfying he was unleashing it on Donald Rowland! 

“Get off me, you bastard!” Donald growled from the floor, unable to even throw back a single punch. His heart raced fast as he tried pushing Sebastian from his body, but Sebastian's body mass and strength overpowered him.

“You…. will pay so dearly….. I promise!” Donald stated under his breath, while he used his hands to block and dodge punches thrown at him.

Sebastian snarled and tightened his knuckle till it turned white, before unleashing it on his jaw this time,

“How dare you spread lies about me with your girlfriend?!!!” Sebastian’s voice thundered, glaring deep into his eyes as he pulled him by his collar.

For all the time he tossed his dirty clothes on his face, for all the time he made him play tag with his dog disrespectfully, and most importantly, for making him have an extra year in school. Sabestian retaliated bravely, not minding the consequences of his actions. He made sure he didn’t stop, till he saw blood rolling out from the corner of his mouth.

“Sebastian!!!! You would kill him!” Marilyn cried out from a distance, flapping her hands like a damsel in distress. She knew quite well not to get close to the scene so she didn’t get her share. So she quickly turned away to find help, while other students were busy with their phones, making sure they caught every hot scene on video.

Donald’s hands quivered as he tried reaching into his pocket for his phone, he needed to call his friends to save him from that godforsaken humiliation before he passed out. But Sebastian noticed and brushed it off his hands.

Gasps and voices echoed around the scene, but guess they were all enjoying the scene as nobody dared to pull Sebastian off Donald’s body. A well-deserved comeback indeed.

Sebastian was never violent, he had always been in his lane even when he was bullied long ago in the orphanage where he grew up. He had developed a survival skill and had learned to stand up for himself since he didn’t have anyone to do that for him.

However, Donald was just a big-mouthed bully, despite having muscles and six packs, he couldn’t even lift a finger when Sebastian was punching deeply into his face. His saving grace was Marilyn who had rushed to call his best friends and partners in crimes, Zack and Jaden.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sebastian froze with widened eyes when he felt a heavy hit on his head and back, he felt paralyzed for a moment as he slowly fell on his back. He could feel a warm liquid gushing down to his neck, he instantly knew he was bleeding when the metallic smell of blood struck his nose.

At that moment, Donald was expecting Sabestian to be on his knees begging to be pardoned, but the smirk on Sabestian face angered Donald the more, satisfaction and fulfillment gleamed over his face. At least both of them had sustained injuries and that was enough for him.

“Raise him!” Donald barked, ordering his puppets. His veins became prominent as he tightened his fist, wiggling his sore neck in agitation, trying to wade off the shame Sabestian had inflicted on him earlier.

Zack and Jaden lifted Sebastian to his feet, holding him tightly by his arm. They needed to act fast before the school authorities got to the scene, they didn’t want to get in any trouble or have an extra year due to their action. 

Before Sebastian would realize it, he felt numerous heavy punches in his guts, making him groan inwardly. He felt physical pain, but his demeanor was emotionless, casting a cloud of defeat on Donald.

“He would kill him!”

“Damn! Sebastian, the Laundry guy is so strong!”

“True! Never knew anyone could stand up to Donald..”

“That must be some strong guts, Sabestian possesses.” 

“I hope this fight doesn’t rip him off his scholarship…”

Numerous voices kept echoing from the crowd, from their utterances, one could tell they were oddly satisfied about Donald’s defeat. They were secretly in support of Sabestian, but of course, they didn’t have the guts to declare their support openly. 

“Wait a damn minute!” Donald stated, ogling distinctly in the opposite direction. “Is that My Alexander Weng jacket lying on the floor?” Donald’s eyes darkened, his chest pumped heavily in his chest making it rise and drop in motion. 

With a reflective rage, Donald gave Sabestian another heavy blow when he concurred it was indeed his jacket lying on the floor. If he was that agitated by the jacket on the floor, how would he feel when he realized it was burnt and ruined? 

“Speak! Is that my jacket on the bare floor? My eighty thousand dollars?” Donald asked again, his gaze piercing deep into Sabestian eyes. But Sabestian turned his gaze away and nodded ‘yes.’

Everyone gasped, as the air suddenly became tight. They knew it was about to get messy, knowing fully well Donald never joked with his luxury items. 

Donald took some steps backward, flexing his muscles while he picked up his jacket that had managed to slip out of Sabestian's unzipped bag. He glanced at it thoroughly, holding it by its collar to find any fault, of course, it was white and the tiniest fault could easily be noted. 

His mouth dropped and he narrowed his eyes when he sighted the ruffled and torn part on the jacket, it was squeezed and ashy even a baby could tell it was caused by a hot pressing iron. He swallowed painfully, sharing equal glances between Sebastian and his ruined jacket.

“You’re good as dead, Laundry guy!” Donald stated, picking up his phone from Zack to call the police.

He walked closer to Sebastian and whispered in his ears, “You’re going to choose between your scholarship or replacing my Jacket! Next time, you won’t try to be a hero.”

Reality kicked in and that was when Sebastian knew he was screwed. He had allowed his emotions to overpower him once again. 

In no time, the police came down to the scene, they were very conversant with Donald so they were biased and didn’t act professionally. They didn’t care to ask any questions before bundling Sebastian into their van.

“I will ruin you!” That was the last words he read on Donald’s lips as the police took him away. Marilyn, on the other hand, was busy doing a nurse's job on Donald, cleaning off his wound and blowing cozy air to soothe the pain, refusing to spare Sebastian a single glance. How cruel? 

He was in this situation all because of her and may eventually lose his scholarship after four years of fighting relentlessly. His heart was full of anguish, reflecting through the tears in his eyes as he blinked it away. He was alone and was okay to be vulnerable.



“Hi… Hi officer, my name is Steve Green and I’m here to see Sebastian Stone, he was brought in yesterday from St psalms Institute,” Steve stated, urgency laced in his tone as he scanned around to see if he would see Seb.

“Ohhh, the criminal charged for physical abuse, assault, and destruction of properties worth thousands?” The officer mocked, an evil smirk playing on his lips. It was obvious he was affiliated with the Donald family because if they were charging Sabestian for assault, Donald was also guilty of assault and defamation of character, but no! It had been swept under the carpet as usual.

“Sebastian Stone!” The officer called out in a sharp tone while unlocking the cell gate. 

“You have a visitor.” He stated, ushering him out to the reception where Steve was already wallowing in his tears. 

Sabestian emotion was unreadable, well he always had such demeanor and expression. One could rarely tell if he was happy or sad.

“Sebastian!! My God!” Steve called as he saw Sebastian, he wasted no time giving him a warm hug, even when he knew Sebastian hated hugs. 

“Hi, Steve, as you can see I’m fine, so why the tears?” Sebastian stated, his tone laced with concern as he humbly pulled out of the hug.

His head was still banging from the hit, thank goodness they didn’t touch his face.

Steve glanced at him for a second, before blinking away the tears that had welled up again in his lids. He swallowed loudly before uttering, “I’m afraid you’re in trouble, Sebastian.” His voice was cranky and his lips quivered.

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