Chapter 5: Phoenix's Underlying

Kevin has really missed her. He had known Alessia for a very long time now. So, it was normal for him to miss her.

“It's ok, little cat. I'm here now,” Kevin comforted.

Alessia dragged her breath. “Where have you been? I've searched everywhere for you. I just had to hope you would return to me unscathed. I'm so happy to hear your voice today,” she said excitedly.

Kevin could easily note the happiness in her voice. He was so caught up with what Alessa was saying that he didn't notice Morris creeping inside.

Morris walked back inside to look for a way to make Kevin do something wrong again by the time Mia came out so that Kevin would eventually leave the house. He couldn't wait for that to happen. Mia must marry Mendy at all costs.

He watched him for a moment, with curiosity. He wondered who he was talking to. Kevin looked happy which was strange. This means that the person he was talking to was somewhat special to him.

“It's ok, little cat. I'm back now,” he said softly, with a wide smile on his face.

What! Little cat! Morris wondered for a moment who Kevin could be referring to. His eyes widened with shock as realization finally dawned on him.

Kevin was cheating on Mia! No way! It was why he looked so happy and was even telling the person he was back. He even called her ‘little cat'.

A smile evaded Morris' face. This was a perfect reason to make Kevin leave. He pulled out his phone and started to record him. If Mia sees this evidence, he will divorce Kevin.

“Where are you, Kevin?” Alessia asked excitedly. She just couldn't wait to see Kevin again.

“I'm in Falcone state.”

“Falcone state?” Alessia repeated, somehow shocked. “Where in Falcone state are you? Because I searched everywhere and I couldn't find you.”

Kevin smiled softly. Well, Alessia wouldn't have been able to see him when he was always in the house 24/7 working. He was a house husband anyway.

“Where are you, Little cat? Tell me and I will find you as soon as possible.”

“I'm currently at Phoenix Plazza. I head the place now,” she explained.

Kevin has heard about the Phoenix Plaza several times from Mia and he knew that it was headed by Alessia Anderson, the most successful businesswoman in Falcone state.

Even though the name sounded familiar then, Kevin couldn't place where he had heard it from. 

But what people didn't know was that Alessia Anderson was the known General Tiger of the Phoenix.

“I will be there soon. Just give me an hour, I will meet you there,” he assured.

“Alright, Boss!”

Kevin smiled at this and hung up. It wasn't like Alessia loved calling him ‘boss’. She was merely teasing him.

He placed the phone in his pocket and remembered that he was initially bleeding. He stepped inside the bathroom and washed the blood off his face. The bleeding has stopped now actually. He saw some glasses sticking out of his head. He pulled them out successfully and stepped out again.

He was going to see Alessia Anderson.

Morris was still hiding in a corner, waiting to see what Kevin would do. When Kevin stepped out of the bathroom and moved towards the front door, he stepped out and followed him quietly.

The door of the meeting room opened suddenly, putting a stop to Morris' obsession. Mia and Mendy stepped out with a smile on their faces. 

Mia was fast to see the broken table. Her first thought was where Kevin was and why he wasn't cleaning the lobby. She looked up and saw Kevin walking towards the front door.

“Kevin!” She called quickly before he would open the door.

Kevin stopped and turned to look at Mia. He didn't expect the meeting to be over so soon anyway. He wondered what Mia wanted again. But he nonetheless decided to move closer and see what it was all about.

When Mia saw that Kevin was moving closer, she turned to Mendy. “Thank you, Mr Mendy, for having this meeting with me.”

Mendy actually wanted to stay or invite her for lunch but he decided not to push his luck further. Instead, he made a hypocritical smile. “Alright then. I will see you later,” he bade his farewell and walked towards the front door.

Mendy and Kevin walked past each other with the latter not forgetting to spare him a dirty stare and Kevin did as if he didn't even see him.

“Where are you going, Kevin? Without tidying up this place? What do you think you are doing?” Mia bombarded him when he was close enough.

Kevin sighed. “I need to meet a friend of mine.”

Morris sneered from one side. He was tempted to give Mia the video and let her know who Kevin really wanted to go and meet but he seriously wanted to discuss it with Mendy first. So, he was going to give Mendy the video instead.

“Well, this is important. Besides, Morris can clean it up since he caused it.”

“Are you kidding me!” Morris snapped.

Mia sighed, not at all in the mood to prolong the matter any further. She delved inside her bag instead and pulled out a card.

She passed Kevin the card, “There are 10k dollars in the card. I need you to buy a nice gift for my grandmother. You know her birthday party is around the corner already. Just make sure you choose a nice gift. This is why I gave you a card with such a huge amount of money. Don’t make me embarrassed!”

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