Chapter 8: Finding a present for Mrs Perry

Alessia thought for a moment and a smile evaded her face. “I think I might have a good gift.”


Alessia nodded slightly and moved away. She moved to her bar and retrieved a bottle of wine.

“This is the best gift,” she announced with a wide smile.

Kevin moved closer and took the bottle of wine from her.

“This is Domaine de la Romanée-Conti La Tache. It's one of the most expensive wines in the world. It costs over 200k dollars. If you give this as a gift to anyone, they will surely be happy and grateful about it.”

Kevin nodded several times “This is the best gift. Thank you so much, Alessia.”

Alessia reciprocated his smile. “Anytime, boss. Though, I think we still have a lot to catch up to.”

Kevin nodded in agreement. “Sure, and there is plenty of time to do that. But I better leave now.”


Alessia watched him until he was out of the office. She was more than happy and she would like if not anything, to show Lionel that he was wrong and Phoenix was alive but they were going to do this the Lord Phoenix way.

“I have also prepared a gift for Lord Phoenix. What he has said doesn't affect that,” she whispered, walked to the bar, and grabbed a non-alcoholic wine.


The next day was for the big madam of the house, Mia’s grandmother. Even though Mia was now the CEO of the family business, Mrs Perry was still considered the most important person in the family. She was still the head of the family.

So, they prepared a big birthday party for her to which everyone from distant and close family was invited.

When Kevin walked inside, his gaze searched quickly for Mia. Since Mia didn't allow him to leave with her, saying she had to be somewhere. So, Kevin had to find his way to the party.

He hesitated when he saw Mendy standing with Mrs Perry. He was shocked.

It was supposed to be a family thing. Kevin wondered why Mia would invite Mendy as well.

And Mrs Perry looked very happy to see him. She was smiling from ear to ear.

They talked but Kevin couldn't hear what they were saying because of where he was. He moved closer to Mia nonetheless.

“I just told Mia there's no way I will miss your birthday. I had to cancel a huge appointment to be here,” Mendy said in a loud voice so that everyone around him would hear.

Kevin scoffed at this. Mendy was obviously lying. He didn't cancel any appointments.

There was just one empty seat beside Mia, so Kevin moved closer.

Mia looked up at him, with a frown. She wasn't expecting him to move closer to her actually.

“What are you doing?”

“Sitting or am I not allowed to do that?”

Mia huffed. “Find yourself another seat. Mendy owns this place.”

Kevin was taken aback. “But I'm your_”

“Husband?” Mia finished for him. She scoffed. “You can take a megaphone and announce it to the family that you are since they don't know!” She said coldly, careful so that her voice wouldn't be so loud.

Even at that, she didn't miss the stares she was getting from her distant cousins. They all laughed at her when they heard that Kevin was her husband.

“Kevin, go and sit! Don't embarrass me!” She muttered in between clenched teeth.

Kevin sighed and walked away. There were empty seats besides Mia’s distant cousin but Kevin didn't want to risk it. So, he took one, alone that was separated from the rest of the family.

Even at that, Mia’s cousins laughed and hot anger surged through her.

“It was one of the best decisions, ma’am. I hope you get even more beautiful than you are next year!”

Mrs Perry smiled, clearly pleased with Mendy. “Thank you so much, Mr Karim. I really appreciate it.”

Mendy nodded once, with a soft smile, and then he did like he forgot something. “I'm so sorry Mrs Perry. I got you a little gift. It was too late before I got to hear. So, I wasn't able to prepare a tangible gift for you,” he said with a gentle smile.

Mr Perry waved it off. “It doesn't matter. It's the thought that does.”

Mendy moved away and retrieved a bottle of wine from beside Mia. He walked back to Mrs Perry and stretched it out to her.

“Happy birthday once again.”

Mrs Perry's eyes widened with shock. What!

“You mean De lion de Chantel is the wine you said is little?”

“Wow, really? De lion costs 50k dollars. That's one of the expensive wines,"one of the cousins whispered. They were surprised that Mia had someone like Mendy by her side.

“Why is she always so lucky!”

“It's really little,” Mendy said with a little smile. He was trying to behave as if he was really humble and gentle.

Mrs Perry grinned. “Thank you so much, Mr Karim.”

Mendy made a short bow and walked back to his seat which was beside Mia. Mia smiled at him, pleased as well.

Mendy looked up suddenly, his gaze searching around quickly for Kevin. He soon found him, sitting alone.

“Why don't Kevin be the next to show his gift to Mrs Perry!” Mendy said suddenly, drawing attention and putting them on Kevin.

All gaze turned towards Kevin and comments flew in immediately.

“Right, he should.”

“He's the son-in-law anyways. The husband of the CEO of the family company.”

Someone laughed. “And are you sure he has a gift to present?”

“I'm not sure. Kevin has been the house son-in-law for a while now, with nothing to write home about. There was no way he would have any nice gift to offer Grandmother!”

Another person laughed. “He's really pathetic!”

A frown was suddenly on Mrs Perry's face, replacing the laughter that was there a few minutes ago. Obviously, she didn't like him at all. But she couldn't ignore Mendy's words. So, she said nothing.

Kevin stood up nonetheless and moved closer to Mrs Perry.

Mia looked at Kevin immediately. It was at this moment that she regretted not allowing him to sit with her.

“Did you get a good gift?” She asked in a voice slightly lower than a whisper.

Kevin smiled with confidence. “Sure!” He took out wine from the bag he was carrying.

Everyone went silent.

But Mrs Perry looked at the wine and became super furious. She filled the little space in between them and slapped Kevin's face.


“How dare you give me a fake wine as a gift!” She thundered.

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