Chapter 7: The traitor

Kevin moved closer to her slowly.

“I deserve to die, boss!” Alessia muttered, with her head bowed.

Kevin ignored her words and gently pulled her up. “If I kill you, where do I get a new general Tiger, Little cat?” He teased.

Alessia smiled softly and Kevin could remember the last time he had seen her smile. That was a year ago, just before the accident happened.

He was on his way to Penia City in his private ship when he was ambushed. Kevin was asleep when he heard noises. When he walked out of his room, corpses were lying on the floor. 

Kevin was caught off guard. He rushed inside to grab his gun but even with that, he was suddenly feeling dizzy and his head hurt so much.

Before he could say more, some men in black rushed out with guns in their hands.

One of them fired a shot almost immediately but the ship moved to a side suddenly, making them miss their target.

Kevin used the opportunity to shoot one of them and rush over to the ship’s Bridge. The helmsman was dead!

He doesn't even know how to sail a ship!

So, he waited for the men to come in. He mentally counted 1-3 as two of the men walked inside the ship’s bridge, each pointing their guns at noone in particular, ready to shoot at the sight of him. He shot at one and rushed out just before the second one would shoot him.

He shot the second one and finally hurried to the top of the ship.

Just before he could jump inside the water, the ship moved to one side suddenly and he hit his head hard against something. And that was the last thing he remembers before he passed away.

“What happened after I was presumed dead?”

“Everyone thought you were really dead even though we didn't see your corpse. They all thought the fishes or other wild fishes had seized your corpse or something. The Phoenix group scattered around all the states as your men mourn your death every time. But what really happened?”

Kevin released a sigh and let go of Alessia. “I was poisoned and ambushed. I think I was betrayed. And it has to be someone who knew I was traveling on water that day.”

“Right! I suspect Lionel!” She said angrily. “He moved on so fast as if he was happy about everything. He left the army immediately and became the governor of Falcone state,” she revealed.

Kevin squeezed his face in concentration. Could it really be Lionel? There's no way. Lionel was also one of his underlying, someone he trusted after Alessia.

“I need to find the truth secretly,” he said suddenly, looking back at Alessia. “And to do that, I need to hide the truth that I'm still alive.”

Alessia nodded once in agreement. “Then you will definitely need the phoenix group power and finance.”

Kevin nodded, with a soft smile. “You did great by protecting my business.”

Alessia grinned. Lord Phoenix just acknowledged her. Well, she did a great job anyway. Phoenix Group was the leading business group in the country. It has been ranked number one on Billboard.

“I will look for Lionel and get some clue. Till then, I don't want to believe he really betrayed me.”

Alessia nodded several times. “I will get you settled down. Where do you want to stay?”

“Well, I'm staying at the Perry's house. I'm a son-in-law in the Perry family. I've been there for a year now. So, it's a very good cover of identity.”

Alessia’s facial expressions changed drastically. Her eyes went thinner and a dark frown evaded her face. “That is a disrespect to Lord Phoenix.”

“It's ok, Alessia. Mia rescued me. She saw me in the water and took me to the hospital. As she had said, I was lucky she arrived in time or it would have been too late for me.”

Those times, Kevin had thought hard about why he was poisoned. Sometimes, he thought Mia merely lied because she really wanted him to agree to be her fake husband.

But now that he has recovered his memories, he realizes he was really poisoned.

“Well, we can pay her back in another way,” Alessia protested softly.

Kevin shook his head slowly. “It has to be like this. For her sake and mine. Whoever tried to kill me then will try again. I can't afford to be caught off guard,” he explained softly.

“But_” Alessia started again but Kevin cut her off.

“It's ok, little cat. I'm back now and I will be fine,” he assured.

Alessia nodded, finally succumbing. Her expression went soft. It was a good day anyways. Lord Phoenix was back!

Kevin smiled and glanced down at his watch because he needed to leave on time so he could go and buy the birthday present.

He suddenly remembered something and looked at Alessia again. “Is there some good stuff that can serve as a birthday present?”

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