The Billionaire Nobody Noticed

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The Billionaire Nobody Noticed

By: Poen Konnet OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 31 views: 1.6K

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After a night of passion, Ava wakes up to a harsh reality: the man who deflowered her, Dave, appears to be nothing more than a shameless braggart and pauper! Disappointment and anger fill her heart as she realizes the man she gave herself to is not the billionaire she dreamed of, but a nobody also despised by everyone around her. Dave, ostracized and ridiculed by Ava and her elite circle, quietly endures the scorn and chooses to remain incognito while secretly managing his vast empire. In a series of unexpected events, what happens when Dave's real identity as the most powerful and wealthiest billionaire is revealed?

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31 chapters
Chapter 1
Inside the lavish Gallagher Hotel's 8-star suite, Ava jolted awake, widening her eyes in surprise. The soft glow of the opulent lighting in the hotel surrounded her. " I?" She muttered quietly, until she suddenly noticed a stoic figure beside her covered in a duvet. "What?" She jerked immediately, sitting up straight on the bed. Just then, the silky sheets slid off her body, revealing that she was inexplicably without clothes. Confusion and a tinge of panic crept into her mind as she urgently tried to discover the figure lying beside her. As she pulled off the duvet, a tuft of unruly hair peeked out from beneath the fluffy covers, revealing a man asleep. "My gosh! What the hell are you doing here, pervert?" Ava's eyes were flushed red with fury as she jumped up from the bed. Could it be that this jerk had just r*ped her? Without hesitation, she walked up to the young man's side and nudged him hard to wake him up. "How dare you, you bastard! You abused me? You crook!..
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Chapter 2
"Master, since you just arrived, I'm sure you'll need a place to stay. That's why I prepared the top mansion in Prestige Estate. Here is the access card. Please accept it," Carl said, bowing his head in respect while presenting the card. "Also, here is Bovsa's Platinum Card, with a credit limit of 500 million dollars. You can use it at any Fenson store and also at fuel stations owned by Kevton's Chamber." Dave smiled in appreciation. "That's very thoughtful of you," he said. "Master, I've also prepared a special world class restaurant, Feldman, not far from here where you could have a good breakfast before leaving for home," Carl informed. Dave looked at him a bit surprised. None of the nine leaders of The Great Empire had ever given him such a gift, so Dave felt it was good to reward Carl for his kind gesture. "Carl Mullen, what will you have me do for you?" Dave asked. Carl decided to take advantage of this opportunity with Dave. He had found out that Dave was the mys
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Chapter 3
Ava and Dave turned in Gordon's direction. He approached them, smiling broadly, glad to see Ava and Dave together. "Oh, splendid. It's wonderful that the two of you are already getting along," Gordon remarked, gesturing for them to follow him into the mansion. Despite feeling uneasy about the situation, Ava and Dave remained silent, unsure of how to respond to Gordon's assumption.Ava was eager to enter the mansion to share with her grandfather that Dave wasn't a marriage prospect!Upon entering, they encountered Greg and Joyce Dexter, Ava's parents, deeply engrossed in laughter and conversation while watching a movie. "Joyce, we have a special guest. Ask the chef to prepare a nice meal for him," Gordon instructed, prompting Greg and Joyce to look up. Their gazes landed on Dave, and they exchanged puzzled glances, wondering who he was.Dave was dressed in a simple T-shirt and trousers, causing them to wonder why Gordon had introduced him as a special guest. They had expected som
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Chapter 4
"An expert, that's who I am. A mystic physician who has several other skills...""Cut that crap, fool. Aren't you tired of being a shameless braggart?" Ava interrupted. “There's no way I'm going to fall for you. You mark my words!”“Come on. Who knows? You might find me charming and suitable. Don’t jump to a conclusion.” Dave couldn't help but tease Ava, which made Ava even more furious.“A street rat is even better than you, so quit dreaming!”While Ava was still speaking, a white Rolls Royce vehicle pulled up in front of them, and a young, pretty lady clad in an expensive designer dress stepped out of the vehicle. “Ava!” She said, waving her hands at Ava. She was Ava's best friend, Hannah. Hannah walked up to Ava and gave her a warm hug. "Sweetheart, thanks a lot for picking me up," Ava said, and then, she gestured towards Dave. “And this is the one I told you about.” When Ava realized she couldn't avoid obeying her grandfather by marrying Dave, she decided to seek advice
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Chapter 5
As soon as Hannah, Ava, and Dave arrived at the Cents' Sports Club and made their way through the entrance, heads turned, conversations paused, and all eyes focused on Hannah and Ava. Their beauty was undeniable and captivating!Ava's dark, wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders, perfectly complementing her emerald green dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. Meanwhile, Hannah's fair complexion and delicate features were also accentuated by a flowing lavender gown that made her look like she had stepped out of a fairy tale.Dave was dressed in simple attire—a plain shirt and trousers that marked him as a commoner in the eyes of the club’s elite, so no one seemed to notice him. However, Dave wasn't perturbed. Some of the young men, dressed in their finest attire, were captivated by Hannah and Ava's ethereal beauty.One of the men, Clark, who had been pursuing Ava for some time, approached her. "Ava, you look absolutely stunning. You're simply irresistible," he remark
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Chapter 6
Jerry's blood continued to boil in indignation at the sight of Dave.How could someone like Ava, his dream goddess, be married to a commoner? It was a humiliation he could hardly bear!In Jerry's mind, Dave was not just unworthy of Ava; he was unworthy of being his rival. The mere thought of competing with someone like Dave filled Jerry with disdain. He decided he needed to put Dave in his place and teach him a lesson about where he truly belonged!With confidence, Jerry faced Dave with his voice dripping with condescension. "Hey, Dave. Why don't you join me in the noble sports competition today? Let's see how much of a man you are."Dave looked at Jerry expressionless, "I'm not interested, Jerry," he replied casually.Jerry's eyes narrowed. He was not accustomed to being dismissed so easily. "What’s the matter, Dave? Afraid you can’t keep up? Afraid you'll embarrass yourself?" He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a mocking whisper. "Or maybe you just know that you're not
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Chapter 7
Upon hearing Jerry's remarks, the crowd burst into laughter. Jerry's smug smile widened as he soaked in the attention, feeling victorious, even before the competition had begun. He had every reason to believe that Dave would crumble under the pressure."Come on, Dave! Prove you’re not just a waste of space!" someone shouted from the crowd."Yeah, Dave, show us what you’ve got, if you’ve got anything at all!" another person added.Dave, however, was not someone that could be easily pushed around or manipulated. He gave Jerry a cold look."Hey, man, if you’re so eager to make a fool of yourself, then I’ll grant your wish. I’ll compete with you. And when I win, everyone will see who the real fool is."The crowd fell silent for a moment, shocked by Dave's retort. Then the laughter resumed, louder and more boisterous than before. Jerry's eyes narrowed with his smile fading into a tight-lipped grimace."How could a loser like you even talk of winning? I'm sure you've never played sport
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Chapter 8
Despite the lack of evidence, the murmurs of cheating and deceit continued to circulate among the members of the club. For many of them, it was easier to doubt Dave's character than to accept that someone from a humble background like his, could defeat Jerry so effortlessly!Jerry, who had been seething with anger and embarrassment, now found a twisted sense of relief in the crowd’s continued mockery of Dave. The accusations of cheating provided him with a convenient escape from the humiliation of his loss. As long as they continued to mock Dave, his pride remained somewhat intact!"Did you see how he played?" another club member whispered to another. "No way someone like that jerk could beat Jerry without some kind of trickery.""I know, right? It just doesn't add up," the other replied. "Jerry is one of the best. That guy must have done something sneaky."Jerry, overhearing these comments, felt a smirk tug at the corners of his mouth. Though he had no proof that Dave had cheat
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Chapter 9
Dave, however, remained unperturbed. Instead, he met Jerry's and the others' gazes with a look of indifference, which only served to unsettle Jerry further.Jerry, feeling the pressure of the crowd's scrutiny, knew he had to act quickly to shift the attention away from the competition. He forced a smile and turned to Ava with his voice smooth and composed. "Ava, there's something important I wanted to discuss with you today."Ava, who had been glaring at Dave with obvious disdain, turned her attention to Jerry. "What is it, Jerry?"Jerry's smile widened, sensing an opportunity to regain control of the situation. "I heard from my Uncle that Carl Mullen, the head of the Kevton Chamber of Commerce is hosting a banquet tonight. I know you've been working hard to help your family's business, Smithly Associates, join the chamber. This could be your chance."Ava's eyes lit up with interest. "Really? Carl Mullen is in town?""Yes," Jerry confirmed. "I thought you might want to attend t
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Chapter 10
Jerry's face froze with a flicker of disbelief crossing his features. "What are you talking about, loser? I got the information directly from my uncle.""Well, your uncle must have missed the latest update," Dave replied calmly. Jerry burst into laughter as he turned to Dave with a sneer. "You know what, fool, it's pretty bold of you to claim the banquet is cancelled. Do you even know who Carl Mullen is?" He laughed once again with a condescending tone lacing his words. "Someone like you probably doesn't even know what a banquet is, let alone anything about its status."Dave remained composed, unfazed by Jerry's mockery. He took another sip of his drink and met Jerry's gaze steadily.Jerry, feeling confident in his superior status, continued, "You shouldn't envy my connections and background, jerk. It's not something someone like you could ever understand." Jerry's tone took on a sarcastic edge, masked with a veneer of politeness. "But, if you really want to attend the banquet,
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