Chapter 6

Jerry's blood continued to boil in indignation at the sight of Dave.

How could someone like Ava, his dream goddess, be married to a commoner?

It was a humiliation he could hardly bear!

In Jerry's mind, Dave was not just unworthy of Ava; he was unworthy of being his rival.

The mere thought of competing with someone like Dave filled Jerry with disdain.

He decided he needed to put Dave in his place and teach him a lesson about where he truly belonged!

With confidence, Jerry faced Dave with his voice dripping with condescension.

"Hey, Dave. Why don't you join me in the noble sports competition today? Let's see how much of a man you are."

Dave looked at Jerry expressionless, "I'm not interested, Jerry," he replied casually.

Jerry's eyes narrowed. He was not accustomed to being dismissed so easily.

"What’s the matter, Dave? Afraid you can’t keep up? Afraid you'll embarrass yourself?"

He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a mocking whisper.

"Or maybe you just know that you're not worthy to compete with someone like me."

Ava and Hannah, who had been watching the exchange, exchanged incredulous glances, smiling.

Hannah smirked and said loudly enough for the surrounding spectators to hear.

"Oh, come on, Dave. Are you really going to back down? I guess it's true what they say about commoners—they never get the chance to play noble sports."

A ripple of laughter and murmurs spread through the crowd.

People began to gather, sensing an impending spectacle. The air was thick with anticipation and judgment.

Dave, however, remained unflustered.

In his mind, these competitions were nothing more than child's play!

He had no interest in proving himself in such trivial matters.

Jerry, sensing an opportunity to further humiliate Dave, turned to the crowd and announced, "Everyone, it seems Dave here is too afraid to compete. I guess he knows he can't measure up."

The crowd's reaction was immediate.

Mocking jeers and laughter echoed around them.

Some of the club's members, who had previously looked down on Dave when he walked in, joined in the taunts.

"He's just scared," one of them shouted.

"He knows he'll lose face in public."

Amidst the chorus of jeers and mockery from the crowd, Dave appeared unperturbed.

However, Jerry was satisfied that he had successfully embarrassed Dave in front of everyone, especially in front of Ava.

His spirits soared.

He had always prided himself on his athletic prowess and social standing, and seeing Dave, a commoner, being mocked by the elite of Nexroh City was a triumph in his eyes!

His gaze shifted to Ava, hoping to see her share in his derision, but she remained silent and her expression was unreadable.

Deciding to further humiliate Dave, Jerry placed his hand on Dave's shoulder in a mock gesture of camaraderie.

"Dave, my friend," he began with his tone dripping with condescension, "you really shouldn't let this bother you. I mean, we all have our places in life, don't we?"

Dave chuckled casually.

"I never told you I'm bothered. Did I?"

Jerry’s smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, determined to press his advantage.

"Come now, Dave. You shouldn’t feel inferior just because of your... low-life and poor background."

"Why don’t you try competing in the noble sports? Who knows, maybe it’ll help cleanse and diminish that aura of insignificance around you..."

The crowd's laughter grew louder, and some of the younger members started chanting mock encouragements, urging Dave to accept Jerry’s challenge.

Ava and Hannah stood nearby watching the scene, while Ava had an expressionless look on her face.

Hannah, sensing an opportunity to join the fray, smirked.

"Oh, come on, Dave. Are you really going to back down?

I guess it's true what they say about commoners—they never get the chance to play noble sports."

"Maybe, he's fulfilled being a lowlife," Jerry added.

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