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By: Kira Bae Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 97

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John O’ Connor’s life was a struggle. He worked three jobs just to keep a roof over his head and to keep his girlfriend happy, but that wasn’t enough. She left him, calling him a pathetic loser and John was left alone in his run down apartment. But then, a mysterious credit alert arrives, revealing a shocking truth about his past. Suddenly his life was turned upside down. He discovered a new identity and a chance to start anew. But as he delves deeper into his past, he realizes that his new life came with its own set of issues and dangers. Can John overcome his loser status and embrace his new destiny, or will his past continue to haunt him?”

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  • Kira


    Great story so far!

    2024-06-26 04:30:35
Latest Chapter
13 chapters
Chapter One: A Very Bad Day.
—---John O'Connor woke up with a sense of dread, his old bed creaking in protest as he sat up. The sound of heavy rain pounding against the roof was a stark reminder of the miserable day ahead. He grumbled to himself, noticing raindrops leaking through the roof, and lay back down, thinking about the long day of work ahead. Three jobs, all in this terrible weather."Ugh, why me?" John muttered to himself, throwing off the covers.As the rain finally began to clear, John got out of bed and prepared for the day. On his way out the door, his eyes landed on a picture frame - the last photo of him and his ex-girlfriend. He kicked it to the floor, feeling a surge of annoyance."Stupid memories," John growled, shaking his head. "Why do I still have this? She's gone, and I'm still stuck in this miserable life."He took a deep breath and tried to shake off the lingering emotions. He couldn't afford to be late for his first job, working as a waiter at a popular restaurant.As he arrived at the
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Chapter Two: Falling Apart.
------The message confirmed his fear. The landlord had sent him an ultimatum text that if he doesn’t pay his rent soon, he would be kicked out. He was given just one week to make the payment.John stood in silence, thinking desperately of what to do. His salary wasn't due to be paid till next two weeks and he was currently broke.There was no savings left as he had spent the little bonuses he got on groceries. What was he going to do?As he thought about this, he suddenly reasoned perhaps he could borrow some money. But he wasn't on good terms with his neighbors as they all despise him for his miserable state.“I need to think of something or I will be thrown out. But what?” he thought as he paced back and forth in his run down apartment. “If I don’t pay my rent, that heartless landlord of mine wouldn’t hesitate to kick me out. And I’ll be out on the street.”The thought of being out on the street gave John shivers. He knew that he had to come up with a way to pay up his rent.The fa
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Chapter Three: The Shocking Surprise!
------John was overwhelmed and thanked Mrs. Nora with a nod before heading back to his apartment. "Thank you, Mrs. Nora...I don't know what I would do without your help," he whispered, his voice barely audible.He ignored the other neighbors' accusing gazes and rushed back into his apartment, his eyes cast down. As he entered, he quickly typed a message to his landlord on his phone: "I'll send your payment tomorrow."The landlord replied with a sarcastic tone, and John's face burned with humiliation as he read the words on his screen. "Did you borrow money again? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Well, I actually don't care as long as you pay my rent."John felt a surge of anger and frustration, but he knew there was nothing he could do. "Why can't they just leave me alone?" he muttered, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He slammed his phone on the table, making the dishes rattle, and stormed into the kitchen, grabbing the first thing he could find to eat - a stale cookie
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Chapter Four: The Man Who Forgot His Past.
------John hailed a cab and gave the driver the address, his eyes fixed on the piece of paper in his hand. The cab finally pulled up to the address, and John got out, his hands shaking slightly as he paid the fare.He looked up at the building, his eyes widening in awe. It was massive, easily three stories tall, with a high ceiling and tall windows. John had never seen anything like it before. "Who could possibly live in such a big, fancy house?" he thought, his mind racing with questions. "Was Mrs. Nora wealthy? I certainly had no idea."He walked towards the door, his footsteps slow and deliberate, and knocked. Bang! Bang!! The sound echoed through the silence. After a few seconds, the door was opened by a tall and apparently well-fed man, who burst into a wide smile when he saw John."Hi, John. I'm so glad you could make it. Please, come in," the man exclaimed, his voice warm and welcoming. He gestured for John to enter the magnificent villa, his arm sweeping wide like a host ushe
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Chapter Five: Lost and Found
-------John sat there, frozen in confusion, as Davis walked away to answer his phone. He couldn't make sense of what was happening. Who was he, really? What position was he supposed to take back? And what did Davis mean by "shake the tech world like you did years ago"?Davis returned and sat back down, his expression apologetic. "Sorry about that." He gestured to his phone, still clutched in his hand. "I had to take it. It was an important call."He noticed John's confused and unconvinced expression and leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Five years ago, people in the tech world would tremble at the mention of your name." He began to speak, his words pouring out in a passionate torrent.John's eyes widened, his mind racing with questions. Davis's words were like a puzzle piece, fitting into place with a satisfying click.Davis's hands gestured animatedly as he spoke. "You were considered one of the most brilliant minds in the industry. You developed groundbreaking technologies and cre
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Chapter Six: The Unexpected Realities.
—----After the contract signing, John was escorted to his new luxurious apartment by Michael. As they entered, a smooth, melodic voice filled the air."Welcome, John O'Connor."John's eyes widened in surprise, and he spun around, trying to locate the source of the voice. He looked at Michael with a hint of fear in his eyes.Michael chuckled and nodded reassuringly. "That's just the AI voice device, John. It's been programmed to assist you with anything you need."John looked around the room, still trying to wrap his head around the sudden greeting. He took a step forward, his curiosity piqued. "Hey, AI...what's your name?""Hello, John. My name is Nova. I'm here to help you with any questions or tasks you may have. How may I assist you today?" The voice seemed to come from all around him, and John turned around, trying to locate the source.John's eyes lit up with excitement. He nodded eagerly, his hands gesturing as he spoke. "Nova, huh? Well, Nova, can you show me around this place
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Chapter Seven: The Showroom.
—---John grabbed his suit and went out of his new apartment with Finn and Michael. Michael left them and went his way, while Finn helped John into the car and drove to the showroom.As they arrived, Finn opened the car door for John and they both got out. Finn gestured towards the showroom, "We're here, John. This is one of the best showrooms in the city."John nodded, straightening his suit, and they walked in. A salesperson greeted them with a fake smile, her eyes scanning John's suit. "May I help you?" she asked, her tone condescending.Finn spoke up, "We'd like to register a membership to buy a car."The salesperson raised an eyebrow, her expression mocking. "You want to register as a member here?" She emphasized the word "member" as if it was a joke.John's face flushed, but Finn remained calm, his expression firm. "Yes, that's right."The salesperson snickered, glancing at John's suit again. "Did you check the sign before coming? The lowest membership costs a million dollars."
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Chapter Eight: Welcome to EON Innovations.
—-----After the whole charade at the showroom, John leaves in a Bentley as Finn drives him to work. Finn's friendly demeanor puts John at ease as he briefs him on things to expect at work, his schedule, and other things.As they drive, Finn glances over at John and says, "So, you're going to have a busy day ahead of you." He smiles reassuringly."I know it's going to be a lot of information to take in, but just try to relax and enjoy the ride. And feel free to ask me any questions you have. I'm here to help."John nods, taking a deep breath and trying to relax. He turns to face Finn, his eyes locked on the driver. "Okay, so what's first on the agenda?" he asks, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity.Finn's eyes flicker to the rearview mirror as he responds, ", first we're going to head to your new office and get you set up there. Then we'll take you around the company to learn more about Eon Innovations." He pauses, his hands moving deftly over the steering wheel. "You'll
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Chapter Nine: The Power Shift.
—----John walked out of his office and into the bright sunlight, his phone already in hand. He dialed Rachel's number, his eyes scanning the parking lot for Finn and the car."Hey Rachel, it's John. I need to reschedule our meeting for an hour later. Something urgent has come up," he said, his voice firm but apologetic."Okay, no problem sir. Is everything all right?" Rachel asked, her voice filled with concern.John nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just need to take care of something."He ended the call and spotted Finn waiting by the car. "Hey Finn, I need to go to an address. It's an old apartment of mine."Finn raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He started the engine and drove off into the streets. When they arrived at the address, Finn stared at the building, then back at the GPS, wondering if it was the wrong address. But the GPS indicated they were at the right destination. He looked at John from the rearview mirror, confusion etche
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Chapter Ten: From Landlord to Tenant.
--------Mr. Jenkins took another cigarette and started smoking, his hands shaking slightly as he inhaled deeply. He sat down in his worn armchair, his eyes fixed on John and Finn, who were still standing. "So... since you paid my debt, am I supposed to be grateful or something?" he sneered, his voice filled with resentment.John smiled, looking confident. He put his hands in his pockets and leaned back, looking relaxed. "I think you should be grateful, Mr. Jenkins. After all, I just saved you from financial ruin."Mr. Jenkins’ eyes got smaller, his face red with anger. He tapped his foot impatiently. "What do you want, John? You know I don't have the money to pay you back. But if you give me time, I'll get it. I promise."Finn spoke up before John could respond. He crossed his arms, looking serious. "How were you planning on paying my boss the money, Mr. Jenkins? Were you going to suck your tenants dry to get it?"Mr. Jenkins' face showed that he was getting more angry but he knew h
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