Chapter Five: Lost and Found


John sat there, frozen in confusion, as Davis walked away to answer his phone. He couldn't make sense of what was happening. Who was he, really? What position was he supposed to take back? And what did Davis mean by "shake the tech world like you did years ago"?

Davis returned and sat back down, his expression apologetic. "Sorry about that." He gestured to his phone, still clutched in his hand. "I had to take it. It was an important call."

He noticed John's confused and unconvinced expression and leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Five years ago, people in the tech world would tremble at the mention of your name." He began to speak, his words pouring out in a passionate torrent.

John's eyes widened, his mind racing with questions. Davis's words were like a puzzle piece, fitting into place with a satisfying click.

Davis's hands gestured animatedly as he spoke. "You were considered one of the most brilliant minds in the industry. You developed groundbreaking technologies and created innovative solutions to complex problems." He paused, his eyes locked on John's.

John's face was a mask of disbelief, his thoughts reeling with the implications. Davis's words were like a revelation, a truth he couldn't quite grasp.

Davis's voice was insistent, his words drumming home the point. "Companies were desperate to have you work for them. They would have done anything to get you on their team." He leaned back, his eyes never leaving John's face.

John's gaze was fixed on Davis, his mind struggling to comprehend. "Then suddenly, you were gone." Davis's voice was soft, the words like a gentle breeze. "You disappeared without a trace. It was like you had never existed."

John's head spun, his eyes wide with disbelief. He couldn't process what he was hearing. "But how is any of this possible? How could I have forgotten everything? I don't even remember being a tech developer!"

Davis's expression turned somber, his eyes filled with empathy. "You don't remember being a tech developer because of the accident that happened to you five years ago." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, his thumbs scrolling through the screen with a practiced ease.

John's eyes locked onto the phone, his mind racing with questions. "What happened?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Davis leaned closer, his phone held out like an offering. "You see, five years ago, you developed a groundbreaking technology." He swiped through the screen, images and articles flashing by in a blur.

John's eyes scanned the phone, his mind reeling with the implications. And then, he saw it - a news article with a grainy photo of a car crash, the headline screaming "Tragic Accident Claims Life of Brilliant Tech Developer".

John's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. He felt like he had been punched in the gut. "A car crash?" he repeated, his voice shaking.

Davis nodded, his expression grave. "Yes. You were involved in a car crash. The car was burnt beyond recognition, and everyone assumed you were dead." He paused, his eyes locked on John's. "But somehow, you survived. And now, you're back."

Davis's eyes narrowed, his gaze intense. "I didn't believe you had perished in the car accident. There was no evidence." He paused, his hands clasped together. "So I began investigating your whereabouts in secret. For years, I searched for you, and just when I was about to give up, Mrs. Nora helped me find you."

John's eyes widened, his face pale. He looked like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't process the revelation. All this time, he had been living with lost memories.

Davis's expression turned solemn, his voice low and urgent. "John, I'm going to be honest with you." He leaned forward, his eyes locked on John's. "The money I sent you was intended to convince you to come back to the tech world."

John's eyes flashed with disbelief. "You want me to come back and save your company?" He shook his head, his voice rising. "I'm just a waiter! I don't know anything about tech!"

Davis let out a deep sigh, his shoulders sagging. "I know it sounds crazy." He looked at John, his eyes pleading.

John's expression turned skeptical, his eyebrows raised. "You think?" He shook his head, his voice dripping with disbelief.

Davis leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Just... hear me out." He paused, his hands clasped together. "It's not just about your technical skills. It's about your creativity, your ability to think outside the box." He gestured with his hands, his expression sincere. "You have a special gift, John, and we need that gift if we're going to survive." He pleaded, his voice low and urgent. "Please, just consider it."

John sat back in his chair, his eyes narrowed in thought. He was honored, but still skeptical. "Even if I did want to help, what could I possibly do?" He shook his head, his voice laced with doubt. "I don't have any memory of me doing any tech stuff."

Davis leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving John's face. "You may not remember anything now, but I think your body still remembers." He paused, his fingers steepled together. "Your subconscious mind is still capable of doing the work; it's just hidden under layers of amnesia." He leaned forward again, his voice filled with conviction. "But if you come and work for me, perhaps with time, your memory could return." He asked, his eyes locked on John's. "What do you say, John?"

The room fell silent, the only sound John's heavy breathing. He thought about Davis's words, his mind racing with possibilities. If he was indeed a tech guru, then his memory might return. John took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Davis, and nodded.

John nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "Alright. I'll work for you." He wanted to do it for himself and to change the world. He remembered Mrs. Nora's words, that he had the potential to impact the world. This was his chance to do that.

Davis's face lit up with a warm smile. He pressed a bell, and moments later, the door opened, and a young woman walked in. She wore a black dress, her hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were sharp and alert, and she carried herself with an air of confidence.

"Mr. Davis?" she asked, her head bowing slightly.

Davis nodded. "Ah, yes, Lisa. This is John, our newest employee." He gestured to John, his hand extended. "He'll be working closely with us to develop new technologies for the company. Please bring the contract for him to sign."

Lisa's eyes sparkled as she turned to John. She extended her hand, her smile warm. "It's a pleasure to meet you, John. Welcome to EON Innovation." Her handshake was firm, her grip confident. "I'm sure you'll find it an exciting and rewarding place to work."

John took Lisa's hand, his grip firm, and shook it once. "It's nice to meet you too, Lisa. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting started."

Lisa smiled and nodded before turning and leaving the room. John and Davis waited in silence for a few minutes until she returned with a stack of papers in her hand. "Here's the contract, Mr. Davis," she said, placing the papers on the desk in front of him.

Davis began to go through the contract, his fingers scanning the pages as he explained each clause to John in detail. When they reached the signature page, John took the pen and signed his name on the dotted line with a flourish.

Davis smiled, his hand extended once more. "Welcome to EON Innovation, John." John shook his hand, a wide smile spreading across his face.

Davis's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Is there someone you want to share your success with, John?" he asked, his voice low and gentle.

John's face fell, his thoughts drifting to his ex-girlfriend. If only she hadn't been so hasty, so materialistic... They would have been enjoying his newfound wealth and identity together. He shook his head, his eyes clouding over.

And then, in an instant, everything changed. Gone were the days of living in that slum area in abject poverty. A new world of possibilities stretched out before him.

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