Chapter Six: The Unexpected Realities.


After the contract signing, John was escorted to his new luxurious apartment by Michael. As they entered, a smooth, melodic voice filled the air.

"Welcome, John O'Connor."

John's eyes widened in surprise, and he spun around, trying to locate the source of the voice. He looked at Michael with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Michael chuckled and nodded reassuringly. "That's just the AI voice device, John. It's been programmed to assist you with anything you need."

John looked around the room, still trying to wrap his head around the sudden greeting. He took a step forward, his curiosity piqued. "Hey, AI...what's your name?"

"Hello, John. My name is Nova. I'm here to help you with any questions or tasks you may have. How may I assist you today?" The voice seemed to come from all around him, and John turned around, trying to locate the source.

John's eyes lit up with excitement. He nodded eagerly, his hands gesturing as he spoke. "Nova, huh? Well, Nova, can you show me around this place? I've never seen anything like it."

"Of course, John. I'd be happy to give you a tour. Please follow me." Nova's voice guided John through the apartment, explaining the features and functions of each room. John followed, his eyes wide with wonder, his footsteps echoing off the high ceilings.

As they walked, John ran his hand over the marble countertops, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns. He let out a low whistle, impressed by the luxury surrounding him. Nova continued to explain the features of the apartment, from the smart home system to the private gym and spa. John listened intently, his head nodding eagerly as he took it all in.

John's eyes scanned the room, taking in the lavish decorations and state-of-the-art appliances. He turned to Nova, his voice filled with disbelief. "Is all of this really for me?"

Nova's response was immediate. "Yes, John. This is all yours. You deserve it."

John's face lit up with a wide grin, his eyes shining with excitement. He couldn't believe his luck. He had never imagined living in a place like this.

Michael, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward. "John, I'll let you get settled in. Your new driver, Finn, will pick you up for work tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp. He'll be waiting for you downstairs."

John nodded, his eyes still fixed on the luxurious surroundings. "Got it, thanks Michael."

Michael handed John a small folder. "Here's some important information about your new role and the company. Take some time to review it tonight, and we'll discuss any questions you have tomorrow."

John took the folder, his fingers tracing the embossed logo on the cover. "Thanks, Michael. I appreciate it."

Michael smiled and clapped John on the back. "You're going to do great things, John. Welcome to the team."

With that, Michael turned and left, leaving John to explore his new apartment and get settled in for the night.

That night, he slept soundly in the soft, comfortable bed. He dreamed of a future filled with success and luxury, of a life where he could have anything he wanted.


The curtain to his room slid open, and Nova's voice filled the air. "Good morning, John. It's time to wake up."

John groaned, his eyes still closed, as he slowly sat up in bed. He rubbed the sleep from his face, his movements sluggish. As he opened his eyes, he looked around in confusion, taking in the luxurious surroundings.

He blinked twice, trying to shake off the haze of sleep. "Wait, what...where am I?" he muttered to himself.

Nova's voice responded, "You're in your new apartment, John. Welcome to your new home."

John's eyes widened as he took in the lavish decorations and state-of-the-art appliances. He looked around, trying to remember how he got there. "Oh, right...the all happened so fast..."

Nova chuckled. "You've got a lot to take in, John. But don't worry, you'll get used to it. Your driver, Finn, will be picking you up for work at 8 am sharp. You'd better get ready."

John nodded, still trying to shake off the sleep. He threw off the covers and got out of bed, his feet sinking into the plush carpet. He looked around, trying to take it all in. "This I've never seen anything like it."

He smiled to himself and then headed to take his bathe and prepare for his first day at his new work. He went to the bathroom and looked around.

The bathroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the apartment. There was a large, walk in shower with multiple shower heads and a deep free standing bathtub.

The tiles were a beautiful marble and there were nice towels and robes hanging on the walls. John felt a little overwhelmed by everything, but a little excited as this was a new life for him, and he wanted to make the most of it.

After his shower, he dressed in the new clothes that had been provided for him by Nova.

He stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie for what felt like the hundredth time. He looked at himself, feeling a little self-conscious. He wasn't used to wearing a suit and tie every day.

"Nova, how do I look?" he asked, seeking reassurance.

"You look great, John," Nova replied. "The suit fits you perfectly. You're going to make a fantastic impression."

John frowned, scrutinizing his reflection. "I don't know...I feel like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not."

Nova's voice was soothing. "John, you're not pretending to be anyone. You're just presenting yourself in a new way. And trust me, you're pulling it off. You're going to do great things today."

John took a deep breath, trying to shake off his doubts. "Thanks, Nova. I appreciate it."

He straightened his tie one last time and headed out of the bedroom, feeling a sense of determination. He was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he walked into the living room, he noticed a small package on the coffee table. "What's this?" he asked Nova.

"Ah, that's a gift from your new employer," Nova replied. "A little something to help you celebrate your new role."

John opened the package, revealing a sleek silver watch. "Wow, this is beautiful," he said, impressed.

"Put it on," Nova suggested. "It'll complete your outfit perfectly."

John put on the watch, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.


While he was having his breakfast, John heard a knock at his door. He went to answer it and found Michael, the man who had escorted him to his new apartment, standing there.

"Good morning, John," Michael said with a smile. "I hope you're settling in well. I've brought someone to meet you. This is Finn, your new personal assistant."

Finn, a man in a smart suit, stepped forward and held out his hand. "Good morning, John. I'll be here to help you with whatever you need."

John took Finn's hand and shook it, still feeling a little uncertain. "Um, hi...thanks, I guess."

Michael nodded. "Finn will be a great help to you, John. And don't worry, he's been briefed on your...unique situation."

John wasn't sure what to make of this new development. Was it normal to have a personal assistant? He wasn't sure, and he decided to confirm with Nova, who was still hovering in the background.

"Nova, is it normal for people in my position to have a personal assistant?" John asked, feeling a little nervous.

"Ah, yes, John," Nova replied. "In fact, it's standard practice. A personal assistant can help you with a lot of things, from scheduling appointments to making travel plans."

John nodded, feeling a little more at ease. He didn't understand how things worked in the business world, but he was determined to learn.

Just then, Finn spoke up. "Mr. John, I'll be taking you to the showroom to choose a vehicle for your job. Mr. Davis has arranged it."

John's eyes widened. "A vehicle? What kind of vehicle?"

Finn smiled. "You'll see, Mr. John. It's a surprise. But trust me, you'll love it."

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