Chapter Seven: The Showroom.


John grabbed his suit and went out of his new apartment with Finn and Michael. Michael left them and went his way, while Finn helped John into the car and drove to the showroom.

As they arrived, Finn opened the car door for John and they both got out. Finn gestured towards the showroom, "We're here, John. This is one of the best showrooms in the city."

John nodded, straightening his suit, and they walked in. A salesperson greeted them with a fake smile, her eyes scanning John's suit. "May I help you?" she asked, her tone condescending.

Finn spoke up, "We'd like to register a membership to buy a car."

The salesperson raised an eyebrow, her expression mocking. "You want to register as a member here?" She emphasized the word "member" as if it was a joke.

John's face flushed, but Finn remained calm, his expression firm. "Yes, that's right."

The salesperson snickered, glancing at John's suit again. "Did you check the sign before coming? The lowest membership costs a million dollars." She laughed, her colleagues joining in, their eyes ridiculing John.

Finn frowned, his eyes narrowing. "We're aware of the cost. We'd like to proceed."

The salesperson shrugged, her tone dismissive. "I'll advise you to check out other showrooms whose membership is cheaper than ours so you can afford it." She turned back to her phone, clearly uninterested.

John's face burned with embarrassment, the salespeople's mocking laughter and snickers echoing in his ears. He clenched his fists, feeling belittled and humiliated.

Just then, a VIP member walked in with his mistress, and the salespeople rushed to serve them, fawning over them like royalty.

John's anger boiled over, and he turned to Finn. "Let's get out of here. We don't need to be treated like this." He gestured towards the door, his movements stiff with anger.

Finn nodded in agreement, his expression sympathetic. "We'll find a better place to buy a car." He put a hand on John's shoulder and led him out of the showroom, leaving the hostile salespeople behind.

As they walked back to the car, John shook his head, his eyes flashing with anger. "I can't believe how rude they were."

Finn nodded, his expression understanding. "Don't worry, John. We'll find a more welcoming place. And one that values its customers." He opened the car door for John, and they both got in.

Just as they were about to leave, another salesperson rushed out and blocked their way. "Wait, please don't go!" he exclaimed.

Finn rushed out of the car, his face red with anger. "I almost hit you! What's wrong with you?" he screamed at the salesperson.

The salesperson apologized profusely, bowing his head. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. Please, don't leave. Let me make it up to you."

John's face was still burning with humiliation. He remembered the way he was treated as a waiter and didn't want to be treated like that again. He shook his head, his voice firm. "No, we're leaving. We won't be treated like this."

But the salesperson wouldn't give up. He begged and pleaded, his eyes sincere. "Please, I'll do anything. I'll give you the best deal. Just don't leave."

Finn looked at John, his expression understanding. "John, maybe we should hear him out."

John hesitated, his anger slowly fading. The salesperson reminded him of himself, eager to please and desperate to make a sale. He nodded, his voice softening. "Okay, fine. But we won't be treated like this again."

The salesperson smiled, relief written all over his face. "Thank you, thank you. I promise, you won't regret it."

Finn nodded, his expression calm. "Let's hear what he has to say."

And with that, they followed the salesperson back into the showroom, ready to listen to his proposal.


As they followed the young salesperson to a quiet corner of the showroom, John couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Finally, someone who was willing to listen and help them.

But before they could even start discussing cars, the other salespeople began to mock the young salesperson. "You'll never make any sales that way," one of them sneered. "That guy's just a loser who's desperate for a sale." "He's new and so he doesn't know any better," another salesperson said, laughing.

John felt a surge of anger at the way the salespeople were treating the young man. "Hey, leave him alone!" John snapped, his voice loud and firm.

But the mocking continued. "Look, you two, just take my advice and look for a cheaper showroom. That newbie over there hasn't made any good sales and so he's desperate to register anyone, even a pauper."

Another salesperson chimed in, mockingly laughing at them. "But he'll never make it in this business if he keeps acting like that." Another salesperson pointed a finger at the young salesperson, mocking him. "He's a loser!"

The young salesperson's face turned red with humiliation, but he held his head high and didn't say anything in response.

Finn was annoyed and immediately made a call to the manager of the showroom. "Hello, this is the manager of the showroom." The manager said, sounding breathless and slightly shocked.

"Hi, this is Finn. I'm calling to report a problem with your sales staff." Finn said, trying to sound calm and professional.

"Oh no." The manager said, sounding worried. "What's the problem?"

"Your salespeople are being incredibly rude and disrespectful to a customer." Finn explained, his voice firm. "I think you need to speak to them about their behavior."

"What?! I'll be right there!" The manager said, as the call ended.

The salespeople thought Finn was bluffing and made fun of them, but in just a few minutes, their manager rushed in with a disheveled appearance. The place quietened when he bowed slightly to Finn. "I'm so sorry about that, Mr. Finn." The manager said, bowing his head again. "You would have informed me that you were coming. I had no idea you were bringing a guest as well. May I ask who your guest is?"

"My guest is my boss, Mr. John. I accompanied him to get a new car today, but was disappointed at your poor customer service." Finn explained.

The manager's behaviour turned 360 degrees to John. If Finn was a mountain then his boss is the sky.

“I’m so sorry sir. Please accept my sincerest apologies, Mr. John.” the manager said, bowing his head again.

“We will provide you with an 80% discount on any membership tier you choose, if you decide not to pursue the matter further. I hope that this will be satisfactory.”

John paused for a moment, considering the offer. On one hand, he was furious at the way he had been treated. But on the other hand, he didn't want to cause any trouble. And a discount on membership was a pretty good incentive.

“Okay.” John said, finally “I accept your offer. But on one condition, that the salesman that attended to me in a humble manner receives commission on any vehicle I purchase and also those other rude salespeople should be replaced.”

“Replaced?” the manager repeated, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes, replaced," John replied firmly. "I don't want anyone else to be treated the way we were treated today."

The manager nodded, his expression understanding. "I understand, Mr. John. I'll make sure that the young salesperson receives the commission he deserves. And as for the others...I'll take care of it."

"See that you do," Finn added, his eyes still firm.

The manager nodded again, his smile returning. "I will, Mr. Finn. I promise you that."

John smiled, his expression softening. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

The manager beamed, relieved. "Thank you, Mr. John. Thank you for giving us another chance."

The salespeople who were mocking John earlier tremble in fear and fall to their knees to beg him.

“Please sir, forgive us!” one of the sales people pleaded, his voice trembling.

“We didn’t mean to disrespect you! Please we’re so sorry!”

“Yeah, we really didn’t mean it!” another sales person joined in, her face pale with fear.

“Please, don’t make us lose our jobs!”

John didn’t say anything as he stared at the sales people, his mind racing. He wanted to make them pay for the way they had treated him, but on the other hand, he didn’t want to cause anyone to lose their job. After all, he knew what it was like to be desperate for work. He had been there himself not too long ago.

Finally, he made a decision. He turned to the manager and spoke. “On second thoughts, don’t bother replacing them. I believe they would have learnt their lesson. I expect that from henceforth your staff will treat everyone with respect, regardless of their status or background. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir. Crystal clear.” the muttered together.

John turned, and the manager along with the new sales person ushered him towards their latest vehicles.

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