Chapter Ten: From Landlord to Tenant.


Mr. Jenkins took another cigarette and started smoking, his hands shaking slightly as he inhaled deeply. He sat down in his worn armchair, his eyes fixed on John and Finn, who were still standing. "So... since you paid my debt, am I supposed to be grateful or something?" he sneered, his voice filled with resentment.

John smiled, looking confident. He put his hands in his pockets and leaned back, looking relaxed. "I think you should be grateful, Mr. Jenkins. After all, I just saved you from financial ruin."

Mr. Jenkins’ eyes got smaller, his face red with anger. He tapped his foot impatiently. "What do you want, John? You know I don't have the money to pay you back. But if you give me time, I'll get it. I promise."

Finn spoke up before John could respond. He crossed his arms, looking serious. "How were you planning on paying my boss the money, Mr. Jenkins? Were you going to suck your tenants dry to get it?"

Mr. Jenkins' face showed that he was getting more angry but he knew h
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