Chapter Nine: The Power Shift.


John walked out of his office and into the bright sunlight, his phone already in hand. He dialed Rachel's number, his eyes scanning the parking lot for Finn and the car.

"Hey Rachel, it's John. I need to reschedule our meeting for an hour later. Something urgent has come up," he said, his voice firm but apologetic.

"Okay, no problem sir. Is everything all right?" Rachel asked, her voice filled with concern.

John nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just need to take care of something."

He ended the call and spotted Finn waiting by the car. "Hey Finn, I need to go to an address. It's an old apartment of mine."

Finn raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He started the engine and drove off into the streets. When they arrived at the address, Finn stared at the building, then back at the GPS, wondering if it was the wrong address. But the GPS indicated they were at the right destination. He looked at John from the rearview mirror, confusion etche
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