Chapter Thirteen: A Face from the Past.

John's eyes fixed on Ashley's, his mind stunned in disbelief. The room faded away, leaving only the two of them in a moment that felt like forever. Long-forgotten memories came rushing back, filling his thoughts with painful feelings.


In the luxurious Golden Palm Hotel of Florida, Miami Beach, FL.

"Sir, your dinner has arrived."

John O'Connor, dressed in his crisp room service uniform, knocked firmly on the door of room 714. He fidgeted slightly, adjusting his name tag as he waited.


A deep voice called out from inside. The door swung open, and John's eyes widened in shock. He didn't recognize the tall man who stood before him, but his heart skipped a beat as he saw the woman in a plush bathrobe behind him - Ashley, his girlfriend.

John's eyes locked onto hers, his mind racing with questions. What was she doing here? With him? He felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

The man gestured for John to enter, and he mechanically wheeled in the dinner cart, his eyes fixed o
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