Chapter Fourteen: The Truth About John.

~At a Cafe~

Ashley and her friends were hanging out in a cozy cafe, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of conversation. Her friends were busy discussing different topics, their hands gesturing animatedly as they chatted.

Ashley, though present with them, had her mind somewhere else. She sat with her elbows on the table, her cup of tea in front of her, and her spoon spinning lazily in the liquid.

As she stared off into space, her friends' voices became a distant hum, and her thoughts drifted back to the dinner party and the surprise meeting with John. Her brow furrowed, and her eyes squeezed shut, remembering the painful words she had said to him in the past.

One of her friends, Milla, noticed her distant gaze and reached out to touch her hand.

“Hey, Ashley, earth to Ashley!

What's going on?” she asked, concern evident on her face. Milla's dark hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders as she leaned in, her brown eyes filled with compassion.

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