Chapter Twelve: A Night to Remember.

~The dinner party~


John stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his bow tie for what felt like the hundredth time. He was dressed fancily and extravagantly in a designer tuxedo by the famous designer, Reginald Laurent.

The black tuxedo was tailored to perfection, accentuating his broad shoulders and chest. The white shirt was crisp and starched, with a subtle sheen that caught the light. The black bow tie was made of the finest silk, and John had struggled to tie it just right.

John stepped out of his apartment and headed to the elevator, his heart racing with nervousness. He had never been to a party like this before, and the thought of meeting new people made him anxious.

Especially since he had no memory of doing anything like this before. The car crash five years ago had taken away his memories, leaving him with a blank slate.

As he approached the elevator, he took a deep breath and pushed the button. The doors slid open, and he stepped inside, relieved to be alone. But h
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