Chapter Two: Falling Apart.


The message confirmed his fear. The landlord had sent him an ultimatum text that if he doesn’t pay his rent soon, he would be kicked out. He was given just one week to make the payment.

John stood in silence, thinking desperately of what to do. His salary wasn't due to be paid till next two weeks and he was currently broke.

There was no savings left as he had spent the little bonuses he got on groceries. What was he going to do?

As he thought about this, he suddenly reasoned perhaps he could borrow some money. But he wasn't on good terms with his neighbors as they all despise him for his miserable state.

“I need to think of something or I will be thrown out. But what?” he thought as he paced back and forth in his run down apartment. “If I don’t pay my rent, that heartless landlord of mine wouldn’t hesitate to kick me out. And I’ll be out on the street.”

The thought of being out on the street gave John shivers. He knew that he had to come up with a way to pay up his rent.

The fact that he leaved in the worst apartment in the entire building made everyone dread associating with him.

Suddenly he stopped pacing back and forth as Mrs. Nora came to mind. She’s the only neighbor who had been nothing but kind to him. She was much older than John, but she had always treated him like a son when other neighbors treated him with scorn. She showed him love and care and always offers to help him when he needed it.

He contemplated for some minutes whether he should call her or not, but he was desperate as he needed help urgently. And so decided to give it a try. He picked up his phone and dialed Mrs. Nora line.




She picked up “Hello, Mrs. Nora.” he said, his voice shaky.

“I….um… really need your help. I’m in a bi of a bind and I’m not sure what to do.”

“Oh dear.” Mrs. Nora said, her voice calm and polite. “Why don’t you come to my apartment so we talk.”

“Okay, Mrs. Nora. I’ll be there soon.” John said and ended the call. He quickly left his apartment and went towards Mrs. Nora’s place.


When he got to her front door, he sighed deeply as he looked at the difference between her apartment and his run down place.

Mrs. Nora’s apartment was a world away from John’s cramped rundown unit. It was spacious and well kept, with a tidy kitchen and a cozy living room.

As he looked around her nice apartment before taking his seat, he couldn’t help but compare the two apartment. His run down apartment was crap compared to Mrs. Nora’s fancy apartment.

She brought a tray containing two cups of tea and a plate of biscuit and set it on the table.

“I’m sorry for calling you on short notice. I was desperate.” John said, feeling ashamed,  his hand nervously moving together.

“Now tell me dear, what’s going on?” Mrs. Nora asked, A concern look on her face. “You mentioned that you would be kicked out.”

He leaned closer and took a deep breath and began to explain his situation. “I’m in a bit of a bind.” he started, his voice shaking and his hands moving nervously together.

“Uh…the landlord sent a text to me immediately I came back from work informing me that my rent is due and that I had a week to make payment or I would be kicked out.”

“Oh dear, that’s terrible.” Mrs. Nora said, her brow furrowed with worry. “Are you sure there’s no way you can make payment?”

He shook his head.

“I wish I did, Mrs. Nora, but I don’t.”

“But you work three jobs don’t you? Why can’t you pay before the due date, John?” she asked him, a confused look on her face.

He swallowed hard. “Well, you see…” he began, then stopped himself. He didn’t want to tell Mrs. Nora, no he couldn’t tell her the real reason why he couldn’t pay his rent. It was too embarrassing to hear.

Mrs. Nora leaned closer to him, her face filled with concern. “You can tell me anything John. I won’t judge you.” her voice calm and gentle. “I’m here to help, no matter what.”

John lowered his head in embarrassment and then had to spill the beans.

“The thing is this…” John began, his voice shaking. “I’ve been juggling three jobs, but it still not enough to pay the rent. And to make matters worse, I trusted the wrong person and was duped of my entire savings.”

Seeing that Mrs. Nora looked unconvinced, he decided to narrate how his story. “I know it may sound unbelievable.” John said, his voice shaking.

“But before we broke up, my girlfriend and I were planning to get a new apartment. She convinced me to save some money with her in a joint account so we could make the down payment. I was so naive, I didn’t even question it. I just blindly trusted her.

But after we broke up, I realized that there was never any joint account. It was all in her name!”

“That’s awful.” Mrs. Nora exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock. “That’s such a betrayal of your trust. How could she do something like that?”

“I don’t know.” John said, shaking his head.

“Girl please!” Mrs. Nora exclaimed, her voice full of mirth. “Your ex must be out of her god damn mind!

You’re a catch. Hardworking, honest man who is always willing to help others. She must be crazy to have let you go!”

He let out a bitter laugh.

“You’re funny, Mrs. Nora.” he said, shaking his head. “But right now, it kinda isn’t funny to me. I’m really in a tough spot right now….. my clothes are falling apart, my apartment is crap and I barely have enough money to eat. Who would want to live with a loser like me?” his eyes filled with tears as he bitterly expresses himself to her.

“I mean look at me, my own girlfriend cheated on me with someone who is richer and more successful than I am. Now she’s moving on with her life, while I’m stuck living each day in my crappy apartment.” he said, his voice shaking with anger.

Mrs. Nora placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “It’s alright John, I understand how you feel.”

John wiped the tears off his face.

“You’ve been through so much and it’s okay to feel hurt, but I want you not to dwell on them.”

He looked at her. “It’s not that easy Mrs. Nora. I can’t just forget the hurt and pain someone I thought loved me did to me. I mean I think about it every day and it hurts every time.” he spoke, a look of sadness on his face.

Mrs. Nora didn’t know what to say, but just listened to him as he expressed his mind.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do anymore. Do you know sometimes suicide comes to my mind?” he said, his eye welling up with tears again.

Mrs. Nora’s eye widened in shock. “John no, please don’t think like that. Suicide isn’t the way to deal with such situations.” she said as he held his hand.

“I know that it’s hard right now, but don’t ever think suicide is the only way out of it, because you might regret it in the end.”

John sighed deeply as he bowed his face down to control the tears that were trying to come down his face.

“I mean, I can’t even afford to pay my rent, and I’m running out of food. I’m ashamed to ask for help, but I don’t know where else to turn.”

Mrs. Nora pitied him as she looked at him. She knew that he was going through so much. She sighed deeply and reached for her purse and pulled out some money.

“Here.” she said, handing him the cash. “This should be enough to help you through the next few weeks and to pay your rent. And don’t you worry your hair about paying back. Just focus on getting back on your feet. I know you’re capable of doing great thing and I believe in you.”

John was surprised at the amount. “Mrs. Nora, I….I…don’t know what to say….. thank you, thank you so much. I’ll make sure to pay you back, I promise.”

She shook her head. “You don’t need to pay me back, John.” she said, firmly. “Just promise me that you’ll use this money to get yourself back on your feet and pay your rent. And remember, you’re worth more than just paychecks. Your worth isnt defined by how much money you have in the bank. It’s defined by the impact you have on the world.

You have so much potential, John and I know you’ll make a difference.”

“Awww… Mrs. Nora, you’re gonna make me cry now.” he said, as he wiped the tears that came down his face. No one has ever told him such before. Everyone else always told him that he was a failure and a loser, but here was someone who told him that he had potential to make a lasting impact in the world. Even though he didn’t know how he would make a difference from his beat down apartment. Her words were kind and warm and it made him feel good about himself.

“Thank you, Mrs. Nora.” his voice, gentle. “I’ll do my best to live up to your faith in me. I won’t let you down.”

Mrs. Nora smiled and gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder. “I know you won’t dear. Now go home and rest. And don’t forget to eat.”

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