Rising from the Ashes

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Rising from the Ashes

By: AIMAS OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 28 views: 434

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Maxime fell into decline after being slandered by his half-brother, Rafael, as the mastermind behind embezzling money from his father's company and was expelled by Neo. Maxime has to face street life. Meanwhile, Rafael is happy to see Maxime's destruction and prepares to take over the family fortune. He doesn't accept Rafael's treatment, who has always been a thorn in his life. Maxime plans clever revenge by recruiting his former secretary Zize to pose as a business expert to uncover Rafael's corruption scandal. Will Maxime succeed in taking over his family's wealth?

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28 chapters
Chapter 1
“How could Rafael do this to me?” Maxime asked himself, looking for answers in the crowd of his raging thoughts. Behind his eyes fixed on the sky was an invisible internal battle. Doubts were rampant and his confidence in himself began to fade.“Is there perhaps a seed of truth in these accusations?” he hissed again, facing unexpected confusion.In the midst of disappointment and inflamed inner conflict, Maxime tries to embrace uncertainty. In the silence that surrounded him he knitted a plan to prove the truth. Dusk is a silent witness to Maxime's inner struggle and the increasingly dark sky seems to reflect increasingly difficult challenges. However, within him the light of determination and desire to restore his honor shines, creating hope that survives amidst the storm of slander that never subsides. Maxime walked to the kitchen to get a drink because his throat was starting to feel dry. When Maxime passed the brightly lit living room.Rafael quipped sarcastically. "Who would have
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2While Maximes steps are increasingly uncomfortable in a dark night, the shadow of the conflict inside his house is still reflected in his eyes. The night breeze seemed to whisper to him a big challenge he had to face. The sun sank leaving the twilight sky which reflects the doubt in Maxime's heart. He pondered looking for answers in every trace of his steps that took him out of the house that was once filled with affection."Goodbye my palace, a palace full of beautiful memories. Forgive Maxime unable to guard this house as the mother's message before leaving first." Without a clear direction, Maxime entered a crowded city with a busy night. The tall buildings of the tower and city lights provide a shadow that contrasts with the inner chaos he feels. Maxime spoke to himself with eyes full of uncertainty.In a state of confusion, Maxime stepped into the bustling city with its busy night. The tall buildings and city lights cast contrasting shadows against the turmoil he felt
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Chapter 3
Again Maxime had to swallow the bitter pill and hold hunger. With a body full of Maxime wounds sleeping curled up in front of a shop. Cold air makes Maxime's body shiver. He took his shirt to cover his feet and face."Wow, wake up! This is not a place for lodging!" cried the shop owner by kicking Maxime's body."Yes sir, I'll go soon." With a tired body and wounds, Maxime was forced to pack his clothes and leave the place without a clear purpose."Where else should I go? Why does no one want to help me at all! I was like the garbage that was thrown away and then ignored it! " His steps took him to a stall that was still open where he hoped to get a little food to overcome the torturous hunger."Excuse me Madam, may I ask for a little rice?" he said, holding his stomach."No way! I sold from earlier and now you come just to ask? Basically lazy! Big body, body muscular but be a beggar, "he cried, staring at Maxime sarcastically. Staggered and lost in the hallway of the city, Maxime saw
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Chapter 4
"Why do you keep bothering me? If you want to eat, work, bro! Don't take away people's rights!" said Maxime, annoyed because the thugs kept taking away his rights."No need to teach me! You snotty kid, just asking for food is already a lecture! Give me your money!" The thug reached into Maxime's pocket and took Maxime's money."Give it back, bro! That's my money!" Maxime tried to get his money back but the thug was so skilled at playing with him that Maxime became emotional.Maxime hit the thug mercilessly, venting his frustration that had been held in for days. The thug became Maxime's brutal outlet for everything that happened to him. Blood started to come out of the corner of the thug's lips until finally a gang of thugs came and beat Maxime mercilessly. Of the many people who saw the fight, not a single person wanted to help Maxime. Maxime himself finally fell down in the middle of the thugs."You think you can fight all of us!" said one of the thugs with a triumphant smile."You
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Chapter 5
"Don't dodge! Check your bag now," said the young man challenging Maxime.Hearing the commotion, Boss Maxime immediately approached and asked what was happening, "What's wrong, Max?""Well, sir, I'm accused of taking this man's money!" Maxime answered honestly."To prove whether you are guilty or not, I have to check your bag Maxime, I will be very disappointed if you do that.""Yes sir." Maxime took his bag.Maxime carefully opened his bag in front of his boss and the man who accused him. His eyes focused on the contents of the bag while his heart beat fast. A few seconds later the man who challenged him shouted, "Look! My money is in there!"Maxime's boss looked at Maxime with a serious look, "Please explain to me, how the money came to be in your bag, Maxime!"“I don't know how this money got into my bag. When he went to the toilet I remained standing here and didn't move at all. "If you don't believe me, you can check CCTV," said Maxime, explaining firmly.Maxime's boss thought fo
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Chapter 6
"Get out of here, and never set foot in your company or Father's house again!" Neo shouted, chasing Maxime away."Father will regret having too much faith in a lizard like him!" After being kicked out of the company by Neo, Maxime felt annoyed and confused. He decided to leave the place to try to get away from the situation which was getting worse.After firmly expelling Maxime, Neo suddenly felt doubtful about her decision. The tense atmosphere in the company became increasingly pronounced and Neo's concerns deepened. In a state of doubt, Neo left Rafael's room and headed to her own room, trying to ponder her next steps. In his room, Neo called one of his trusted people. With a serious face, Neo conveyed a firm order, "Investigate more deeply into the corruption case that befell Maxime! I need complete information and I want to know what really happened.""I'm ready sir, I will carry out an investigation into the corruption case that befell your son," he answered firmly.Rafael, who
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Chapter 7
Maxime got up from the muddy ground and felt around to make sure that all his body parts were still functioning. The surrounding forest was full of mysterious shadows and the sound of the wind roaring echoed through the tall trees. The night sky is filled with stars giving a little light to the surroundings. Maxime realizes that he has been banished to a place far from civilization and this situation leads him into a greater mystery. In a tense and uncertain situation. Maxime began to explore the dark forest. Among the lush trees, he heard the sounds of night insects and forest animals roaming around. His hesitant steps echoed under the quiet sky."Unlucky! They dumped me in the forest! this must be Rafael's doing! I swear under this dark sky. "I will repay Rafael for all his actions," Maxime hissed, gritting his teeth. The dark and lush forest witnessed the anger burning within him.He grabbed a piece of cloth from his clothes to wrap the wound on his hand. His blood soaked the fabri
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Chapter 8
Maxime stepped faster to catch up with Tjoe. Anxiety was clearly visible on his face. "I know this sounds strange, but my savings are completely gone and pi-"Tjoe interrupted him, "Maxime, I don't want to hear your excuses. We both work here to support ourselves. Your personal affairs are not my problem."Maxime felt hopeless, but his determination was strong, "But the money is for returning to my hometown... I just need your help to understand what happened."Tjoe slowed his steps, but his gaze remained cold, "I don't have time for your problems, Maxime! It's better to focus on this work."Maxime felt devastated but he didn't give up. He decided to look for answers himself. While hoping for good luck, Maxime explored the tea garden trying to find clues about the whereabouts of his savings.It was getting late in the afternoon, Tjoe and Maxime were allowed to go home from their place of work. However, doubts crept into her mind, "Tjoe is angry, I can't possibly go home when he's sile
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Chapter 9
Maxime felt torn between the desire to investigate further and the fear of making angry again. The image of Tjoe's firm voice ringing in his mind strengthened his decision to hold back for the time being. Every day when Maxime saw Tjoe engrossed in his game or busy with his personal affairs, his curiosity continued to tempt him. However, Maxime controlled himself to keep his suspicions and anxiety a secret."Tjoe, I want to go to work first," said Maxime."Is it cooked yet?" Tjoe asked."I haven't overslept yet," he answered as he put on his shoes."Not yet? You want to starve me to death?" Tjoe, who had been lying down, immediately stood in front of Maxime.“You can buy it yourself, Tjoe! There are lots of people selling food here so don't be spoiled!" Maxime walked away from Tjoe."Well, where's the money!" Tjoe shouted, blocking Maxime."Money? You also have savings, right? Use them first! I ran out of money to buy rice and toiletries yesterday," said Maxime."It's really stingy,
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Maxime, who was hidden behind a tree, watched Rafael with his gallant strides approach Tjoe's house. As Rafael approached the door, Maxime felt the embers of his anger burn hotter. His heart was filled with disbelief as he realized that all of this was just his half-brother Rafael's evil plan.Without hesitation, Maxime stepped out of hiding, his face radiating anger. “Rafael!” he called out in a sharp voice that cut through the silence of the night. Rafael turned around in shock, surprised to see Maxime, who should have left.With a sharp glare, Maxime scolded Rafael, “Was this your plan from the start? Getting Tjoe to blackmail me and deprive me of my job? What are you and Malik planning?" Maxime's eyes radiated a burning rage, like a mountain erupting after a long time of suppression.Rafael, trying to hide his fear, smiled sarcastically. "All of this is part of our plan. You're just a pawn in our game, Maxime. We feel the need to clean up 'nuisances' like you."Maxime, unable to c
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