Chapter 3

Again Maxime had to swallow the bitter pill and hold hunger. With a body full of Maxime wounds sleeping curled up in front of a shop. Cold air makes Maxime's body shiver. He took his shirt to cover his feet and face.

"Wow, wake up! This is not a place for lodging!" cried the shop owner by kicking Maxime's body.

"Yes sir, I'll go soon." With a tired body and wounds, Maxime was forced to pack his clothes and leave the place without a clear purpose.

"Where else should I go? Why does no one want to help me at all! I was like the garbage that was thrown away and then ignored it! " His steps took him to a stall that was still open where he hoped to get a little food to overcome the torturous hunger.

"Excuse me Madam, may I ask for a little rice?" he said, holding his stomach.

"No way! I sold from earlier and now you come just to ask? Basically lazy! Big body, body muscular but be a beggar, "he cried, staring at Maxime sarcastically. Staggered and lost in the hallway of the city, Maxime saw a mother, owner of a small stall who was busy with her work. Without hesitation he begged the woman with a pleading face.

"Madam, can I ask for a little rice? I haven't eaten since yesterday. I promise to help you sell until it's finished as long as you get rice." Seeing sincerity in the eyes of Maxime, the mother of the owner of the stall was touched. Although hesitant he gave a pinch of rice to Maxime. Maxime immediately helped the mother and fulfilled her promise even with a tired and wounded body. After the stall closed Fathur again continued his journey until he found a job vacancy.

"Office Boy?" Maxime was silent for a moment. After reading the job vacancy.

"This is not the time for you to choose a Maxime job! Like it or not this is what you have to do so you can survive," Maximre said, motivating himself.

With a new determination and enthusiasm to change the situation, Maxime rushed to a public toilet. There he cleaned himself, releasing the burden of shabby and fatigue attached to his body. Water from public toilet taps becomes a source of long -awaited refreshment. Maxime ensured that the clothes he was wearing clean and neatly reflected his will to leave the shadows of despair. He looked at himself in the mirror with a faint smile and believed that his clean and well -maintained appearance could give a different impression in finding work.

"If this is good, it is pleasing to the eye and hopefully this is the end of my search," murmured Maxime while combing his hair. He was sure that this small change could open a new door in his struggle to find work.

With a more awake appearance, Maxime continued his journey in finding work. He knows that there is a vacancy as an office boy in a private bank and decides to try it. With an application letter and CV that has been repaired. Maxime arrived at the bank with new hopes. Although there is still doubt and anxiety in himself Maxime still shows his confidence and determination to change.

A middle -aged female manager with a firm expression. However, I was full of thoughts of seeing Maxime's life history sheet and starting an interview. "Welcome, Maxime. Tell me a little about you and the reason why you are interested in working as an Office Boy at our bank."

"Thank you, Madam. I'm Maxime, a person who is looking for new opportunities. The last few times I experienced difficult life trials but it made me more confident to change and grow with great companies like this bank," he said confidently.

"I see you have a variety of experiences. Tell me more about the experience?" asked the female manager.

"I have never worked at all, ma'dam. Although there is no direct experience to become an Office Boy, I have the determination to learn quickly and adapt," he answered honestly.

"What is your way to develop in our company?"

"I am very enthusiastic to learn and contribute as much as possible, ready to work hard, complete the task well and involve myself in every opportunity to grow and be confident with enthusiasm and dedication can be valuable assets for this bank. Even though it only becomes an Office Boy."

"Thank you, Maxime. We will consider all this. Are there any questions or other things you want to add?" asked the woman kindly.

"I'm ready to give the best for this bank and believe that the courage to change is the key to achieving maximum potential," Maxime answered optimistically.

"Thank you for your honesty and enthusiasm, Maxime. We will tell after we completed the selection process. Good luck!" The interview ended with a smile on Maxime's face coming out of the room with new hopes.

"At least if I become a porter I will be able to meet my daily needs." Maxime decided to try this job. He approached the journeyman with careful steps.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm looking for a daily job. Do you need help here?" Maxime asked.

The man looked at Maxime and spoke. "A porter job? Are you really strong and not proud to work like this? You are handsome and still young so you can look for another, more promising job."

"But this is the only thing I can do now, sir. If I don't have experience and complete files like other applicants, because I haven't graduated from college and don't have experience, it will be difficult to compete," said Maxime.

"Okay, you can try, now just find someone who brings shopping and offer services to help." The man gave Maxime a chance.

With new enthusiasm Maxime started working. Even though at first it felt difficult, he focused and tried as hard as possible. He studied every step to ensure the results of his work were satisfactory.

"You're not bad for a beginner. Keep studying and working hard. I'm sure you can earn more money tomorrow than this, come early at around 3 or 4 because at that time lots of people shop at this market," he said encouragingly. Maxime.

"Thank you, sir. I will give my best." Maxime counted the money he earned from being a porter.

"Thank God, I got 50 thousand. At least I can buy food for today." With the proceeds of his sweat, Maxime bought food and ate it with great emotion.

"It turns out that life is this difficult for people who don't have money, even if they are paid for their work. My life used to make things too easy until now the creator is reprimanding me." The food that Maxime was eating was suddenly taken again by the thugs who had stolen his food yesterday.

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