Chapter 6

"Get out of here, and never set foot in your company or Father's house again!" Neo shouted, chasing Maxime away.

"Father will regret having too much faith in a lizard like him!" After being kicked out of the company by Neo, Maxime felt annoyed and confused. He decided to leave the place to try to get away from the situation which was getting worse.

After firmly expelling Maxime, Neo suddenly felt doubtful about her decision. The tense atmosphere in the company became increasingly pronounced and Neo's concerns deepened. In a state of doubt, Neo left Rafael's room and headed to her own room, trying to ponder her next steps. In his room, Neo called one of his trusted people. With a serious face, Neo conveyed a firm order, "Investigate more deeply into the corruption case that befell Maxime! I need complete information and I want to know what really happened."

"I'm ready sir, I will carry out an investigation into the corruption case that befell your son," he answered firmly.

Rafael, who was eavesdropping behind the door, heard the order and felt anxious. Imagine the fear of the consequences of the decisions he takes. He knew that if secrets related to this corruption case were revealed, his position in the company could be threatened. Neo realized he was at a crucial crossroads. He must decide whether to face the consequences of his decisions or seek ways to save himself. The sound of gunfire made the Neo company tense. Employees scattered out of the company to save themselves.

"What is this?" Neo asked Rafael.

“It seems like someone is terrorizing this company. I'm sure this was Maxime's action, which Father didn't accept being thrown out." Again, Rafael used this opportunity to accuse Maxime.

"There's no way Maxime would do this!" Even though his disappointment with Maxime was so great. However, he knew very well what Maxime's character was like.

"Impossible? Maxime has a lot of money from corruption in our company. Dad, it is very possible for Maxime to order people to carry out terror. "The money that Maxime corrupted was more than 80 billion, let alone hiring terrorists to compete with my father's company, he could do it, Dad." Meanwhile the sound of gunfire continued to be heard. Rafael continues trying to make Neo realize that Maxime may be more dangerous than they previously thought.

"Maxime will not remain silent after being kicked out by Dad. We have to act quickly and involve security. This could be a serious threat not only for us.

but also for all employees," said Rafael as if he really cared about the continuity of his company.

"Rafael, we don't have time to hesitate. We need to work together to overcome all this," said Neo.

"But how can we protect our company and ourselves from this threat? We have to find out who is behind this attack, Dad," said Rafael, nodding even though he felt increasingly threatened.

"I have a contact who can help us. He is an expert in investigating complex cases like this without raising suspicion," said Neo.

"I hope we don't believe it wrong. The safety of both of us depends on this decision." Rafael bit her lip, afraid that her rottenness would be revealed.

"He has proven himself before. We need to provide accurate information and ensure that we leave no traces," he muttered.

"But what if this attack comes from within our own company, father? How can we believe that this person could be playing against us to bring down this company?" said Rafael trying to outwit Meilseoir's plan.

"We have to be careful. Trust me, Dad will ensure that every step taken will not harm us further," he said optimistically.

"Okay Dad, we do this together. The most important thing is we have to save the company and ourselves," he answered.

"We will get through this together. Support each other and protect each other. We can't back down now." Rafael was only able to agree with everything his father said.

Behind the company chaos, Maxime, who was walking down the street, was actually confronted by 3 burly men, "Who are you?" Maxime asked when his hands were pulled by the two burly men.

“No need to talk too much! just follow our orders or you will get hurt!” He threatened.

Maxime felt his heartbeat speed up as he tried to escape the grip of the two burly men holding him. His fierce breathing bore witness to the tension as he tried with all his might to escape an uncertain fate.

"You think you can get away from me," the thug continued to grip Maxime's hand.

“I won't just give up!” The two men tried to maintain control over Maxime. However, with firm decisions and quick movements, Maxime managed to break free. He took advantage of the most vulnerable moment and quickly jumped away.

“You guys can't hold me forever!” His hurried steps sounded in the middle of the quiet night, creating fast moving shadows in the dark. The two men looked at each other realizing that Maxime was not an easy opponent.

“Chase him!” The scream made Maxime's heart beat faster.

Meanwhile, the two burly men looked at each other, showing disappointment and frustration. They immediately chased Maxime with steps that definitely created a moaning sound that broke the silence of the night.

"You think you can escape from me, Maxime?" said the man in a sharp tone..

Maxime felt adrenaline fill his body as he ran through dark alleys and took turns to outwit his pursuers. The urge to free himself from the real threat made him ignore the pain in his body. Every step he took took him further away from the looming danger.

"You won't be able to catch me! I'm innocent!" said Maxime breathlessly. The chase became more heated and Maxime continued running as fast as possible. The look in the men's eyes reflected their perseverance in pursuing their target.

“I have to find a hiding place or help to escape their pursuit. I have to persevere and fight to overcome obstacles and believe that fate will be on my side.” Maxime's feelings were a mixture of fear and determination. Maxime continued to run chasing the shadow of freedom that was getting further away in the middle of the dark knight.

The burly man, with lightning movements, sent a deadly kick that hit Maxime in the body. Maxime staggered, feeling a sharp pain. However, her strong determination pushed her to immediately get up and look at the man with eyes full of determination.

"You think you can just stop me?" said Maxime with heavy breaths.

The burly man smiled, but his smile was full of arrogance. Without saying anything he launched successive attacks creating an intense fighting atmosphere. Punches and kicks alternated between the two creating thuds and swishes that broke the silence of the night.

"You've played with us, it's time to pay for everything." Maxime, even though he was injured, responded with tenacity to the attack. The two exchanged heavy blows creating an unpredictable fighting atmosphere. Each of their movements became more and more dramatic, reflecting the tension.

"I won't let you!" said Maxime emotionally.

The burly man laughed mockingly but the look in his eyes showed that he was also feeling the hardship. The fight escalated with both of them continuing to try to dominate each other. Meanwhile with hasty steps approaching. Fathur realized that time and courage had to be taken. He attempted to immobilize his opponent and escape.

"I will not give up and will fight! Not only for myself, but for justice!" Maxime said while planning his next step.

The burly man responded with more vicious attacks trying to end this fight with the advantage for him. In increasingly dramatic circumstances, Maxime's fate and the determination of this fight hangs by the thread. Maxime didn't just give up and continued to attack, but over time his strength ran out and he lost this fight. The three burly men dragged Maxime's body and put him in the car.

"Where are you taking me?" Maxime asked before he fainted. The atmosphere at night was so tense, Maxime, who had regained consciousness, glanced briefly at the burly man.

“This car keeps going, I don't know where they are going to take me. "I want to rebel and run away from them, but I don't have the energy anymore," he muttered to himself. Maxime's eyes closed again when one of the men looked at Fathur, "I'll just follow them first. It's better for me to gather my strength first to fight them than to rebel and cause disaster."

At around 3 am Maxime suddenly felt his body being dragged into darkness. Without having time to realize what was happening, a spinning sensation and a strange noise filled his ears. Suddenly everything became dark and silent. The sound of a loud crash awakened Maxime from his semi-conscious state. When he opened his eyes he found himself thrown in the middle of a dark and lush forest. His head felt heavy and the pain all over his body signaled that he had just experienced an extraordinary experience.

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