Chapter 5

"Don't dodge! Check your bag now," said the young man challenging Maxime.

Hearing the commotion, Boss Maxime immediately approached and asked what was happening, "What's wrong, Max?"

"Well, sir, I'm accused of taking this man's money!" Maxime answered honestly.

"To prove whether you are guilty or not, I have to check your bag Maxime, I will be very disappointed if you do that."

"Yes sir." Maxime took his bag.

Maxime carefully opened his bag in front of his boss and the man who accused him. His eyes focused on the contents of the bag while his heart beat fast. A few seconds later the man who challenged him shouted, "Look! My money is in there!"

Maxime's boss looked at Maxime with a serious look, "Please explain to me, how the money came to be in your bag, Maxime!"

“I don't know how this money got into my bag. When he went to the toilet I remained standing here and didn't move at all. "If you don't believe me, you can check CCTV," said Maxime, explaining firmly.

Maxime's boss thought for a moment, then decided to give his subordinates confidence, "Maxime, I believe you, but we have to find out how the money got into the bag without me knowing. We can check the CCTV now!"

Maxime and the two other men headed to the CCTV room. Maxime continued to pay attention every second so he could prove his innocence, "This is when you left your bag until you came back, I was still in the same place."

"You must have set this all up, right!" The man continued to corner Maxime.

"Sorry sir, I'm not defending Maxime because he's the office boy here, but no one can come in here unless he's with me!" he explained.

"Let's check the CCTV in the office boy's room so we know who put the money in my bag," said Maxime, giving an idea.

"Good idea Maxime, after this everything will be clear!" Maxime continued to pay attention to his movements on the CCTV until Maxime saw that his fellow office boy had the heart to put the money in his bag.

"What do you mean?" Maxime shouted, holding back his emotions which were starting to rise, his hands clenched into fists ready to beat his friend. However, he didn't want to be careless at this time. Maxime's friend just looked down listlessly without answering a word.

"Why are you silent? If you don't like my presence, this isn't the way to do it!" said Maxime clenching his fists.

"I'm just carrying out my duties from Him," he said, pointing to the young man.

"Never mind, maybe this is just a misunderstanding." The young man was embarrassed and just walked away.

"Wait! "I think we need to involve security to investigate this matter further," said Maxime's boss wisely.

"D-don't take me to the police station, Rafael just told me to." said the young man haltingly.

“Rafael!” Maxime's hands clenched tightly into fists.

"You must still be punished according to applicable regulations because you have harmed Maxime and the good name of this bank." Maxime's boss took the man to the police station.

“You petty!! Apparently he was the one who ordered someone to destroy me!!”  Maxime was not only acquitted of false accusations, but also received support and appreciation for his integrity and loyalty to his work. This incident is a valuable lesson about the importance of justice and law enforcement in the work environment.

A few days after the incident, Maxime decided to meet Rafael at the office to talk directly about the incident that almost cost him his reputation and job. With a heart still full of emotion and annoyance. Maxime knocked firmly on Rafael's office door. The door opened and Rafael didn't seem too surprised to see Maxime's arrival. Instead, he greeted him with a sinister smile.

"Good morning my stepsister, nice to meet you," he said pleasantly.

"What do you mean by ordering people to slander me?" said Maxime.

"Surely you know that I want to destroy you Maxime, your life in the past was too perfect whereas my previous life was just a driver's child who was always stepped on by rich people like you!" Rafael approached Maxime with folded arms.

“You envy me, being the mastermind behind all my problems! and have slandered me for corruption in Dad's company?" Rafael just smiled meaningfully with a slight nod. Meanwhile, Maxime looked at Rafael sharply.

"You know very well that I am innocent, Rafael. Why did you do this to me?" Maxime tried to control his emotions.

"Never mind, you deserve it. Maybe this is a lesson for you not to be too arrogant," said Rafael, smiling slyly.

"This isn't fair, Rafael. I work hard and honestly. You can't just jeopardize your career just because you don't like me. I gave in and left my own house, but it turns out that doesn't satisfy you either! What else do you want from me? ” Rafael grabbed Maxime's collar.

"Life is not always fair, Maxime. As long as this company is not mine, I will not remain silent!" Without giving Maxime a chance to answer, Rafael suddenly tried to throw a punch at Maxime's face. However, the agile Maxime managed to dodge it and the situation immediately turned into a fight in the office.

Maxime tried not to get involved in violence trying to control the situation by warning, "Rafael, this is not necessary. We can solve this problem in a better way."

Rafael didn't seem to want to listen. He continued to attack Maxime with punches and kicks. Maxime tried to defend himself, blocking Rafael's attacks as best he could, while occasionally trying to get him to talk. As things got hotter, several employees who heard the commotion came to separate the two. Neo, who heard this incident, immediately called security and took firm action. After the fight was stopped, Maxime remained calm even though his face looked bruised and injured.

“Are you a thug now? After you lost Dad's trust, now you're causing trouble in Dad's office? Aren't you satisfied with destroying Dad's company with the money you corrupted?" he said cursing Maxime.

"How many times does Maxime have to say that Maxime is not the perpetrator! Why do you trust Rafael more than Maxime, who is your own biological son?" Maxime said, not accepting Neo's accusations.

"The evidence is clear that Maxime and Dad will never be biased when upholding justice. Wrong is still wrong whoever makes a mistake!” Neo insisted on blaming Maxime.

"Maxime is innocent, Dad!" Maxime chuckled to defend himself..

The atmosphere in the office became increasingly tense when Rafael issued strong threats to Maxime. Their eyes met and the tension was so thick. Maxime, with a firm but calm attitude, tried to answer the challenge thrown by Rafael.

"It's better to get out of here before you mess up this company again," Rafael insisted, showing his disapproval of Maxime's presence.

But Maxime was not afraid. He looked at Rafael sharply and responded "Why did you chase me away, Rafael? Afraid that your ugliness will be revealed?"

"Don't listen to him, Dad. He just wants to restore trust by scapegoating Rafael. You know how Maxime hates Rafael and Mom, right? Maxime was even the one who harmed Mom at that time," said Rafael, smiling sarcastically. Those words made the atmosphere even hotter. Maxime was surprised to hear such serious accusations. Meanwhile, Farael's face was full of dissatisfaction and annoyance.

Maxime tried to defend himself, "That's not true! I never did anything to Mother. Don't believe the false stories she created."

Rafael continued to urge in a high tone, trying to influence Neo, "Father, we have to protect the reputation of this company. Maxime could be a big threat to all of us. I'm sure he has ulterior motives."

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