Chapter 7

Maxime got up from the muddy ground and felt around to make sure that all his body parts were still functioning. The surrounding forest was full of mysterious shadows and the sound of the wind roaring echoed through the tall trees. The night sky is filled with stars giving a little light to the surroundings. Maxime realizes that he has been banished to a place far from civilization and this situation leads him into a greater mystery. In a tense and uncertain situation. Maxime began to explore the dark forest. Among the lush trees, he heard the sounds of night insects and forest animals roaming around. His hesitant steps echoed under the quiet sky.

"Unlucky! They dumped me in the forest! this must be Rafael's doing! I swear under this dark sky. "I will repay Rafael for all his actions," Maxime hissed, gritting his teeth. The dark and lush forest witnessed the anger burning within him.

He grabbed a piece of cloth from his clothes to wrap the wound on his hand. His blood soaked the fabric creating a red trail in the darkness of the forest. Maxime, with eyes full of anger, continued his steps in searching for answers, "Why is this world so unfair! Why do Rafael's plans always go smoothly while I always have bad luck!" he shouted into the night sky.

The frustration and despair echoing through the trees seeped into the forest which was now a silent witness to his inner battle. In the middle of a quiet forest, Maxime reflects on his life's journey, which is heavy with intrigue and uncertainty. Flashes of memories about the Neo company and the conspiracy that befell him flashed through his mind. But among the shadows of darkness there is a flash of determination to find the truth and seek revenge. His hasty steps took Maxime into an increasingly dense forest area. He walked across paths he had never encountered before. Encounter natural obstacles that test his endurance. Meanwhile, the night sky still saw her screams swaying among the forest leaves.

"My stomach is so hungry that it can't hold it anymore, but I have to be strong and look for food in this forest." Maxime saw a clear river, he approached the river and soaked his hands in the cool water. He washed his face which felt full of dust and fatigue. The fresh river water provides a kind of relief amidst difficult circumstances. While pondering, Maxime realized that he still had to look for food to overcome the excruciating hunger. He glanced around the forest looking for any signs of life or signs of food to be found. After walking for a while, Maxime found trees bearing fruit and plants that might be edible. He tried to collect as many fruits and leaves as possible that seemed safe for consumption.

“I'm not sure if these leaves are safe to eat but there's no other choice but to eat these leaves.” Maxime heard the sound of water roaring in the distance. He followed the sound and found a small waterfall that presented a stunning view. Water falling from a cliff produces dew drops that sparkle like jewels. Maxime's tired body began to feel refreshed when he washed his face in the waterfall. It feels as if nature provides coolness and life amidst the remoteness that surrounds it.

“Thank God I have found fruit that is suitable to eat. "Hopefully this can give me energy so that I can be strong enough to face the bitter reality of life that I have to live." Maxime stepped carefully between the shady trees, his eyes hopefully looking for traces of settlements in the middle of the forest. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him.

"Who is there?" Maxime said tensely.

A man appeared from behind a tree smiling kindly, "My name is Tjoe.

“Hi Tjoe, I'm Maxime! Do you know there is a settlement near here?" Maxime and Tjoe shook hands.

"Sure! Because I live here and will take you to my village," answered Tjoe kindly.

"What do you do Tjoe?" Maxime asked.

"I'm just a tea picker, Max! What do you do? And why are you in that forest?" Tjoe asked curiously.

"Tjoe's a long story, if I told it it would probably take years," said Maxime, smiling to hide the sadness that still lingered in his heart.

"So I can't know your background?" said Tjoe frowning

"Essentially, I am an abandoned child because my father trusted my half-brother more. He slandered me until my father kicked me out," answered Maxime.

"How dare your half-brother," he said.

"Yes, that's how life is in the city, no matter who their half-siblings or siblings are, they are willing to trip up people they consider enemies, no matter who that person is." Maxime sighed.

"It turns out that life in the city is not as fun as I imagined," Tjoe patted Maxime's shoulder and calmed Maxime down.

"Can I not work with you?" Maxime asked hopefully.

"For that I can ask the boss first because I'm just a worker." Maxime came in and rested for a moment in Tjoe's room.

"Are you alone Tjoe?" Maxime asked when he saw Maxime's house which was so quiet.

"Yes, my parents are gone." In a house with dirt floors and wooden walls, Maxime lives with Tjoe. However, in this simple house, Maxime can feel eternal calm. He no longer listened to Rafael's hurtful wordsnd also Neo's words who always compares him to Rafael.

"Luxury doesn't always bring peace and simplicity doesn't always lead to misery. In fact, I feel more comfortable living in this village," Maxime whispered as he felt comfortable.

"Max, wake up! We have to work today! Yesterday I told the boss and he agreed for you to work in his tea garden." Tjoe gets ready for work.

"Really Tjoe?" Maxime said in disbelief.

"Yeah, let's go!" he asked.

"Can I borrow your clothes?" Maxime asked with a pitiful look.

"Can." Rafael gave maxime an old shirt.

"This shirt?" Maxime asked, taking the clothes from Rafael's hand.

"Yeah, I only have a few clothes, Max," said Tjoe.

Maxime felt his breath stop for a moment when the bitter reality invaded his life. He is exposed to a world he never imagined, forcing him to face a reality more complicated than he ever imagined. As a thank you to Tjoe, Maxime always gives Tjoe his wages and leaves ten thousand per day for him to save as provisions when he returns to the city.

"Tjoe! Do you see my money in the cupboard?" Maxime asked.

"Money? I don't know Max, maybe you forgot to save it," answered Tjoe casually.

"I couldn't have forgotten Tjoe! I put it in that cupboard and only you know about it." Maxime explained.

"So you're accusing me?" Tjoe shouted with his hands on his waist.

"It's not like Mal, I was just asking." Maxime felt uncomfortable when he realized that he shouldn't have said that.

"I was good and wanted to accommodate you here for months but this is the reply you gave me, Max!" Tjoe seemed disappointed with Maxime's words.

"Tjoe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you. Just forget what I said earlier," said Maxime.

"I want to work!" Tjoe hissed, slapping Maxime's hand away.

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