Chapter 8

Maxime stepped faster to catch up with Tjoe. Anxiety was clearly visible on his face. "I know this sounds strange, but my savings are completely gone and pi-"

Tjoe interrupted him, "Maxime, I don't want to hear your excuses. We both work here to support ourselves. Your personal affairs are not my problem."

Maxime felt hopeless, but his determination was strong, "But the money is for returning to my hometown... I just need your help to understand what happened."

Tjoe slowed his steps, but his gaze remained cold, "I don't have time for your problems, Maxime! It's better to focus on this work."

Maxime felt devastated but he didn't give up. He decided to look for answers himself. While hoping for good luck, Maxime explored the tea garden trying to find clues about the whereabouts of his savings.

It was getting late in the afternoon, Tjoe and Maxime were allowed to go home from their place of work. However, doubts crept into her mind, "Tjoe is angry, I can't possibly go home when he's silent about me like this. I have to know myself and look for another place to live."

Maxime decided to give Tjoe time to calm his anger. With a heavy heart he looked for a temporary place to stay in the village. When the sun completely set, Maxime found an empty patrol post in the corner of the village. The patrol post had no doors but was clean enough to welcome Maxime for some time.

"For the time being, I'm just sleeping at this patrol post. I hope the residents don't throw me out again, I feel tired of having to move all the time. Even though Tjoe was kind enough to give me a lift, I actually disappointed him with words that seemed to accuse him." While contemplating at the patrol post.

Maxime thinks about how to improve his relationship with Tjoe. Several days passed, Maxime continued to carry out his work in the tea plantation, but every time he saw Tjoe, doubts and regrets haunted his mind. He missed the warmth of the friendship they once shared, "What should I do to make you want to be friends with me again? I made a mistake, Tjoe!"

"You must be like this because there is no one else who wants to accommodate you apart from me, right? That's why if you give it to your heart, don't hurt it. If you help, instead of being grateful, you will accuse me of something wrong," shouted Tjoe.

"I know, it doesn't matter if you don't want to give me a ride anymore. I just want us to be friends like we used to be."

"I want to forgive you and please stay at my house again, but if you accuse me again of your lost belongings, don't expect me to make friends or give you a ride again."

"Ready Tjoe! Thank you for your trust."

The atmosphere in the house, which was quiet and dirty, became brighter when Maxime returned to live with Tjoe. He tries to restore the warmth that once existed between them. With a broom and mop he cleaned every neglected corner of the house. Tjoe, who was initially surprised to see this change, began to feel a long-lost warmth in his heart. He watched Maxime diligently clean and tidy every part of the house from the living room to the kitchen which had been neglected for a long time. As the afternoon approached the aroma of delicious cooking crept throughout the house. Maxime was busy in the kitchen serving Tjoe's favorite dishes without expecting anything in return. Feelings of emotion appeared on Tjoe's face when he saw the beautifully served dinner table.

"I'm sorry Tjoe," said Maxime sincerely.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.” Tjoe, who was touched by Maxime's actions, could only nod.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you, Maxime." They sat together at the dining table. The atmosphere is now full of warmth. Maxime talked about his experiences and struggles to find out about the missing money, while Tjoe listened with more attention than before.

"Really Tjoe, I want to fix everything and don't want to lose a friend like you," said Maxime in a sincere tone.

Maxime has been living at Tjoe's house for a month, but over time Tjoe becomes more and more abusive towards Maxime and treats Maxime like a servant, "Max! You haven't washed my plates and clothes yet! Wash them as quickly as possible! Because my clothes are running low."

"Yeah Tjoe later, I want to rest first. I feel like my body is tired and hungry."

“Hungry, hungry and hungry! That's all you know. Remember, you're here for a ride, so you have to do what I tell you!" Tjoe shouted in a high voice.

Maxime also washed Tjoe's dishes and clothes. After finishing, Maxime rushed to get the food he had cooked this morning. "Is the food finished?" Maxime thought, holding his stomach, which was already feeling very hungry.

"I had the feeling that I ate a lot and Tjoe had already eaten, why suddenly the food was gone and there was nothing left," said Maxime, confused.

"Tjoe!" call Maxime.

"What the heck, Max! It's so noisy!" Tjoe hissed.

"Is the food finished Tjoe?" Maxime asked.

"Yes, if it's still on Thur's table, there's no way I can bring the food into the room," he said.

"There are still a lot of feelings before washing food," shouted Maxime.

"The rice is finished, if you want to eat, just cook it again!" he answered lightly.

"I wanted to tell you that starting tomorrow I will no longer work." Annoyance and confusion began to enter Maxime's brain when he heard Tjoe's announcement.

"Tjoe, don't work anymore? So where do you get money for your daily living?" Maxime asked in a voice full of surprise.

Tjoe, who was engrossed in his game, answered lightly, "Don't worry, there are some savings that can be used. Besides, I need a break from my tiring work routine."

Maxime felt increasingly anxious because he realized that if Tjoe stopped working, their financial situation could become even more difficult, "We have to talk seriously about this. How can we survive if you don't work? I also can't continue to stay at your house without making a contribution."

Tjoe just shook his head and didn't pay much attention to Maxime's concerns, "Just relax, Max. I have a plan. Besides, I want to focus on pursuing the highest ranking in this game. Who knows, maybe I can make money from tournaments or streaming." Maxime became increasingly frustrated seeing Tjoe's indifferent attitude towards his responsibilities.

“This is not the time to play around. We need to find solutions together. I don't want to be a burden on you, but we have to deal with this problem wisely." However, Tjoe just smiled as if he underestimated Maxime's worries. Meanwhile, an increasingly intense game could be heard from his cell phone screen. Maxime reflected, realizing that a bigger challenge might be facing his friendship. they.

"Besides, there are those of you who can earn money for your daily needs," he answered casually.

"I also need money to save, Tjoe please don't be selfish and only rely on me."

"If you don't want to, please get out of here!" Tjoe shouted.

Maxime felt astonishment and suspicion cloud his mind when he saw Tjoe leave the room and call someone. Tjoe's voice sounded firm when he said, "Hello, I have carried out your orders, don't forget to transfer the money immediately!"

Maxime's body immediately shuddered, trying to digest the meaning of the conversation that was taking place, "Who did Tjoe contact? What money? And what orders?”

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