Return Of The Exiled Heir

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Return Of The Exiled Heir

By: Danny_writes Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 28 views: 2.2K

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“Grandfather, I don’t want to marry this riffraff.” Grace cried. “He is nothing but a braggart.” “It is true!” Grace’s mother supported. “This man will bring shame to our family. My friends will laugh at me.” “My daughter cannot marry this man!” ******************************************* Edward fiancée and her family scorned him for being weak. They saw him as an ordinary riffraff with no status in the city. But they did not know that he was the Master Of Infinite Powers and also the mysterious medical immortal that everyone feared. Everyone called him master and he could cure any illness. © Meganovel 2024

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28 chapters
Chapter 001
SMACK!“Who are you?! What did you do to me?” A woman screamed.The next moment, Edward Anderson felt a hand hit his naked back hard, and he opened his eyes. There behind him, a woman looked at him with a mixture of disgust and hatred. The woman was exquisitely beautiful. Her delicate and smooth skin was akin to the most fragrant milk, sending out a luring odour.“What have you done?” She cried again, hiding her body with the sheets. “You kidnapped me?! Who are you?”Edward stared at her expressionlessly. “I did not kidnap you. You ran into me. Don’t you remember?”Feeling her naked self beneath the sheets, Grace’s heart sank deeper and deeper. How could she, so noble and accomplished, stoop to have a casual affair with a wild man? She couldn’t bear it!“Liar! Do you have no shame?” She spat. “What did you do to me?”“We did everything last night.” Edward said calmly, “And you really enjoyed it!” “Liar! You rapist! I’m a responsible woman and—”Grace wanted to defend her honour,
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Chapter 002
Edward chuckled. “Many powerful men want favours from me. They even beg me to marry their daughters. You won’t regret marrying me. I promise.”Grace frowned even deeper. ‘What kind of shameless man is this?’ She thought to herself. How could he make such claims while looking like a beggar? “Get over it! I know you want to marry me because of my family’s wealth, but I’ll never marry you,” she said. Edward frowned because he did not even know who she was or her family. “Let’s pretend nothing happened and go our separate ways. My family is very powerful, so if you don’t keep your mouth shut, I will make sure you lose your tongue.” Grace warned. Edward shrugged and nodded. “If that is what you want, you have my word.” Since the woman had such a low opinion of him, he saw no reason to keep persuading her, making it seem like he was desperately eager to get married. “Now leave!” Grace told him coldly. Edward dressed up and left quickly without saying another word. He felt a bit
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Chapter 003
Edward knew he needed Albert’s help to find the girl who saved his life and learn more about his origin. “What is her name?”“Eclipse. That’s all I can remember.”“Eclipse,” Albert repeated, rubbing his jaw, and promised. “I will do my best to locate this girl!”“Thank you.” “Your wish is my command, Master.” Albert smiled humbly. “By the way, Master, I’ll be hosting a welcome banquet for you. I have invited top celebrities and businessmen who would like to be at your service.”Edward tried to hide his frown but couldn’t. “That will bring unnecessary attention and trouble.”“But young master—”“Cancel the banquet.” Albert nodded obediently. “Yes, Sir.”Edward asked him to stop the driver at a restaurant so he could get breakfast. “Thank you for the ride. In the future, consult me before hosting such a public banquet.”“I understand. Thank you for accepting to treat my daughter.” Albert bowed deeply again before he drove away. He understood why Edward needed to keep a low profile
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Chapter 004
“There you are!” Grace’s grandfather, George Carter, exclaimed, smiling widely at Edward. “I’ve been waiting for you all day. Come on in!”“Grandpa Carter!” Edward smiled and greeted him politely. “It’s been a long time.”Grace watched her grandfather’s interaction with Edward with anger and disgust. She couldn’t believe her grandfather thought Edward was good enough to marry her. She was the CEO of Carter Ventures, for God’s sake! How could she be with such a man? She was suddenly overwhelmed with rage that she had given her virginity to such a lousy man and would now marry him.“I see you have met my granddaughter,” George said, noticing the awkward look between Edward and Grace. “Yes. She is beautiful.” Edward praised, and Grace rolled her eyes.“Perfect!” George clapped his hands in delight. “Then both of you should obtain your marriage certificate today. Come in.”He led Edward into their mansion, feeling quite happy that he was finally there to marry his granddaughter.
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Chapter 005
Edward didn’t know why Grace despised him so much, but he was willing to impress her. “Why don’t—” He started to talk, but Grace pulled out her phone and turned her back to him. “Yes, I’m right in front of the marriage agency.” She said to the person on the other end of the phone. “Yes, I’ll be waiting.”Just seconds after her phone call, a BMW 7 series pulled up to the marriage agency and stopped before them. A beautiful young woman exited the car casually. She was adorned in a pretty dress and jewellery and walked in high fashion. “Grace, how are you doing?” She hugged Grace and didn’t even spare a glance at Edward. “I’m fine,” Grace answered. “Great! I came as soon as I could.”Grace turned toward Edward reluctantly. “Rebecca, this is Edward.” She said. “Edward, this is my best friend.”Rebecca eyed Edward from head to toe and shook her head. Clean yet overly cheap shirt and pants.A pair of shoes scrubbed clean but clearly roadside goods.Not a single item of value fr
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Chapter 006
“He is with us,” Grace told the bouncer who stopped Edward from entering the club. The bouncer reluctantly allowed Edward to pass.Grace and Rebecca were welcomed warmly by the noble young men and women as they entered the club.“Grace, you look beautiful.”“Rebecca, I love your earrings.”“Do you want to sit with us?”The room was suddenly filled with comments from those who admired Grace and Rebecca. But none of them paid any attention to Edward talk more of greeting him. They assumed he was their bodyguard since he was dressed like a commoner. Who would pay any heed to an ordinary bodyguard? Edward didn’t feel uncomfortable but instead admired the interiors of the club.Grace and Rebecca found a sitting spot at the rear front, and Edward joined them. “Look! Dominic has started his bout.” Dominic was in the ring, striking his opponent skillfully. Fencing was a respectful sport; most gentlemen from wealthy families even employed masters to teach it. “Oh, how perfect.” “His m
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Chapter 007
There was a brief silence from the crowd before they erupted into laughter, amused by Edward’s boasting. “He is so ridiculous! How can such a peasant boast so much?” A man asked from the crowd. “Who does he think he is?”“I bet he knows nothing about noble sports.”“Where did he even come from?”But Edward ignored their mockery and walked up to the piste. He picked up a sword and turned to face Dominic. “I will go easy on you,” Dominic teased. “You look fragile, so I don’t want to hurt you badly.”“Just cut the crap, will you? Or do you want to surrender?” Edward asked expressionlessly.This angered Dominic, and some of the people in the crowd thought Edward was mad for his confidence.“I wonder why he feels so confident while his posture is wrong. Dominic will finish him off in a second.” “He looks like a beginner. I can’t wait to see him kneel and beg.”Rebecca nudged Grace. “I’m sure Dominic will beat him in an instant.”She knew Dominic was the best in the club and believed th
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Chapter 008
“Really?”“My Uncle told me that Mr. Albert, the chairman of Ironclad Enterprise in Crownmore district will be hosting a banquet tonight to welcome a special guest who recently arrived in the city.” Dominic’s voice, not low, instantly drew everyone’s attention.Grace’s eyes widened. “Who is this special guest?”“We don’t know him yet, but he must be a big shot. The invitation was sent to families that have joined the ironclad enterprise only.”Grace sighed when she heard this, feeling disappointed. She had been trying to help her family business join Ironclad Enterprise for a long time, but she hadn’t been successful despite pulling several strings. “It’s such a shame that my family was not invited,” Grace said. “We are still on the waiting list.”Dominic smiled proudly. “I can bring one person to the banquet tonight. If you come with me, I’ll introduce you to some members, and this can pave the way for your family to obtain the membership later. That’s why I invited you.”“Really?
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Chapter 009
Since Dominic had put the call on speaker, the whole room heard what Dominic’s father said and fell silent. Did he really say the banquet was cancelled?Dominic was so shocked that his phone almost slipped from his hand.He thought he didn’t hear his father well for a moment, but everyone else looked stunned like him.‘How could they cancel the banquet?’ He asked himself. ‘And how did Edward know about it?He knew a person had to be someone important to know anything about the Ironclad Enterprise. How could a ragged-looking man like Edward know anything about Mr. Albert?Even Grace was staring at Edward like he had grown a second head. How could he have known about such an important event?She remembered how he had bragged about being the mysterious medical immortal and wondered if he had been telling the truth.Could Edward really be a dignified man? Or was it mere coincidence? Grace couldn’t help but sigh deeply. She was really upset that the banquet was cancelled.She ha
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Chapter 010
“We should not bother ourselves with the words of this braggart,” Dominic said. “Let’s have dinner together later today and enjoy the rest of the night.”“Yes, that will be delightful.” Rebecca cried. “Have you made any arrangements?”“I will call and make the necessary preparations,” Dominic answered confidently. “It wouldn’t take so much to set up an exquisite dinner for us.”“Of course, you’re a man of your word. Unlike Edward.” Rebecca said. In the meantime, Edward received a call from Albert. “Hello, master. We need your help.” Albert spoke with urgency.“I am so sorry to disturb you. But my daughter’s condition has suddenly worsened. We have made all the necessary arrangements for her to receive treatment. Would it be possible for you to treat her this afternoon?” Albert said, politely seeking assistance, but Edward could sense how nervous and desperate he felt.“No problem. Just send me your address.” Edward replied briefly. “I do appreciate your kindness, master.” Even if
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